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Guernsey 2009

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
Just got back from the pub and wifey happened to be watching and recognised a certain broad Dorset voice, and recorded it!

Podge, can we have your autograph!:)

Mrs S said she will have nightmares now having seen a horror film! Not quiote sure what she meant?rofl
Food for thought - Pair trawling ban within 3nm
Well courtesy of the shocking weather I seem to have more free time on my hands, so i've got to thinking and researching around the news of pair trawling being banned within 3nm and the impact this may have on our inshore fish stocks.

Selection of relevant articles below:

Annual commercial fishing stats for 2008

Pair trawling news article (2004)
‘Pair trawlers are wiping out stocks’ News This Is Guernsey
Quote: "The bream stock, which migrates, spends its summer in Jersey waters – last year, on Guernsey’s west coast, there was a shoal of bream four miles long and 20m thick. This year it’s been wiped out"

Bass Anglers' Sportfishing Society: European Bass Stocks Under Threat

Bass tagging study on Boue Blondel

In brief and with limited knowledge of other factors that may be affecting our stocks, I'm ever hopeful over the next 5 years we will finally start to see a return to the levels I'm sure were around a little over a decade ago particularly with regard to Bass as mature adults successfully complete their migrations to and from the spawning grounds and the subsequent movement of juveniles into the shallow inshore waters.
Fingers crossed.
interesting post moz with some useful links.

i went down SW today hoping for a sheltered spot...
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Much the same up north, and I suspect, everywhere. Still waiting to try out me new torch ...
A few fish were caught by shore anglers last night competing in the last of the 3 weekend sessions of the specimen hunt. Fish included a 9+lb bass. Don't think I'll bother diving this weekend though.

Cor la, i'm very impressed by a 9lb bass on a line in this weather!
i watched a couple of chaps de-weeding a shore net this morning - had a few fish but not much; the effort involved is incredible, soo much weed, so few fish and all that back-breaking bending over working.

I went out with the camera again this evening; there were thousands of gulls in the water just on the north side of fort saumarex, presumably sheltering and getting a feed.
awesome sight with so many birds in one place. here's a few pics (sorry well off topic! oh ok, look at the colour of the water, vis looks bad )
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Fab pics Jonny...your usual standard!
Looks like there's more weed than water in some of those waves!
Can't remember seeing that many gulls away from the rubbish tip!
We walked to the point of the Fort Hommet headland- if we'd worn our Batman capes we'd have definitely been airborne!
The blown spume was flying around like a snowstorm!
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So, the problem was - 3-4lb bass in the freezer, only half needed for fish pie, the rest to be kept for a later date.

The solution - good old bandsaw! Works a treat, and saves all those blue hacksaw marks and cut hands! Wear goggles though!


  • Basssliced.JPG
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Here's a short vid of a breamy squid from a week or so back. just something to ease the windy nights away...
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/user/yunpretender#p/a/u/0/T_F7xuYQuC0"]YouTube - yunpretender's Channel[/ame]

i just started swimming again having been to the docs about my various (too many) allergies... turning in to a hypercondriac (allergic to clorine!) good to get back in the pool tho but its like starting all over.

i'm interested in getting into water around the masses of weed that get washed up on the high tides (with camera), would be interesting to see what fish are in there.. maybe if it ever calms down...

col, why use a hammer when you have a mullet!
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R.I.P. she who sparked the fire

I have not been active on DB recently as my beloved Granny became very ill and sadly passed away earlier this week. The irony of posting this on a Guernsey thread is that she was a Jersey lady, as some of you know, but my Channel Island friends are all here! She bought me my first 'proper' speargun at the age of 10, a Beuchat Marlin, from First Tower Watersports. She would patiently sit and watch whilst I thrashed uselessly about in the shallows and offered all her encouragement when I caught nothing. When I caught my frst mullet at La Rocque she cooked it for my dinner and declared it a meal fit for kings. From then on she would always buy me spearing gear for my birthdays and loved nothing more than cooking up whatever I brought back during my holidays in Jersey.

I thought I would share this brief glimpse of her effect on my love of the sea and the Channel Islands as i'm sure we all have 'someone' to thank for getting us started!

RIP Granny and i'll see you one day in another place...
Reactions: spaghetti
Juan I’m sorry you lost your Granny mate and like you said next time you meet it’ll be in a better place.
Best thoughts and wishes