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Cornwall 2014

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.

Is Marco a pointer to Italian heritage? I thought you might have some past experience of regulated areas when you said zones...The UK is actually pretty open (for now) bar minimum landing sizes which is sometimes shattered (on here & facebook) when you see the pictures people put up with a few tiddlers in between the keepers on the stringer, and obviously that applies to all species.
The regs you want are here> http://www.cornwall-ifca.gov.uk/sitedata/Code_of_practice/Bass_nursery_area_info_A5_.pdf
The key pointer is if you enter from the shore then you are legal ("no bass to be retained when fishing from a boat"). What I would say is there is a voluntary ethic you can follow along those same nursery boundaries if you so wish.
I have also attached the minimum size chart for Cornwall (apologies if you already have that).


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Hi! Have just been walking to Penberth Cove, there is a sign that says 'not skin diving' but a local told me that there are no problems to spearfish there! Have you got any local information? Cheers!

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Thanks for the information! Yes, coming from sardegna, on some spots on weekend you have to be in the water very early to be the first!and we have fishes now that have a master degree on how to avoid spearos!
Actually l was referring to the other post of Pemberth cove the looks interesting but there is a sign of 'not skin diving' the places is owned by the national trust!

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Morning all! Havn't been on here for a while.. but I'm prepping all the gear now for the start of the season so thought I'd jump and see what's been going on. So far I've had a belter of a start to 2014 with some epic spearfishing over in NZ. I won't brag or write about it.. I'll just let the video do the talking.. you'll get the idea! Anyways.. enjoy.. and lets hope this season shows hords of donkey bass.. and I wouldn't mind a Gilthead this year too! Peace
Ummm..... wow! Amazing videography skills, that is seriously impressive!

Was everything filmed on a GoPro or did you get some big SLR's involved?
Has any one got any viz The fish are in but can't c them i have bin mills in the last 2week dowt need mark just a bit off help
Hi everyone
Haven't been on here for awhile, lots of new faces. It would be great to see some of them at the 2014 LIC pairs comp which is just over a month away. We have 26 divers registered already with more signing up daily. If you fancy joining us for a dip then get in touch at pairscomp@yahoo.com, the more the merrier! Some great prizes up for grabs for the best specimens so everyone is in with a chance of winning something, but if your like me and you can't catch a cold then there's always the raffle and the BBQ!
Reactions: Goingtothecoast
It looking like one of them weekends that may draw me further west along the coast to seek out a chance of a rideable wave and some clearer water. What's the viz looking like on the south and north coast past Penzance? Thanks.
SE Cornwall was quite bloomy yesterday, could just see past my speartip. I didn't go very deep though.. Saw some female spiders but no silver yet
Reactions: Pav
Thank you. Going to chance it. If you don't go you don't know! , at least the Sun is out! Cheers.
Thank you. Going to chance it. If you don't go you don't know! , at least the Sun is out! Cheers.
The benefit of the poor vis is the fish are quite relaxed. You've just got to adjust your hunting style.
Got in day at 11.30 on the low wheat down the zone point not a fish I have never seen in like it .
Viz fine on the north coast far west. Did manage to break the muzzle of my cressi 75 before I even left home! Mullet on the stringer. Only spotted 1 bass, .. Maybe they came in with the tide later. I went lowtide slack water as it was a big tide looking for parked fish.
All, we had a gill net at Little Fistral, Newquay on the weekend right in the take-off zone and basically running just below the surface. Luckily surf was small and just fun session being had but still had the risk of this mono gill net and rigging. I reported it and it was good to get a nice clear reply from Simon which you should apply to similar scenarios you may well come across and need to report yourself.

Thank you for your report of a net set off Little Fistral on 17 May 2014

From what you have described and have photographed, I am minded to believe the net was set illegally under the Fixed Engines byelaw - see http://www.cornwall-ifca.gov.uk/sitedata/Byelaw_review/CIFCA_byelaws_A5_bookletv1.pdf . This requires that the headline of a fixed net is set at least 3m below the surface of the water, in certain areas around the Cornish coast. One such area exists between Towan Head and Ligger Point, therefore including the sea area off Little Fistral.

Even in areas where nets can legally be set, fishermen do have to consider whether their activity could be deemed as negligent, though that is not a matter for this authority. However, I do remind fishermen of their responsibilities towards other marine users, particularly when it comes to surface nets set close inshore.

I hope that you do not experience a net in the surf zone again.

Best regards

Simon Cadman

Principal Enforcement Officer

Cornwall Inshore Fisheries & Conservation Authority

St Clare Offices

St Clare

Penzance TR18 3QW

Tel: 01736 336842

Fax: 01736 336661

Email: scadman@cornwall-ifca.gov.uk

Website: www.cornwall-ifca.gov.uk


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Reactions: scallywag