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Fish Spearing/Garbage Removal Contest 2007 (Entire Year) - Wisconsin

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Re: Fish Spearing Contest 2007 (Entire Year) - Wisconsin

You need to hit Mendtoa. I could have shot your yearly total in one day- so if you put in one day there you'll beat us all for sure!rofl

I did have one boneheaded angler get pretty close to me. I saw where he was fishing and went the OPPOSITE way from where he was. About 15 minutes later he moves his boat right on top of me!:rcard I told him that he was WAY closer than the 100' limit required by law and then he tells me that he was "here first"!:head :head I held up my camera and shot a quick video of his registration numbers plaster on the bow so that I could report him to the police/DNR if I had any problems- or at least the corner could look at my camera and see who did me in if there was a real problem out there. ;)

Re: Fish Spearing Contest 2007 (Entire Year) - Wisconsin

Shot a Carp that weighed 6.4# for a total of 174# and 18 Carp for the Year. I also shot a 30" GAR. That was the highlight of my day rofl .

I don't have a Pic of me and the carp. But I can get one if someone contest me ;)



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Re: Fish Spearing Contest 2007 (Entire Year) - Wisconsin

Finally got out today. Green Lake, West side. Vis 5' - 15' lots of carp...too many misses & a few that got off. Total =12 for my son & I. I had 8. Did not weigh...total number for the year = 9.



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Re: Fish Spearing Contest 2007 (Entire Year) - Wisconsin

Nice to rid the lake of such vermin!!!I want your wet-suit!!!!
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Reactions: Pinggene
Re: Fish Spearing Contest 2007 (Entire Year) - Wisconsin

Nice catch Gene! Thought about checking out that lake. Good Job!

Re: Fish Spearing Contest 2007 (Entire Year) - Wisconsin

Got one more Sat. eve...Went to Green Lake again with friend (was his first time). Went on East End by Heidel House...vis was bad (3'-4')...there were a TON of carp, but I was too busy helping my friend see what was going on.

Total for year = 10.

Up to Chippewa Flowage rest of this week...doing some line fishing...

Wet Suit is from Elios - 5mm open cell, green camo outer - love it.

Good luck to all,

Re: Fish Spearing Contest 2007 (Entire Year) - Wisconsin

Shot 1 sucker on Sat. at the palooza- I don't have a pic- but I have witnesses ;) that's a total of 4 suckers this year, 18 carp, 1 Gar.

Re: Fish Spearing Contest 2007 (Entire Year) - Wisconsin

Shot one sucker at the Freedive-A-Palooza - Lake Wazee. (Scott's could have eaten mine...but it still counts as a rough fish!)

Total for year = Suckers 1, Carp 10

What a great time at the Palooza...did a personal best of 55' Got to love that thermocline (sp)

Thanks Jon for all of your hard work.

Re: Fish Spearing Contest 2007 (Entire Year) - Wisconsin

I saw that fish and it was a pretty decent size!

I almost got out to grab my gun when I saw one monster sized perch swimming around. Over the past few years the little fish are getting bigger and bigger, but I have never seen anything of size that I wanted to shoot in there- most are just babies. Then I saw across this beast that I thought was a walleye at first, until I got a closer look, and then I was ticked that I didn't have my gun!:head

Re: Fish Spearing Contest 2007 (Entire Year) - Wisconsin

Ended up taking a few more out of SOUTH SHORE - MILWAUKEE on WED. This takes me up to 21 carp, 1 freshwater DRUM, and still 1 GAR, 4 Suckers. Haven't figured out total weight. the biggest carp was 27.15 lbs, the 2 carp was 22.9 lbs, and the 3rd was 11.2 lbs. The drum weighed 6.3 lbs. It was a good day! Thanks Dan (Bgill) for letting me come with you! I was nice to meet you and your fam. Hope to do some more diving/spearfishing again.

how's that leg :crutch ?



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Re: Fish Spearing Contest 2007 (Entire Year) - Wisconsin

Scott & I went off of Sheboygan...was N wind, so we went off the S breakwater...lots of suckers & a few carp...lots of other fish. I ended up with one large sucker...had a lot of misses as visability was pretty good (10' - 15') & I was taking longer shots (that's my story, & I'm sticking to it!) rofl I need to get a second band for my gun.

Anyway, we also went off of North Point where the visability was 30'...saw a few fish, but did not get any...was cool diving down and hanging out on the bottom...I'm sure Scott will post some photos.

Total Rough fish = 2 suckers, 10 carp.

