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Dorset Spearfishing 2006

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61cm long 32 cm wide 6lb 81/4 oz Plaice... And a Bass:)


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Nice catch B. That's a huge plaice and looks in superb condition. Love those orange spots. Any details - like to hear that story. Bet the old heart skipped a beat when you spotted ol' spotty.

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Well... On the off chance that there might be fish around me and an apnea student droped into very shallow waters and swam out to some moored boats with the bottom about 5-6m. There were lots of WAFI's and small craft mooving around so it was difficult to get settled in the water at first. This dive site is covered in old navy anchor cables and other bits of crap from the days the Navy were in Portland. After about 2 hours of very little activity I was just swiming along one of the half buried big cables and looked to one side to see the fish just sitting there! As it was half in the sand I could not really see its size or condition. Easy shot with the Beau 75 straight into the fish and sand. Having lost a few flatys because of the barb not openeing when it comes out of the sand I was not going to let this happen to this Fish. I put my hand under the fish to grab the shaft and holding both ends I let my self float up. Its at this point that the size of this thing hit me! Bloody big Plaice! MMMMMMM!!

After carefully stringing it to my float I swam over to my buddy and said " pull in my line and see whats on the end.. " Same reaction.. Good fish! bastardo!

After another 30-40 min we decided to call it a day and move back to the shallows and do a few Mullet for the freezer, as I was stalking between the weeds in about 1m of water I see this eye looking at me from in the bladerwrack... Whack.. One 4 1/2 Bass for the pot and thats me with over 10lb of prime fish just on the off chance! As I write this I have just eaten 1 fillet from the Plaice, with pasta and a sweet chilli sauce, and I can barely move.. Off to do it all again tomorrow. Good day. :)
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Funking well done Bryn, that is an enorm plaice! It's nice to know someone's getting out...I just haven't had a chance since returning from Cornwall in August :head Must get down soon, I feel like i'm dessicating!
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Bryn that is a great catch mate.:)
Thanks for Sunday only a short dive but at least we all got wet, and Jim’s mullet are going to taste great.
I trust you had that mellow afternoon you promised yourself?
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Lovely plaice bryn and thanks for taking us out yesterday. Looked at the weather on the way down and thought that we would probably be blown off. It was wild weather off the bill yesterday, huge swell and blowing a gale. Bryn found us a sheltered spot and we managed to shoot a couple of mullet for tea! Great! Really nice easy dive on a day when I thought it would have better to stayed in bed!
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It was good meeting you guys on Sunday and well done getting some fish - I hope you ate plenty after the dive Podge? ;)
flyflicker said:
It was good meeting you guys on Sunday and well done getting some fish - I hope you ate plenty after the dive Podge? ;)

Yo Flyflicker yeah it is always good to put a face to a name.
Had a good dive with Bryn and after while the other two fat gits stuffed their faces with ham egg and chips all I ate was a low fat tuna and sweetcorn sandwich.
As anybody who knows me will tell you my body is a temple it might be a bit like a Buddha temple but it’s a temple non the less.rofl
Well Podge, my body certainly aint a temple at the moment. I'm currently stuck at home with Gastroenteritis (?) and our toilet is taking a real pounding! Haven't eaten for 48hrs (docs orders) but still it keeps coming:yack !! That tuna and sweetcorn sarnie sounds divine right now...
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Fear I feel your pain I get a bit like that after to many pints of red wine. Hope you feel better soon.
Bryn the only thing that’s wrong with you is the gills you have hidden somewhere about yourself and the very strange ability to find fish where there are none, hum back to that dorset voodoo thing.rofl
Ham egg & chips on top of a bacon sandwich, we will soon have to rename StuckInSurrey to StuckInaDoorWay!! :) ;)
Have never been able to resist anything bad for you! I always try to justify it this time of the year with the argument that the waters getting colder and I need to insulate myself! Never seen Podge resist a bacon sandwich before, was very concerned! Podge said the stella flowed freely last night so it must have been just a temporary loss of mind on sunday! All this talk of food is making me hungry, must go find a pork pie, mmmmmm.......
That wasn’t Stella that was gin and low cal tonic and yes it did flow free.:friday :yack
Give it a rest you lot, it's not helping my cause! I tried a boiled spud just now, got a feeling it'll be fired back out soon!:waterwork
Dived in the calm harbour Viz patchy. I had this minor problem as when the water was reasonably clear I did not see any fish except wrasse but when the water was murky I would come upon a mullet he would see me I pulled the trigger and the fish got away this happened about 10 times though I eventually got one of about 6lb my biggest yet. Did not see any Bass even in the murky bits the mullet did not look like a bass.
Any way an enjoyable dive (Almost if you were there you could have shown me the way)
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