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Guernsey summer fishing

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Hey chaps,

Was in on Saturday AM with Ed, albeit I didn't see him till the end when I was getting out. Didn't see a great deal of bass, lots of mullet in the shallows and was tempted by popping a few of them as bait for the crab pots but thought better of it.

Anyway, was about an hour in and about 1.5 hours after low and then I saw a small bass and was tempted but then this chap cruised past and BINGO my biggest bass to date. Was in and out of the bootlace in a few metres of water. Just of to cook it now..... 7lbs of prime Guernsey bass .... ummmm!

Was going to go in again today but too hungover!

I have started a link on what bass have been eating, think this link should work: [ [ame="http://forums.deeperblue.net/showthread.php?p=548986#post548986"]What's in your bass' belly?[/ame] ]. Would be interested in what you have found.

Happy fishing,


  • Bass June 2005 002A.jpg
    Bass June 2005 002A.jpg
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Short report on a great day, today, Sunday 19/6/05.
Went east coast with Ed leaving Charlie to follow when he could.
In at 11am, low tide, neap moving to spring tides. Flat calm, clear water and bright sunshine, ideal conditions.
Ed and I managed a 2-hour dive while Charlie made it for the last hour. Started shallow and caught bass immediately. Moved around some deeper reefs and tried everything else in between. Spent a while looking for flatfish after yesterdays success with the tanks, but no luck. Looked for a few pollack but not many about, well not many of any size anyway.
Final score was 8 bass, 2 mullet and 1 pollack fairly evenly shared between us (well actually I was top dog but not by much). Best bass was 5-6lb ish.
My younger brother turned up with his mega digital camera and took some excellent pic’s of us in action. Some computer compatibility prob’s but should be able to post soon.
Ed may well want to write a decent report as this is just a quickie on what was another great Guernsey dive, but unless and until this is the old man signing off. :wave
Happy huntin’
Dave :king
Sunday 19 June

Like Dave says - a fine session !

Went in and both got a bass in the first ten minutes - Dave's was a big one of about 5 pounds. I was stealthing in the weed about a metre deep, I shot a two pounder and then watched four more cruise past as I was reloading.

I stopped at the edge of the weed and hung in the water - as my eyes took in the scene I noticed a dark grey shape hanging in the water too, slowly I swung the gun and had it lined up before slowly creeping across the top of the weed really really slowly, as I was moving so slowly it became curious and started to head towards me, turning about 3 metres away. A poor shot through the top of the back but it went on the stringer.

Made my way out to the end of the point and saw alot of wrasse down to about 7m or so. On the way back a few garfish zipped past - still a mission of mine to land one of them.

Tried another patch of bootlace and there were quite a few in there - Dave shot another nice one and I fooled about trying to get my thumb back on the trigger and most of the gun out of the water to put me in with a chance on the short range for the weed. The bass were appearing about a foot away from you - alot of comedy moments as I was over the bass and trying to get them to move out from under me - manage to get one after three misses.

Another spot and another bass, this time in clearer water and a nice 5 pounder cruised past as I stelathed in the weed. Charlie shot two nice bass of about 3 to 4 pounds in the same spot.

Tried the drop off on the next patch and saw a few bass - some hail Mary shots at them as they slipped past about 8m below and 5m away - well out of range - think I need to change the rubbers - how often do people change their rubbers (speargun rubbers...:)) ? Once a year ?

Well, called it a day, I was knackered after a 2 hour session from the day before, an hours kayaking and then cycling to the other end of the island a back for a boozy bbq... and the heat ... man it was hot...

Well another great session.


(Pics of glory to come from Dave's brother later no doubt)
Here is a picture from the one at the start of May - I had put it under a different section in the forums. 5lber this one, tasty too.


  • Bass April 2005 003a.jpg
    Bass April 2005 003a.jpg
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I agree, nice one. :)
Tuesday 21/6/05, midsummer day.
Decided to try my high tide spot, which would be suitable provided I could make it in the water before 5pm. No crappy work related meetings today so was changed and in by 4.45.
Cut across the tide stream to my offshore reef. Worked the up tide side but only a few mullet and was perhaps a little early. Trucked on down the outside of the reef in the tide and round the corner into the lee. For some reason the excellent vis closed down to about 8ft (from 30ft) as I moved into the lee side bay. Right in tight in 3ft depth the vis went completely but shadowy shapes began to appear. Shot first bass from 1ft range (from spear tip) which was as far as I could see. Current philosophy is headshots only as I have exhausted my capacity to eat or even give away any more bass and so headshots mean saleable fish. First one was spot on and although only 2.5 lbs or so was neatly stoned. During the next 10 minutes got shoaled twice by smallish bass and managed one more perfect headshot. Definitely could have shot at least one or two more but not with the “no fillet damage” rule. So having scared all the fish off (it’s only a little spot), I was satisfied with a couple of fish on the stringer and the adrenaline high of having been surrounded by a load of the silver ghosts.
Now for the hard part, crossing 100 yards of 4 knot current. Made it back ashore several hundred yards down tide and still with a small margin of safety, otherwise it’s next stop England, 80 miles away.
"Intrepid" Old Man Dave.
PS No pic's today. Saving my attachment allowance for a mega picture fest if my brother gets his finger out! Watch this space.
Hey Ed - No can do this weekend as I am off the rock. Would be up for a dip tomorrow, tides is pretty high but worth a dip somewhere?

