Yes Jonny is right there.
We have selected the best hotels for the purpose but there may be others offering a good deal however some can be pretty awkward to get to especially if you need a taxi late at night!
I think I know every hotel on the island so please don't book anything suspiciously cheap without checking with me first!
Now is a great time to book up though, as we dont have many hotels.
August will see virtually every room taken so it is important to book early.
Look on line for package deals with flights or boat cost included.
Feel free to pm me if you want to check out a deal.
Guernsey is not as cheap as it was but, we dont have any VAT so certain things are very good value.
Most consumables are close to English prices like beer, wine, cloths etc but cameras, jewelry, perfume & petrol are cheaper.
We have World class restaurants & some are surprisingly cheap!
Lots of Hotels & town restaurants offer three course 'early bird' meals for £10-14 & then same venue will be charging double or treble after 7.30pm.
Of course if you want to come a few days either side of the weekend please do - come for a week or more if you like