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European Union Consultation – Including ban on use of projectiles .

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
And another from the soon to be last dairy farmer in the House of Commons...

Dear SurfnSpear,

Thank you for contacting me about the implications that the European Union’s actions may have for spearfishing.

As I understand, spearfishing is the only form of fishing which is entirely selective in the capture of fish and when compared to other fishing methods has a negligible impact on fish stocks and zero by-catch. I realise that the vast majority of spearfishermen only take fish for their own consumption, and so such legislation pairing projectiles with poisons and explosives in a list of destructive fishing practises seems rather extreme.

As you are aware, the current legislation – Article 31 of Council Regulation 850/98 –permits spear fishing, but prohibits the sale of fish caught using a projectile. This is being replaced with Article 12, which states that ‘the catching, retention on board, transhipment, storage, landing, sale, display or offer for sale of marine organisms caught using methods incorporating the use of explosives, poisonous or stupefying substances, electric current or any kind of projectile shall be prohibited.’ Though the legal clarification has not been confirmed, this change may indeed lead to spearfishing being outlawed.

Recreational fishing is enjoyed by more than 4 million people in England and Wales every year, and is therefore one of the nation’s favourite outdoor participation sports. I recognise that the annual economic activity associated with angling is estimated to be worth £2.75 billion. I will therefore closely follow developments regarding the replacement of Article 31 with Article 12 in the next few weeks.

Yours sincerely

Richard Benyon MP
Member of Parliament for Newbury

House of Commons
London, SW1A 0AA

Tel. 020 7219 8319
Fax 020 7219 4059

Constituency tel. 01635 551070
Sounds like a good chap, I'd vote for him. MP rather than MEP this time. And he is...a Conservative.


(There's talk of the EU getting rid of milk quotas on the news today - way, way too late for most though:(.)
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I got a positive reply as well from the Knapman camp...

Roger Knapman MEP has asked me to thank you for your email and to
reply as he is currently travelling back from Brussels.
He agrees with you entirely and will indeed oppose the attempt to ban
spear hunting. It is unfortunately yet another example of EU over-
Best wishes
Piers Merchant
Assistant to Roger Knapman MEP

Nice to see it states specifically that he will oppose the ban.
That's good to hear.

BTW Ironically, the document that has caused so much concern, also defines the minimum landing size of fishes, in Annex 1. It includes the current low limit of just 36cm for Bass (Dicentrarchus Labrax) & 35cm for Cod. If DEFRA want to protect fish stocks, they could raise the Bass limit to 40cm (as was supposed to come into force in April this year) or to the Angler and Spearo suggested higher limit of 45cm.

The document also has a section for specific exclusions to be made. Currently it includes Scientific Research. It might also be a good place to insert: spear fishing and angling with rod or hand-line.
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Dear Mr Coombe,
Thank you for your email of 24 June regarding the Commission’s proposals that could prevent spearfishing.
I have written to Commissioner Borg, the EU Commissioner for Fisheries on your behalf drawing his attention to the adverse affect such proposals could have on a popular recreational activity. I will be pleased to revert to you when I have received a reply. I will also be drawing this matter to the attention of the Chairman of the Fisheries Committee who will be reviewing the proposals in depth.
Yours sincerely,

Graham Watson MEP
Member of the European Parliament for South West England and Gibraltar and
Leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe in the European Parliament

Good news!!
Same response here, I like this guy, Graham Watson:

Dear <X>,

Thank you for your email of 20 June regarding the Commission’s proposals that could prevent spearfishing.

I have written to Commissioner Borg, the EU Commissioner for Fisheries on your behalf drawing his attention to the adverse affect such proposals could have on a popular recreational activity. I will be pleased to revert to you when I have received a reply. I will also be drawing this matter to the attention of the Chairman of the Fisheries Committee who will be reviewing the proposals in depth.

Yours sincerely,

Graham Watson MEP
Member of the European Parliament for South West England and Gibraltar and
Leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe in the European Parliament

Please do not print this e-mail unless absolutely necessary
Save energy: switch off your PC when you leave at night
He met the Dalai Lama:cool:

Interesting to see the Liberal Democrats in action in Europe.
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Yes keep the momentum going! Anyone had any updates from BSA? I've not been about for a few days so excuse me if this has been answered already.
A helpful response from Jersey fisheries who have already been asked to comment by the UK.....

Dear Mr. Wanless

Thank you for your comments regarding the new EU technical regulations.
We have been asked to comment on them by the UK authorities and will do
so shortly.
As a result of your mail we will ask for a interpretation of Article 12
to which you refer and how it relates to leisure spear fishing.