Dave - Your high water spot sounds interesting, you in tomorrow?

I was in for a bit after work, was pretty late though not being in till 6pm. Saw a few bass and more mullet than I would ever know what to do with! Came home empty handy having only fired my gun once (not up for mullet!), nice to get in the water though.

I know, I know, I said that I wasn't going in, but I sat in my workshop all day looking at the panoramic sea views and melting in what must have been about 90 bloody degrees. Couldn't help myself. Sorry Ed, sorry Adrian.
Worked the half tide up, just offshore, on the east coast. Had to watch the tide which was very strong due to being biggish springs. Managed it well and was justly rewarded. Still trying with the "larger fish with no fillet damage" if possible theme. Both fish were head shots and biggest weighed 5lb.
No more info today as I wasn't supposed to go, but enjoy the picture.
Ashamed Dave.
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Went in Thursday late after work, with Ed. Half tide rising, not the best. Went to a spot I hadn't been to for a long while but where I had caught bass at this state of tide in the past. A heavy swell breaking on a boulder strewn shore didn't look too promising, but what the hell? Vis proved okay and not long in I found a number of bass amongst breaking surf close to some large boulders just in the lee of some heavy current. Got one using the new aiming philosophy, but clean missed another 3. You just couldn't hold yourself or the gun steady in the swell. Some hairy moments too close, as in "much" too close to some nasty rocks. This proved to be the only decent spot and was soon fished out. The remaining dive looked good but other than one pollack and one wrasse was uneventfull. Mine were the only fish but Ed was pleased with a bit of salvage so not too bad a day after all. As if any day diving can be a bad day - I don't think so.
Dave :)
Nice dive - good to try different spots.

I salvaged a nice brand new Mustad landing net - looks sweet - have to give it a try with some rod fishing from my kayak :) ...
Ed, Dave,

very nice pictures! And very nice fish as well. I wish I was there with you guys for a dive... It seems it will be a busy summer here but I hope to be around at the end of August for a few days...

Take care

In the interest of fairness I should mention Saturday (25/6/05) as myself, Ed, Pete and Charlie went east coast. Low water, medium spring tide, with calm clear sea state. Two hours later only Charlie had seen a few bass. Everyone else had seen nothing, nout, nada, zilch – no bass. Saw a few pollack but all small and found a sole mark but no sign of Mr Sole. Eventually I speared a large wrasse of 6 1/4 lb plus a small mullet and that was our total catch. It was just one of those days. Not like today (Monday). Oh Yeh! :D
Went down west to secret bay as tide was perfect and there was shelter from the force 5/6 NE winds. Perfect conditions, great vis but after half an hour no bass. Couldn’t believe it.
When I saw a medium mullet I decided it was better than nothing so a careful shot and I broke my duck.
Eventually I found a shoal of small bass but shoals are always hard to stealth – too many eyes. However a bit of hiding in the thick bootlace weed did see me take a small one with an attempted headshot that was 2 inches out, as in through the fillet – just.
A few glimpses of more small and distant bass were causing me no end of frustration so I headed out more into kelp country. Still shallow but further offshore, with less bootlace, I stealthed around the reef heads. Coming around one big rock in about 4ft depth I saw the big battleship grey tail and tubby body of a nice bass. It was facing uptide into a slight current. I was approaching in its blind spot about 10 degrees off dead astern. I closed the speartip to 6 inches and fired into the back of its head. Spear went right through and stoned it. A 7 pounder – best this season for me.
Carried on around the reefs but apart from two more distant sightings, with no chance, that was it. So time to head back.
Stealthing the shallows I spotted a patch of blue/grey on the bottom in amongst the bootlace weed in 4ft of water. It looked like a small smooth granite boulder and while my sub conscious was going “It’s the head of a big bass. Shoot it.” My sane persona was going “If you shoot that rock you’ll wreck your £25 spear.” For some crazy reason I pulled the trigger at very short range. For a second after the kick of the gun there was only the spearshaft sticking up out of the weed and then ever so slowly a huge white and silver tail came into view, keeling over in slow motion. An 8 ½ lb bass, stoned with a headshot. Was I chuffed? You bet.
‘Fraid by this time I was already in the doghouse re time so scooted off back to shore and hiked the ½ mile up the beach, dragging my catch while catching flies in my teeth. Smiling or what? And so home for tea.
This is Old (but feeling younger every day) Man Dave saying good hunting to you all. :D
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Hmmmm am I always in the wrong spot ?
THink that Sunday was the worse session this year (excluding one in February when it was 7C and snowing...).

