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Guernsey 2007

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It sinks fast when loaded and just as fast when fired. Will have to investigate and fill the tube with something floaty I guess. Would make it more pleasant on the wrist to swim about with as well.
Is it filling with water? If its not you won't get anything more bouyant than air thats inside it, unless you fill it with helium or something!
With the amount what comes out of it, yes. I just need to block the end up then? Much easier I would think.
Not that simple unfortunately, because you'll find its got bolts and/or screws through it.
Good tip OMD told me a while back was to get some rigid foam insultation and use the barrel to cut plugs out of it which you can then fill the barrel with.
Sounds just as easy to get another cheap gun!! I'll have a look and then decide.
Rigged my gun for open muzzle, but still put the bridge on (only held on by a s/s pin) to be sure I can use it if and when I get to go in the water again this year!! Only managed 7 dives this year so far :vangry Been really busy and weather has been ....unsettled?

Andy, the Beuchats are pretty good value from mick's fish. I bought a 90cm last year for £60, nothing wrong with it. OMD uses one for night diving.

Marcel, you still not a Dad? Our first born was a late arrival. My wife tried everything from hot curry to jumping up and down!

The Beuchat I have is a 75 junior from Micks, smaller than the standard 75 which I had a look at this morning. It's £54 for the better 75cm but I didn't get one. Was going to compare with squeaker but he was closed as always...
Little point getting another 75 if you've already got one, might as well get a 90 surely?
I was just looking. Little bit of cash and it burns a hole!! The 90's looked massive to me and a lot more expensive. My 75 seems a lot shorter than the normal ones, but then that's why it says Junior I guess?
I have a Beuchat 75 junior at home. It's broken. It's a poor gun. I also have a standard 75cm Beuchat and it's a very very good gun. Bought it from Micks a year or so ago. cost £50. Probably save £10 on line but with postage etc I just bought it locally to save any hassle. I think a beuchat 90 is a good all round gun but the 75 is good too. I use my 75 at night and often when flattying or reefing during the day. Have caught loads with it including some nice bass. The advantage is it's tough, reliable, simple, easy and quick to load and shoots well. It'll never match a big woodie or a mamba for range but It is an excellent gun for beginning hunting and is still one of my favourites.

Andy if you want to have a look or a loan give me a PM.

I've got a Sporasub Sniper, new from old stock, not sure if it's a 75 or a 90 but I can bring with me to Guernsey and you can have it for £50. It's an open muzzle rubber gun.
Cheers for the offers but I couldn't hold myself back and went to the shop this afty and got the 75. Much different to the junior one I had, feels so much better out of water and much more powerful. Took me ages to get the spear out of the palm tree, which is 4 inches thick and spear was sticking out the other side from max range (oops...). Good for shooting things. Just got to get in the water and try it now.

Used valuable brownie points just now catching the below (4-2-0) on rod and line so might not get in the water this weekend...

Nice one Andy. I've caught a few mullet by the bent pin method and they do fight hard.

I'm sure you'll find your Beuchat 75 a nice gun. You need to get close but that's half the fun (and skill) and when you do it wont let you down.

Out in the boat today. Rough again, but not as bad as last weekend, the p*ssing rain didn't help though. Only managed a few scallops and time spent looking for flats was wasted until a last ditch drop on a deep gravel bank. Just the one fish, a brill, but it went 8lb . Rod fishing was much more successful. Mackerel, pollack, gurnard and wrasse were giving themselves up good style. Just kept the big mackerel and a few pollack. Mate John managed a few crabs and he got himself a couple of cuttles to eat. He really rates cuttles. He's welcome :yack . Vis was good but all in 50 to 100 foot. Would love to snorkel tomorrow but the shallows look churned up. When are we gonna get some decent weather?

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Reactions: Sarnian
Cheers Dave, never known a fight like it, such power, nothing compares in local waters (except salmon apparently).

The gun feels much nicer that the junior. I have no intention of needing to shoot long range, most of what I have done is rooting through weed beds etc close to reefs. I'm not an open water deep diving type just yet so I'm sure it will do for now and a vast improvement on what I had. Just need to get in the water now. Didn't work this weekend due to other committments but maybe next week...
Went in today after spending an hour or so driving around looking for somewhere that looked half decent.

The only place that looked like you didn't need a surfboard or the lifeboat was down the islands at bordeaux. Went in between the two islands and wished I hadn't. Had to swim out a couple of hundred yards just to be able to see my gun handle never mind the spear tip. Very eerie swimming in almost zero vis.

Out in the pissing ebb tide I eventually got 6 to 8 foot vis and tried a few dives on a bit of sand. Passed local bass expert Paul Clarke who was standing way out on some rocks drowning a sandeel. Stopped to say hi and he said he didn't have any fish (he always says that :t ). Eventually found some sheltered shallow water and a few mullet.

After 2 hours I'd swum a big circuit of Homet Paradise and apart from the few mullet (one speared) and a couple of small bass that I left in the shallows that was it. I was absolutely cream crackered. Not exactly great fun but better than being slouched in front of the box on a sunday afternoon.


PS Heard a worm drowner caught 4 decent bass up to 6+ pound off the beach last night. Bloody crap vis, might have to polish me rod.


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Reactions: Mr. X
That doesn't look like a thick lip in that pic OMD?? Fat though.
Got back from la belle France today. Trying to keep my breakfast down on Condor in a heavy swell, with a hangover, gave me the impression there was probably little point even thinking about going in. ( What OMD would probably have called "rough" ) I did see some bass swimming around while I was in France - see attached

Not a very good pic taken with a phone through a window.It was actually quite interesting to watch them and observe their movements. Looks like the weather may have calmed down by next weekend - slightly!:vangry


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Good catch Dave.

I looked to go in yesterday the swells on the west were like a winter storm!! Instead I spent the afternoon tidying my workshop and found the mould I had started for a back weight to make a harness, so restarting that project, oh yes I polished my gun a bit as well:inlove Also turned a new handle for my handspear, bring on the flatties!

Metchek shows it will be sunny on wednesday afternoon then calmer at the weekend and then back to wind and rain thereafter:rcard :rcard :rcard Something to do with the jetstream being 500 miles further south than normal?

Sounds like you had a good time Colin. No dive shops to visit? Or too busy eating and drinking?

Well Andy, you know what it's like with 3 other euchre -playing old gits let off the leash in France for a few days... museums, chateaux and painting exhibitions of course.

Funnily enough, we did see an interesting fishing type shop in Granville, but never had time to go back and investigate some of the strange implements - like long rakes and a strange two - pronged digging thing ( razor shells?).
