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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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I'll bring my regs and bcd over. I'll just need a DIN cylinder and maybe a couple more Kgs of weights as most of my lead is in a weights vest.
Could also take spearos to some more remote spots on the boat.
They just paid out on a ferry to bring them to THIS remote spot andy!!! you want to take them elsewhere... Jersey maybe???
actually its a good idea - but would be pretty hard work spotting more than 2 spearos in the water at one time...
Ferry booked 6th till 12th Aug from Poole. book before 14th of Feb to get 20% discount boys and girls! All so booking camping.
I hope you guys enjoyed watching Island Parish tonight (BBC 2 8.30) I just love Sark!
actually its a good idea - but would be pretty hard work spotting more than 2 spearos in the water at one time...
have you seen the unfortunate size of me and grant?? he'll be keeping away enthusiastic Japanese scientists!!
They can't let them pair come on the same boat it may sink under the weight!
They can't let them pair come on the same boat it may sink under the weight!
nope! different boats. We are all sailing seperately so if anything untowards (or any Jersey boy sculdugery like nails on the boat ramp! ) happens we can still repreeeesent!
Reactions: jerseymike
We have still not decided on a summer party house theme as yet, Sarah suggested a French theme....

What do people think about going to Herm this year? are we bored of the same Saturday evening format?

Do you guys remember the sunset pub we went to on the Thursday evening after fish n chips? Well it is no more...
In fact it is still there as a building but no longer a pup, nobody ( I know) is sure if it is going to be a posh whine bar bistro or a full on restaurant.
Mart, i know there are some logistical difficulties but it would be really good to have a BBQ and use the fish that we catch for that... perhaps instead of going to Herm?
French Theme sounds good - how about a Meditteranean theme?
Guys - what is the local law like on having a BBQ on one of the beaches? We could get a couple of gazebos and everyone chip in for drinks and any extra food, plus cook some of the days catch?
Reactions: Trelawney
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