Simon Bossy

Dr.Simon F. Bossy
Head of Fisheries and Marine Resources
States of Jersey Environment Department
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My impression is that most MEPs in South West England have now responded. A fair proportion of the UKs spearos probably live in the South West but they all have the same MEPs, so it is particularly important that those of you in other areas contact your MEPs. How are things going in other areas? I think this week would be a good time to chase up any MPs and MEPs that did not respond to initial email. Either with another email or by Royal Mail. (If you haven't contacted your MEPs yet, now would be a good time to do it).

Next week might be a good time to chase down those that responded but with no committment to take any action. The week after that, to check in with those that said there were taking some action.

The Number 10 petition is now has 217 name:), very good but the more the merrier.
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I have contacted all my MEPs in my area (North West) who have informed me they will be taking the "appropriate" action.

As a member of BASC I have also made contact and have been told they will be seeking clarification.

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My impression is that most MEPs in South West England have now responded. ...
There is one notable exception: I haven't heard from the UKIP MEP Graham Booth, from South Devon of all places. Chairman of Torbay UKIP!

Has anybody else heard from him yet? Is he ok? [He has an excellent hypocritical quote from a former PM who must not be named, and a good one by Thomas Jefferson]. I'm greatly disappointed, south Devon being where I have taken my low carbon footprint(!) summer holidays for the past 2 years, and E. Devon my Spring breaks, primarily for the spearfishing!

There are also some SW MEPs that the MEP contact website did not include in my send list for some reason:
BBC - Devon - Discover Devon - MEPs representing the South West
UK MEPs for the South West

Giles Chichester MEP, Conservative, Exeter

Neil Parish MEP, Conservative, Somerset

Still waiting to hear from my MP too. Looks like some individual email will be required here. There are several bad email addresses for the above MEPs on the web. Might be best to contact them through their websites or try:

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there mums don't know there playing out in the big boys playground,on a more serious note i had a check on my computer after i contacted my mep/ local mp about this subject & it said the bailliffs were aware, stumped me cos i don't have a debt but,more interestingly there has been no answer whatsoever from any party whatever there affiliation,the lot of them make me scrape my back teeth with a rotivator,funny that anyone know of a good dentist,they might need one if they can't push a f**kin wheelbarrow along a bloody a pavement on a "B" road
OK, Conservative MEP mystery solved:
"The Conservative MEPs for the South West have divided the responsibility for answering correspondence geographically between them..."
Dr Caroline Jackson MEP is my Conservative MEP (seems good so far). I suggest those of you in Somerset, Devon, Dorset, Cornwall ensure you enlist the assistance of Giles/Neil.

Still no word from Graham Booth MEP, UKIP Torbay -- this is just the sort of thing that will get the EU a good name.;) Such a great spearing destination too:confused:

Any responses in the South East, apart from SurfNSpears? Sussex, Kent, London, Essex, Berkshire, Hampshire, Oxfordshire? Up North? South Wales? (We've seen responses in N. Wales). Scotland. Eire? N. Ireland? Gibralter? We've seen a response from the Channel Islands.
Ok, was starting to be annoyed by lack of response from Matthew Taylor, but a letter came through today from the House of Commons essentially said he'd had a word with the minister and would would keep me/us posted, also got an email from Steve Chamberlin a local councillor whiich read
"Mr Coombe
I am sorry for the delay in replying - i am heavily involved as a member
of the One Cornwall Implementation Executive and seem to have very
little time for anything else theses days! You have my full support,
for what it is worth. However, I should point out that I am hardly a
fan of the aggressive eco movement which seems to be forcing many issues
on the population regardless of reaction. I do believe that livelihoods
should come first and I would support any attempt to, for example,
remove the right to commercially fish for scallops, or oysters for that
mater. Good luck with your campaign.
Steve Chamberlain"

not sure i he's grasped the point entirely but at least he's aware somethings up
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Hi all, I think it has certainly hit the commissions command bunker...

> Subject: RE: Letter from your constituent
> Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2008 15:46:14 +0200
> From: neil.parish@europarl.europa.eu
> To:
> Dear Mr ,
> Thank you for your e-mail regarding the EU potential ban on
> spearfishing.
> It seems you are not alone in fearing the possible implications of
> Article 31 - many consituents have written to me regarding the same
> issue. However, on contacting the Commission's department for Fisheries
> and Maritime Affairs (DG MARE) regarding the proposed changed to the
> Technical Conservation Regulations, the following reply was received:
> "The COM tried to prepare a new simplified and clarified proposal on
> technical measures, in the structure and also in articles. On your point
> (spear fishing), we must check on what is a projectile, but anyway we
> can confirm you that it is not the intention of the Commission to
> prohibit recreational spear fishing. If not clear the article concerned
> will be corrected later during the discussions."
> Thus it seems you have nothing to fear from the proposals. I hope this
> puts your mind at rest.
> Yours sincerely,
> Neil Parish MEP
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