Honesty and Politicians are not known to go together well.
The fish rotts at the head first. I think the proces is currently creaping into the tail.
Greenfishing is a smart way to sell our way of surviving, very fashionable.
Gosh I'm tyred of this green Gaia religeon, though I agree we should not poisen our nest. I'm sick of the hypocracy, the suppression of many great -green and more independence providing- inventions and technologies, the favouritism and omnipresent limitless corruption, propaganda (the omnipresent icebear), fearmongering, suppresion of individulism, snooping and rendition, robber barrons, the lies, the psychopaths, the childishness of the mass man.
Take a step back, take 10 steps back to get a view of the extensiveness of humanities problem. The search starts within oneself. How did I get to my opinions? What has formed my mind, Who formed it? Think in contect, Qi Bono - who benefits?
Be indicnent, learn to say NO, no matter what 'official' is treading your rights.
Ok, sorry for the little rant, I'm getting fired up.
Oh and MR. X, which people you suggest need to go? Shall we first mark them like the custom is? Which group of humans are the 'some are more equal's' you would like to 'vote for' to make a selection?
The shepherds these days have wide array of weapons and techniques to kill of and sterilize any group or indiviual, and have been using them on the herd.
Did you know the average Western male fertility (Active Sperm Count) since the 1950 has dropped 75%? - I'm sure Gaia went into overdrive for that one.
You know what's really funny? It appears that always the people we think of as good and human volunteer, follow and go first, while the criminals having a sence selfperservation always find a way arround.
Maybe the world is better off without emotion and empathy? Let's have only rational masters and easily manageble weak specially bread marked slaves in service for the state and their owners. Welcome to machine. MR. Spock, apparently the emotional and emphatic trade has to go. What's makes us an individual? Humans reduced to mindless ant's to serve a small establishment elite who are the rightfull owners of everything, because they have conquered it.
Did you know that most of the western countries have negative population growth rates?
Do not dispair, the establishment agrees, and like all their other plans that have been accomplished, a 80-95% population reduction is comming soon. I expect it just after the people are herded into the (mega)cities, when pandemics will start to hit the malnurished.
I'm sorry to come down so hard on MR. X his view, I guess I'm appalled by the widespread dangerous passifying creed of overpopulation, held by so many -educated/indoctrinated- people. And this creed was mine for years too from junior school to about two years ago.
Closing I want state that I still really like your stife for indepencence, privacy, your energy you're putting in for your fellow humens.
Love, Courage and Water,
Oh, and just a few articles to show how fare we are on this slipperly slope towards eugenics, understand they use the logic of silence = consenting.