Yesterday I went to a west coast bay with Charlie, Adrian, Tim and Jamie - Charlie came out trumps again with a large mullet and a nice bass of about 3 or 4 pounds.

I saw plenty in the bootlace - but all the bass were def. still under the threshhold - all about 1 to 2 pounds. I had a few chances to shoot one of the ten that I saw but I was looking for a lunker - looks like they were all around where Dave was.

Might go on a solo mission to break my duck....
Went out with Pete after work - forgot the mobile so I missed Charlie.

Went out on the north coast straight into the swell and the chop - pretty rough !

But started to see some bass and I got a 5 pounder on aspetto in about 7m of water. Very nice fish and landed it with a middle shot as I haven't landed one for a while.

Pete was doing well with his aspettos and generally looking around - thin he was keen to get a bass to so we roamed all over the place and stayed in for over two hours (14C water still...).

Got home and felt pretty chuffed... then the phone goes and I start to apoogise to Charlie about missing him. "Ed, think I'm going to need the use of your scales..." Twenty minutes later Charlie turns upwith SEVEN bass ! :)

Hats off to the man for landing a few - the total weight was 21 pounds....

The biggest was 6.5 pounds and then one at 3.5 pounds and the rest between 3 and 2.5 pounds so all pretty decent fish and all in the head region... and even more surprisingly no mullet (if you knew Charlie this shows a tremendous amount of restraint as his girlfriend cooks up a mean spicy mullet dish...)

Anyway I think a new benchmark has been set... just up to Charlie to write a story and me to post the pics.

Later - Ed
Big day for me today. Launched my boat "Spearfish" after a 2 year rebuild. My big V8 turbo diesel engine had blown up, almost literally, and so I have now fitted a new 370HP Cummins turbo diesel engine. Also converted to shaft drive and while I was at it extended the hull to 29ft. Just need to run it all in and have it commissioned officially. Tales of daring do and underwater fish catching related stories to follow - hopefully.
Must mention Charlies catch. My PB is 5 bass for the day, although I know of a catch of 9 fish. What amazes me is it must have been a half tide down falling. I would never even bother to try for bass then. Just goes to show how wrong you can be and how you never know it all. :hmm
Well congrat's Charlie and details would be nice.
"Jealous" Old Man Dave
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Yes - looks nice Dave - not sure about those big stabilisers though ?!

Come on Charlie - write something ..... (or else we won't beleive you :))

Saturday 2 July '05
Out in my mates boat to try for some flatfish with the tanks. Bit rough at first so tried north coast. Good vis but bit too much tide, despite being neaps.
My buddy in first to a spot about 1 mile out in 50-60 ft. Not much luck - just 1 sole and a handfull of scallops.
I decided to try down west, despite sea state. Looking for brill and turbot at secret spot. 35 mins at 27.2 metres (90+ ft). Not a sausage. Lots of pollack, cuckoo wrasse and sandeels but no flats.
Mate tried an inshore bay and managed 1 dover sole about 3lb. He's useless (oops, sorry John). Went in there myself. Again good vis and just a bit too much tide. 6 soles and 4 plaice - that's better.
Getting late (and getting old) so it was a 2 tank day. Took a feed each plus a few give aways and just made the market with the rest.
I feel alive. Shame I'm too old to die young.
Thursday 7 July

IN at mid tide rising on quite a large tide - with Pete and also a vistor : Marco - the brother of Fabio. I guess news spreads fast and Marco is here for a week with his girlfriend Laura. Had a good dive on the east coast - all a bit hopeful as the current was wild and the tide and wind all wrong but managed to land a 5 and a 2 pound bass and Pete dragged home a pale 2 pounder too. Marco landed a nice mullet, missed 2 bass and a pollack escaped - so I am sorry to say Locals: duo puntas and Visiting Italians: zero puntas (or whatever points is in Italian...)

Anyway let's hope Dave can point him inthe right direction tomorrow as I am heading in the wrong direction (town and one or two 'light ales'...)

Ed :)
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