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European Union Consultation – Including ban on use of projectiles .

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
Cheeeeeeeeeeeers Morgan.

Excellent! More confirmation from another source - in this case the actual originating body of the proposal i.e. the Commission.

Still need to monitor the passage of this thing though.

Remember at the end of the day Brian, we are still talking politicians here. Though it's looking very promising thus far, we need to scrutinise the amended document to ensure 'there really is no doubt' so that no future UK rule-policing jobsworth can use it as an excuse to stop spearos from practicing the sport.
Good stuff.

I have requested clarification from DEFRA as to if there stance 'it will mean that spearfishing is banned' will be altered but have of yet not been sent a reply.

It seems like our govt. has got big, complicated & remote.

I've re-contacted the MEP that did not respond (to any of his 3 email addresses - but I found 2 more for him!! Your taxes at work.), and the others that acknowledged the original email but have not followed through. Do the EU break up for the Summer?

Yes apparently. The EU Parliament is now in summer recess from 19 July to 24 August 2008.

Next Fisheries Committee meeting is on Thu, 28th August, 2008 (09:00-12:30).
Now targetting Catherine Stihler, the Scottish Labour MEP on the Fisheries Committee.​

Looks like we'll have to wait now for a reply until after the recess.​


Dear Sir,

I have been in touch with Mr Titley's colleague, Catherine Stihler, who is on the Fisheries committee in the European Parliament. She has promised to look in to the issues you raise, but I'm afraid I have not yet heard back from her.

I will contact you as soon as I receive a response, but given that the Parliament will shortly be going in to recess, I'm afraid this may not be until late August or early September. Apologies for the delay.

Best wishes,

Isabel Summers

Assistant to Gary Titley MEP
Leader of the European Parliamentary Labour Party

Brussels ASP 13G 305
Tel: +32 2284 7212
Fax: +32 2284 9212

Strasbourg LOW T07 065
Tel: +33 3881 75212
Fax: +33 3881 79212

...Next Fisheries Committee meeting is on Thu, 28th August, 2008 (09:00-12:30).
That's a bit early, most children & students will still be on Summer break. I wonder if many of the Brit MEPs will not be back by then*? [I'm all for politicians taking a very, very long recess - the longer the better. There are so many of them now, shouldn't need as much time;).]

*I sometimes tune in to watch the House of Commons or House of Lords on TV. Surprising how often there are only half a dozen people present in chamber. Like tonight for example.
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Just saw the Morgan33's response, excellent! Still not out of the woods but seems like there is a consistent response that this was accidental rather than deliberate. Anybody else concerned that "the main MEP man" is Dutch? Holland is not exactly well known for its spearing -- in fact it is currently not allowed there according to a couple of Dutch spearos that posted on the forum a year or two ago (odd for such a liberal country).

2 more replies:
Dear X,

Thank your for your email regarding spear fishing. I am still waiting for a reply from the Commission, but please be assured my office has good procedures in place to obtain a response.

Yours sincerely,

Graham Watson MEP
Member of the European Parliament for South West England and Gibraltar and
Leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe in the European Parliament

From Roger Knapman's office:
The European Parliament has gone off on its long Summer break until the end of August so n othing will happen until they return!

We will continue to pursue the issue and watch developments.

Best wishes

Piers Merchant

Thank you Ireland & Glasgow East,
for "sticking it to the man".
Politicians ignore the people at their peril.​
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I've just received a snail-mail reply from DEFRA via my local MP's Westminster office. Don't personally have a scanner, but will try and get it uploaded. The main jist of it though is that DEFRA also question why the proposal would want to ban recreational spearo since they agree THE PROPOSAL WORDING CURRENTLY IMPLIES IT.

Good stuff.

I have requested clarification from DEFRA as to if there stance 'it will mean that spearfishing is banned' will be altered but have of yet not been sent a reply.

I got out of the water today to be met at the waters edge by a Fisheries officer. He wanted to be sure i was not intending to sell my catch and to check the bass i had was on size! Nice to see them doing their job! After a chat with him it turns out that he too spears and i bumped into him last year on the south coast of cornwall. Anyway, i questioned what the fisheries stance was for the consultation and he confirmed what we have heard. It was worded badly and they do not intend to try and ban recreational spearfishing. As he also spears i assume he would be on the ball.
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Just got this e-mail from the PA of my local UKIP North-West MEP John Whittaker.

Sounds like he's ALREADY alerted our concerns to the press and the broadcast media. Read on........


John Whittakers main efforts will continue to be to secure the withdrawal of the UK from the EU as amicably but as quickly as possible.

He wishes to see power and responsibility returned to our most directly elected representatives at Westminster who have colluded in the transfer of powers to Brussels from whence some 75/80% of our laws now emanate.

That is why your interest group is facing the problems which you so thoroughly highlight and which it will be extremely difficult to oppose given the horse-trading ethos which influences much of the EU legislative process.

However, John will do whatever he can to raise your concerns in the EU parliament, even though the real powers of MEPs are restricted - their role is to gloss a veneer of democratic respectability over the activities of the unelected commission which is the sole body with law-originating powers in the the whole set-up.

In the meatime John will attempt to raise the public's understanding of the causes of concern that you have expressed and has issued the following statement to the press and broadcast media. Whether they chosse to publicise it is of course not under our control.

John Whittaker, North West MEP for UKIP is so concerned he is to seek clarification about whether the sport will be caught in the nets of proposed new rules.

"This is an issue raised by one of my constituents who lives in Cumbria, and I share his fears," said Dr Whittaker.

"Yet I suspect this is a typical unintended consequence of EU law making, which we have come across time and time again."

The EU has issued a consultation paper which proposes an amendment to an EU Council Regulation aiming to improve technical measures to conserve fisheries resources.

