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Guernsey 2016

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I found one plaice last week, my suit is very tight and the water was freezing but I was only in the water for about 50mins.
Normal spot for me at Port Grat but I found it over the shallow sand close to shore, only 1.5lb.
I will have to loose weight or buy a new suit!
Suit too tight......... Probs the humidity mart...........

Maybe u should give up butter,plaice, and chanterelles......
Nice one, bit early for you ?
Yes you are right but I had heard about plenty being netted so I though it was worth a go.
What a lovely day. Me, Jonny, Fro and Chris ventured out for a dip on the east coast. Lovely calm sunny conditions but the vis still isn't as good as we would have liked, about 2-3m on the bottom I would say.
Spiders everywhere, even found 2 or 3 actually digging scallops out of the sand!! There were so many littering the sea bed that it was making finding the scallops a lot more difficult than usual.
Anyways after just over a hour in the water we had all found something to tickle the taste buds and called it a day.
Finished off with a steak sandwich and ice cream enjoying the lovely weather and view. We even saw a yacht hit a well known east coast reef which had just been covered by the rising tide!!
Greetings from Corfu.

Yes, I’m actually to your East rather than your West, for now. A family friend with the economic wherewithal rented a villa on Corfu for his 70th Birthday. It is a wonderful place to stay, with great landscape and beaches. We might even go over to Albania for part of the day, soon. Anyway, just thought I‘d write to let you know I’ll think of you all on Liberation Day and offer a toast with some sort of Greek beverage.

Enjoy yourselves!

—Eric P. Haury
Thanks Eric, nice of you to think of us around our big day.
For the first time in many years it looks like we will have rain tomorrow but, I hope that wont spoil the celebrations to much!
There will be a potential 4000 extra guest this year as we have a huge cruise ship in port.
Went on a crab hunt on Saturday, couldn't join the other guys on the South coast so went on a west coast trip a few hours before low. Vis was about 3 meters on the bottom. Seems a bit different to last year on the west with no really big crabs seen, found many pregnant females all returned. Biggy's should be in soon. Diving was good and enjoyed myself so much 2.5 hours passed away just diving and exploring around - didn't get cold, and after an hour was totally relaxed and had some good bottom time. Only 2 crabs taken that were of reasonable size and have provided some great eating, totally awesome seafood linguine with the crab and some scollies given to me, got a taste for it - want some more now Looking forward to the season ahead.

Hi guys no one knows me on here but just moved back from NZ and need to get in the water. Just been in the shed and my gun is f..c..d. Left all my gear in NZ so I've only got the basics and after travelling I'm short of cash

Basically has anyone got a gun for sale ..a 90cm or 100cm would be good.
Also the fiance is giving me shit for going out alone, so I would be keen to meet up with anyone who wants to go out. Would be awesome to meet you guys
Hi Jacob, welcome to the forum.
How long were you in NZ , was the diving good?

Hey Jacob
Will you be taking part in this years fish in?
Hi Jacob, welcome to the forum.
How long were you in NZ , was the diving good?

Cheers ! Yeah it was great I was there for 9months. Where I was living there was a lack of access for shore dives only one beach really. So I could only go out on the boat. I was into it years ago in Guernsey and NZ got me back into it. Did a couple of course in Indonesia too.

The vis can be so hit and miss but the best I got was probably 15m. If you planned to go there just spend your time up north in the hauraki gulf and in the northland. As in summer there's game fish and large kingfish, snapper a plenty and much better vis there

I'm very jealous going to be amazing. Loads of good diving there and even a maraine reserve called the poor knights I think
Thinking about getting a rob Allen 90 or 100 as my next gun ....does anyone think they are over priced or worththe money ? Any advice would be great
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