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Guernsey 2012

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Ha, nope, just not going to moan about something that is working to normal specification :)
Thanks Marcel. I downloaded google crome and its working again. not sure what changed before.
in today for a bit; found a small shoal of white breams:
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Great vid Jonny. They looked about a pound each? Richard Lord would be interested to see that.
The slight break in the wind for the last few days, coinciding with a low tide about the right time, and her moaning the freezer was empty, convinced me to go for a plonge du nuit.

It was very murky in the shallows, end of the gun stuff, but seemed to clear the further out I went so I pushed on to deeper water and eventually found an ok 4-5m. There were small rays everywhere but soon found a plaice, which was followed promptly by another.

Then missed a clonking red mullet before adding another plaice to my string, nothing massive, but all a nice OMD size. Its odd because normally at this spot its 5 sole to 1 plaice, but today I only saw one sole, which was just too small.

I left a couple more plaice, and missed another red mullet from a foot, before adding a bigger plaice. That was enough for me so headed in after 2 hours with aching ankles as I haven't been in for a while!


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Reactions: foxfish
well done for getting in Tom! i was hoping to, but had to wait for a very delayed flight at the airport instead.
That light colored plaice looks a bit different - any reason?
No idea Jonny, plaice pigmentation expert I am not.
Any more luck on the mushroom front Tom, I have visited all my usual haunts but although there is plenty of fungi around not much in the prime edible stakes!
Loads of enemy number one around in the parks this week!!
Do you know I have been self employed for over 30 year and up to about five years ago mushrooms actually played a part in my income.
I have been collecting & supplying the same two restaurants for virtually all that time.
I have always been careful to cut the mushrooms with a sharp blade & never witnessed a decline in the quantity on average from year to year but now, they seem to be in a very steep decline?
I guess it has something to do with too many folk collecting them. or perhaps the use of pesticides - I just dont know really but, it is a bit depressing.
My absolutely top spot was just inside the gate of Sausmarez manor under the huge beach trees but there has not been a single cep there for 7-8 years now! I once collected 47lb of cep in one go but most years I managed about 40lb a season.
I was told the area was treated in an attempt to kill honey fungus - what ever they used certainly seemed to kill the ceps!!
Found a good patch of ceps a few days ago. Love stumbling on a new location! They're mostly strung up drying now.

Interesting you cut all yours, I can see both sides, cutting doesn't damage the mycelium but some say it leaves it open to infection? I don't know, I generally stick with ones that roll out easily like ceps get pulled, ones that are well buried in the stem get cut, like chanterelles.

Shocker about your cep patch (47lbs in one go!!!! :king), I had very similar this year. Last winter a big oak right next to my best chanterelle area, one I've never seen any evidence of anyone else knowing about) was cut down. This year not a single mushrooom :waterwork. I do know one small patch that seems to be still growing near an old stump so not totally giving up hope on it though.


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We're having a very poor mushroom season in S Scotland. In fact I haven't had a useable Cep this year :-(
I've got a huge mixed woodland nearby that normally has nice patches of Chanterelle and Ceps but nothing this year.
It's been a really wet, but mild, year so Im guessing it has been just too wet.

Last resort but i'm sure u'll find some btween ur 2nd and 3rd toe!!
MAc/James please would you post your questions on the public forum here rather than pm'ing me - nothing personal meant, but as you're juniors i think its better if you keep on the public forum. Thanks.

Mac, just to repeat, please stick to the public forums. i wont be replying to pm's from people that i know are juniors. thanks
Hi Guys, hope u r all well. Winters on its way and the diving is slowing down, but fortunately, not yet stationary! Was hoping for a night dive tonight but fog has descended so have aborted and we r having a roast chicken and a couple of wines instead. Despite forecast stong east winds, hope to make a dive 2moz. Potential for a few nice flats and maybe a biggish turbot! Still chasing a couple of species for the species hunt so fingers crossed. cheers mike
mike I have clearance all systems go . I'll call you tomorrow because am at work now

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Good luck Mike but watch out for anglers, the big bass comp is on...
3lb turbot , bang on and I did scare the life out of some bass fisherman Tapatalk 2


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Nice one mate, 3lb is a nice eating fish.
Better to scare a fisherman than the other way around!