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Re: Fish Spearing Contest 2007 (Entire Year) - Wisconsin

Went Spearing with Gene out in Lake Michigan off of Sheboygan. I Ended up getting 3 Suckers and 1 Carp. Saw brook and rainbow trout, a decent size northern, some HUGE small mouth and Large mouth, LOTS and LOTS of suckers a few carp, a Salmon or two and of course Gobies. This brings my total to 22 carp, 7 suckers and 1 gar, and a Freshwater Drum.:martial



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Re: Fish Spearing Contest 2007 (Entire Year) - Wisconsin

hey why not just size? this way no one is killing fish for no reason. maybe also a rough fish total? in addition recognition for biggest of every specie? this should be cool. good luck to all of you. and trust me, against fleshy, you are going to need it.
Re: Fish Spearing Contest 2007 (Entire Year) - Wisconsin

We want to get out all the rought fish we can.

Re: Fish Spearing Contest 2007 (Entire Year) - Wisconsin

Fleshy - I like the challenge! ;) . I agree with Pinggene- I will kill as many carp as I can and still it wouldn't make that much of a difference. But it'll make some. But hey, if your going to challenge me in this contest - don't you have to shoot some fish :)- . The way I see it- I've only just begun!

Re: Fish Spearing Contest 2007 (Entire Year) - Wisconsin

man whopperhead. ive been looking you over, and theres no way i will beat your rough fish total. (this was why i was hopping for a species largest...) very hard to even get a glimpse of carp/suckers around here. where did you spear a gar? are they good eating. you cant be in Wisconsin if you are spearing gar... correct me if im wrong. seems to me that if there were one, it was released by a poor pet owner.
Re: Fish Spearing Contest 2007 (Entire Year) - Wisconsin

If you looked good and hard you could find a 40 lb. + carp in lake Michigan....easily.

Buffalo carp get even bigger & are Native to Wisconsin...I've seen (caught hook & line) 30 pounders before but the State record for hook & line is 70 some odd pounds!!!!

Longnose Gar are also a Wisconsin native rough fish & abound in many lakes in Wisconsin as do several different Sucker species and the lowly freshwater Drum or Sheepshead. The Wisconsin Garfish are not Alligator Gar...Alligator Gar reach huge dimensions whereas a Longnose that weighed 5 or 6 pounds would be pretty big.

On a good day someone could easily kill a'hundred pounds of carp if he kept at it and was on big fish. Again...On a good day...Don't give up yet Fleshy!!!! I've been out with Whopperhead on a day where he's harvested close to 60 pounds of rough fish.
That day was good for sure...But there have been many times since that I could've killed easily double that poundage of rough fish - But after 3 or 4 30 pound fish you start to think "Man....Thats ALOT of CARP!" Its almost a hassle to have to deal with so many of them at once at some point!

So Fleshy dude....You STILL have a chance if you really WANT to win!

BTW...I'm not in "this" contest this year...Are thier prizes or an entry fee?
I'm a polespear guy...When I get "rigged up" right for large fish (and I will b-4 next spring) I'm in for next year! I've won rifle shoots with my muzzloader & 3D shoots with a stick-bow....SO WATCH OUT NEXT YEAR!!!! I like to be "up close and personal" with the beast's I kill.
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Re: Fish Spearing Contest 2007 (Entire Year) - Wisconsin

the problem is that i live three and a half hours away from door county. and with work and football, there is hardly the time to get up there at all. and around here i have seen one carp in 9 years of spearfishing. (started with my brother when i was eight) my brother did spear a 30lber in a local lake but other than that and one i saw last weekend. i have caught them by rod and reel in the wisconsin and in the flambeau flowage, but other than that, never.
Re: Fish Spearing Contest 2007 (Entire Year) - Wisconsin

You just need to come south a little ways to get a stringer full of carp.

I could spear a dozen 20-30 pound carp every time I went out- if I wanted the hassle of dragging them into shore and throwing them away. The Madison lakes are full of them- as well as most other lakes I dove in southern Wisconsin. One time I was out paddling the rubble breakwall off of Bayview, in Milwaukee, when I counted 212 carp along the wall. They were all pretty decent size, but that was before I was into spearfishing so I didn't shoot any.

We see gar fish quite a bit in the Madison lakes. I've seen some smaller ones up north and I know that Ted has shocked some big ones as part of his limnology job at the UW.

With the vis, and the shear number of carp, I think a polespear is a pretty good weapon of choice. It's the smaller, skittish, fish that make spearguns more useful- like crappie and perch.

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Re: Fish Spearing Contest 2007 (Entire Year) - Wisconsin

well i hear that egg harbor is full of them. so i will get some rough fish in. as it turns out i think that i will be comming, and probably bringing two people.
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