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European Union Consultation – Including ban on use of projectiles .

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
Dear all, re proposed banning of the use of projectiles.
There has been a great effort so far from people here on Deeper Blue but can I ask that everyone ( if you have not already done so) to submit an objection to


Please copy in and objections to


(if you have already sent in an objection can you forward a copy or just an email to say that one has gone in. I am going to ask surfnspear to monitor the numbers with me.

So that I can let people know how many objections have gone in.

Please state clearly that you object or else it may not be counted.

You don’t have to say much but it helps if you state why.
For instance you may which to say that spearfishing does no harm to the marine environment, does not produce any by catch , and is sustainable.

We need to get as many in by the 25th July.

People are already writing to MEPs and MPs and I have been in contact with the fisheries committee at the European parliament.

I am also in contact with a number of other spearfishing federations in Europe who will also be affected by the Ban. That said we still need to fight our own corner, or you never know the UK might go it alone with a ban.

Thanks for all your help Kev.
As with so many things in the EU legislation in one country can be interpreted as many ways as you want...
Hi Huan, glad to see you involved. Is it possible that the proposal could be contrued to include fishing will rods (if you cast a 6oz weight into a crowd I am sure the law would consider it to be a projectile), or is angling specifically excluded elsewhere?

How appropriate that the EU comissioner is Borg (...you will be assimilated).
jimdoe2u what a pecker, stay out of this discussion as u clearly dont know what u are on about, go and eat a burger or something or go and watch that sharkwater film about all us "Europeans" killing the world im sure its packed with facts about us!!
jimdoe2u is an old friend, comedian, spear fisher and spearing equipment supplier in Florida, USA. He was clowning around.;)
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Sorry for the out burst if that is the case. I have just got back from holiday to find the proposed ban , after reading the posts i was just a bit annoyed so reacted. I apologise if i offended anyone i just hate to think we are seen like that across the pond. Thanks for letting me know. Apologies to jimdoe2u
Understandable. I think we all are beginning to wonder what else there is left for the govt. to f* up in Britain.
Right, hands off JimDoe!!! Yes he might be a bit of a pecker, but he's OUR pecker!!! :)
Keep up the fight guys. if it can happen there, we could be next.
The MEP's are on the case...(letter from an MEP to the Commissioner)

Commissioner Joe Borg
European Commission

Dear Commissioner Borg,

I am writing in relation to the Proposal for a Council Regulation concerning the conservation of fisheries through technical measures. I have concerns about an aspect of this proposal, namely Article 12, on Destructive Fishing Practices.


I am in full support of the spirit of the Article, and I deplore the damage done to marine ecosystems by explosives and poisonous substances by fisherman in other parts of the world. However I am concerned that the phrasing ‘any kind of projectile’ could be taken to include the practice of spearfishing, a non-destructive and environmentally-friendly popular recreational pastime that involves the use of spears to catch single fish.

Because of the nature of the activity, spearfishing cannot be used to catch or kill large numbers of fish; it is also incapable of causing environmental damage, and should not therefore be grouped with poisoning, electrocution, or explosives as a destructive fishing practice.

I am sure that it is not the Commission’s intention to inadvertently outlaw spearfishing. I seek assurances that there will be legal clarification in the final document that the phrase ‘any kind of projectile’ will be clarified to exempt the practice of spearfishing.

Thank you for attending to this matter.

Yours Sincerely,

Sharon Bowles MEP
Member of the European Parliament for South East England
Sharon Bowles MEP is a Liberal Democrat - and apparently the MEP most worth voting for in the entire UK. She not only responded but actually did something to make a difference. Harumph!


Anybody heard anything from their Conservative MEPs/MP yet? Kind of disappointed to hear nothing back, as these guys are hoping to run the country next on the basis that they'll do a better job. Let's hope they're planning a particularly impressive response.

Anybody got a Scottish Indepedence Party or Plaid Cymru MEP - it would be cool to get them on board? Ironically, [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinn_F%C3%A9in"]Sinn Féin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:McGuinness-_1917_election.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/72/McGuinness-_1917_election.jpg/250px-McGuinness-_1917_election.jpg"@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/7/72/McGuinness-_1917_election.jpg/250px-McGuinness-_1917_election.jpg[/ame]helped protect us, and democracy, from the EU constitution/treaty at the recent Irish referendum - it's a funny old world.