Existing rules ban "destructive fishing methods'" involving explosives, poisons and electricity. The problem is that the new proposal would extend this to the use of projectiles.

"The concern is that this will be taken to include spearfishing, a popular pastime which involves free diving for fish using a spear gun," said Dr Whittaker.

"Spearfishing is environmentally friendly as it does not produce unwanted bycatch, it only targets fish of a legal size and species and typically produces very low yields.

"If this new legislation becomes law then spearfishing could be unfairly interpreted as an illegal activity and this would put an end to a harmless sport."


Gerald Kelley
PA to John Whittaker MEP
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...John Whittakers main efforts will continue to be to secure the withdrawal of the UK from the EU as amicably but as quickly as possible.

He wishes to see power and responsibility returned to our most directly elected representatives at Westminster who have colluded in the transfer of powers to Brussels from whence some 75/80% of our laws now emanate.

That is why your interest group is facing the problems which you so thoroughly highlight and which it will be extremely difficult to oppose given the horse-trading ethos which influences much of the EU legislative process.

However, John will do whatever he can to raise your concerns in the EU parliament, even though the real powers of MEPs are restricted - their role is to gloss a veneer of democratic respectability over the activities of the unelected commission which is the sole body with law-originating powers in the the whole set-up.

roflHe doesn't sit on the fence does he! Nice response and refreshing to see a politician that is trying to eliminate his own job, in the public interest. Also interesting to get an insiders perspective. [Watched Boris Johnson in action at Mayor's question time, in the London assembly(?) last night. Excellent entertainment. Worth watching.]
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response i got from one of our MEPs

Dear Feargus,

Thank you for your email.

We will submit questions to the European Commission on your behalf highlighting your views.

We will look into the reasons why this has been included and possible solutions.

We will refer back to you once we have received and answer from the European Commission which can take 6-8 weeks.

Kind regards,

Francis Doherty,

Assistant to Jim Higgins MEP
European Parliament
ASP 08F 357,
Rue Wiertz,
B-1047 Brussels
Tel: +32.22847843
Fax: +32.22849843


Jim Higgins - MEP - Ireland's Northwest European Constituency
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i spoke personally to MP ben bradshaw in exeter yesterday as many of you may know he was the maff/defra representative for the government, he tells me he finds it ridiculous that a recreational sport will have the kind of impact on fishing & the environment and it will probably have nothing to do with the proposals set but will look at it & write a letter of the issues raised back to me with the outcome,watch this space
Best approach Felipe! I occasionally see our MP around, may be I should have a chat (esp. as he didn't reply yet). BTW just got another response from our only Labour MEP:

From: Glyn Ford MEP [mailto:mep@glynford.com]
Sent: 30 July 2008 14:55
To: X
Subject: Spear Fishing

Dear X

I have not heard any news about this yet. Am contacting our rep on Fisheries Committee and will let you know as soon as I hear. The European Parliament is in recess now until 25 August. Kind regards

Yours truly

Cherry Burrow
Political Asst to Glyn Ford MEP

European Parliamentary Labour Party
Socialist Group
Belle Vue Centre
6 Belle Vue Road
GL14 2AB
A pleasant response. It would be nice to see our govt. on track (don't think they might have been trying to sneak this in quietly do you?!:hmm), they've been remarkably quiet on the subject so far.
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More details from North-West England UKIP. Their press secretary has reconfirmed to me today that they've sent a piece out to all the regional and weekly papers in the North West and the local radios and TV stations.
I got this from Labour yesterday which quickly prompted my reply. See both below.


Dear .

Mr Titley's colleague Catherine Stihler, has informed me that the regulation you refer to, on the conservation of fisheries resources will be debated in the European Parliament in the autumn. A report containing changes to the regulation will be voted on in committee in December, with the final Parliament vote scheduled for January.

Mrs Stihler has offered to ask the Commission about the thinking behind the ban on recreational spearfishing directly. By raising the subject in this way, there may be scope for amendments to the regulation, which will clarify the position on this issue. ie, the problem may be solved, or at the very least, good reasons given for the ban. However, it's not possible to make any promises at this stage!

I hope this helps.

Best wishes,

Isabel Summers

Assistant to Gary Titley MEP

Leader of the European Parliamentary Labour Party

Brussels ASP 13G 305

Tel: +32 2284 7212
Fax: +32 2284 9212

Strasbourg LOW T07 065

Tel: +33 3881 75212
Fax: +33 3881 79212

Thanks Isabel, but can you ask Catherine does she agree with us that a ban (if intended, but we're hoping that it actually wasn't) is unjustifiable and will be putting our case in that debate.

Could she also find out for us whether it actually was the Commission's intention to implement a ban on recreational spearfishing in the North Atlantic.

Feel free to pass this e-mail on to her if it would make it easier.

I'll await her response.
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Dear Brett,

Further to our previous correspondence, I have now received a response to my letter to Joe Borg, the European Commissioner for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, regarding the proposal for a Council Regulation that outlined acceptable fishing practices. I have attached the letter to this email: if you have any trouble with viewing the TIF file, please let me know and I will send it in a different format.

In summary, the Commissioner has acknowledged that, while the Commission does not intend to prohibit recreational spearfishing, the wording does not at all make this clear. The Commissioner says the article certainly ‘can’ be made more specific. I will be in contact with him to ask him to ensure that this clarification will made clear in the final language. All things being well, I believe that with this clarification in place then spearfishing will be safe.

Yours Sincerely,

Sharon Bowles MEP


  • Joe Borg.jpg
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Again - another positive response - all feels good eh!

Interesting signature...
whilst I cannot read the letter, seems like good news.

thanks Brett.
Kev, keep clicking into each image and on the last one hover your mouse over the image and an 'expand' button appears. Click that and it will be big enough.

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