BTW 159 names on the petition so far - I find that impressive as we are, after all, participants in a small, niche activity (another reason why spearing is sustainable). Apparently 200 is something of a magic number:

Small petitions

It is fair to say that the number of petitions received happily exceeded our expectations and to keep things both manageable and a justifiable use of resources we have reluctantly decided that we cannot respond to petitions of less than 200 people, unless they relate specifically to small groups (for example, people from a small community).

Sounds like we should get a Ministerial response if we collect 200 or more signatures (can't help thinking we should be able to get a ministerial response without a petition).
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Sharon Bowles MEP is a Liberal Democrat - and apparently the MEP most worth voting for in the entire UK. She not only responded but actually did something to make a difference. Harumph!

Anybody heard anything from their Conservative MEPs/MP yet? Kind of disappointed to hear nothing back, as these guys are hoping to run the country next on the basis that they'll do a better job. Let's hope they're planning a particularly impressive response.

Anybody got a Scottish Indepedence Party or Plaid Cymru MEP - it would be cool to get them on board? Ironically, Sinn Fein helped protect us, and democracy, from the EU constitution/treaty at the recent Irish referendum - it's a funny old world.

BTW 159 names on the petition so far - I find that impressive as we are, after all, participants in a small, niche activity (another reason why spearing is sustainable). Apparently 200 is something of a magic number:

Sounds like we should get a Ministerial response if we collect 200 or more signatures (can't help thinking we should be able to get a ministerial response without a petition).

Whats ironic about Sinn Féin helping? Do i have to send round Martin McGuinness for a wee chat?

Where is this petition again? I haven't signed it yet.... Scratch that, i found it on your sig :D
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Oceana contacted both in the US, UK and forwarded to their European officers.
The initial response seems to be that they haven't got wind of these changes. They are knocking the e-mail around internally to see who is best to deal with the issue.
I'll update this thread when I hear something...fingers crossed
Only 16 more petitions needed to reach the magic two hundred mark!

Glad to see some positive feedback from the MEPs too.
First Conservative MEP response, Dr. Caroline Jackson MEP, and a commitment to some specific action to boot (although not necessarily to blocking the change, yet):
<MEP asked not to be quoted until they have more information at hand>
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And my brother and I.....
I see what Dave means, UKIP MEPs potentially have a pretty easy job - whenever anybody complains they can just agree and say "Told you so. Obviously not our fault." And they have a point. It will be interesting to see if they take any action. In a way, it would be better for them to do nothing, as it will go to show the EU not working and lead to more discontentment with the EU. Then again, they are riding the gravy train too.

Of course, it would be rude not to vote for those MEPs that actively help stop the ban, come the next euro-election.;)
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And another from the soon to be last dairy farmer in the House of Commons...

Dear SurfnSpear,

Thank you for contacting me about the implications that the European Union’s actions may have for spearfishing.

As I understand, spearfishing is the only form of fishing which is entirely selective in the capture of fish and when compared to other fishing methods has a negligible impact on fish stocks and zero by-catch. I realise that the vast majority of spearfishermen only take fish for their own consumption, and so such legislation pairing projectiles with poisons and explosives in a list of destructive fishing practises seems rather extreme.

As you are aware, the current legislation – Article 31 of Council Regulation 850/98 –permits spear fishing, but prohibits the sale of fish caught using a projectile. This is being replaced with Article 12, which states that ‘the catching, retention on board, transhipment, storage, landing, sale, display or offer for sale of marine organisms caught using methods incorporating the use of explosives, poisonous or stupefying substances, electric current or any kind of projectile shall be prohibited.’ Though the legal clarification has not been confirmed, this change may indeed lead to spearfishing being outlawed.

Recreational fishing is enjoyed by more than 4 million people in England and Wales every year, and is therefore one of the nation’s favourite outdoor participation sports. I recognise that the annual economic activity associated with angling is estimated to be worth £2.75 billion. I will therefore closely follow developments regarding the replacement of Article 31 with Article 12 in the next few weeks.

Yours sincerely

Richard Benyon MP
Member of Parliament for Newbury

House of Commons
London, SW1A 0AA

Tel. 020 7219 8319
Fax 020 7219 4059

Constituency tel. 01635 551070
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