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Guernsey summer fishing

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Monday 11/07/05

After a very frustrating weekend when >3 hours of fishing and no bass to report, a few sighted but none came home with me so I thought that I would head in again after work. I tried a spot that I haven't tried for a while and wasn't sure what to expect, saw a few bass and mullet within the first few minutes so was hoping for a good day. Came home with a nice 4 pound bass so was glad that I went out!

Happy fishing,
Been a bit lax about reports lately, also last week was pretty shitty weather wise. Didn’t do much what with weather and messing about with my boat.
So, last Friday, went with Marco. Ed had shown him some bass and he was keen to catch his own. Went east coast at “good spot”. Sea had calmed and vis was fishable but that slight deadly swell was in the shallows.
Marco proved to be an excellent spearo but you can’t catch what’s not there and the bass were not home. I demo’ed spearing a couple of pollack, a wrasse and a mullet, as well as giving the low down on looking for flatties. Marco took a mullet for the barbie. He was giving me the sideways look when I told tales of “You should have been here last time”.
Saturday, out in mates boat for scallops. Nice day but 2 tanks each produced only about 14 dozen large. Good fun though. Ed says I’m loosing my touch.
Sunday, out in my boat – Hooray! Just a bit of rod fishing. However, Ed took Marco (and Pete) out west.
Ed was going to rub it in after his 2 bass to nil Guernsey/Italy jibe. Ha!, pride goes before a fall. Marco got 5, yes 5, bass. Ahem!, Italy 5/Guernsey 0. ‘Fraid I don’t know the details but maybe Ed will swallow his pride and enlighten us.
Ed’s off Island so promised to take Marco today (so he could embarrass me?). Major disaster on timing so failed to make rendezvous. Anyway in separately to both get 1 small bass and 1 mullet. A Guernsey/Italy draw. Didn’t see Marco’s fish but my mullet was of the golden grey variety. A big one too, about 2lb. There’s no comparison between golden greys and thick lipped – yum!
Okay, up to date now. Hope to get more back into it this week. Heard a spearo got 3 sole last weekend so maybe I’ll show the boys how to bash flats on the next set of springs.
Laura says Marco is going at 5am tomorrow. Personally at 5am I’ll be going “snore, snore” but when you’re young……
Old Man (sleepy head) Dave
My 20 year old son, Tom, has been inspired by my spearing of late. He used to go with me but when I took the last 3 years off he lost interest, 'til now. He blew the cobwebs off his old gear but with a new mask and snorkel he went north coast on the high tide. The old bands on his gun must give a working range of about 2 foot. Well it didn't matter 'cause he got a bass. Only a couple of pounds but what the hell? He done better than the old man did on his first dive this year. Good on you boy. Don't know where you get it from!
Old Man Daddy Dave.
Hi Guernsey spearos,

My mate Marcel and I got in at the north side of Cobo a couple weeks ago in the evening and swam out around the far reefs and back in at the south end - at night. My torch only lasted 3/4 of the way. Only one spear gun between us as I just felt like sightseeing. After watching Marcel miss three decent sized bass I confiscated his gun and put it through a nice six pounder. Dinner for six!

I like to hook up with you guys and go out some time. I also have a 24' Coronet names Chatty we can take out if you want to get father from shore. I have dived with Ed but have not met the rest of you. Let's hook up!

Greetings George
Six pounder at night eh!
About time there was some new blood on this thread. I was getting desperate, having to bring in my siblings. Tom got another bass today - yawn!
Ed's the real organiser so when he's back on friday give him a shout. We all do what he says anyway. If you haven't got his number send him a private message.
Sure he'd be keen on a boat trip but I usually don't have enough time to even use my own boat (Spearfish), but thanks for the offer.
Please keep on posting as that's what this thread is for (it's not the Ed & Dave show despite what people think).
Maybe you could treat us to a night dive? I reckon I could get a 180 pounder (or whatever Charlie weighs). Seriously is it dangerous with more than one gun? Never really done any night diving for bass, never even considered it. Interesting idea. :hmm
Look forward to meeting you.
Newsflash - Italians nab more bass.
Laura tells me that Marco had 5 more bass today. North west coast, apparently. Best fish 2.5 kg (5.5lb).
Well done Marco.
Fabio, watch out for your younger brother, he's catching them all.
I didn't go today but if I had I'm sure that I would have had 6 bass.
Dream on Dave.
I have to admit that I was not on good form on the night in question but it has to be said that George had to break with weighty tradition in order to actually hit something!!!



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My luck is changing..... went in last night again for a quick fish as I had to go round to my folks for some food. I managed just under a hour in the water and came home with a nice 4.5lber and a 2lber. First time with multiple fish this year. I was late for dinner but smoothed the way with the 4.5lber.

My batting average is slowly creeping up, yet to reach the heady heights of Marco (5 bass) L'Italian. May be there should be some sort of tourist tax on overseas fishermen? 1 pound per pound of bass - could go in to the kitty for the end of season bass / rockmount session? Only kidding Marco, well done.

Away this weekend but keen to go in any other time, just PM me.

BTW Ed - You better come back from London Village mate, we are cleaning up over here......
Nice one (or 2) Adrian.
Just to prove he's human after all, Marco went in this morning (5am) and only saw 2 very distant "no chance" bass. He tells me he did find a lobster but didn't really know how to tackle it. Fabio's got one answer - blast them. Apparently back home (in the Med) lobster can only be found in very deep water.
Marco's gone home so sighs of relief (bass and Guern's) all round. However he'll be back and with Fabio!!!! Quick boys, catch all the fish before late August. Think I'll do my bit this weekend, all being well.
"Hopeful" Old Man Dave.
Heard on the radio that local fishermen have seen quite a few Sunfish around. My Dad saw one from the boat recently too. In discussion I grabbed the laptop and did a quick search in order to find some pics for those who weren't in the know. Came across an awesome site with great pics and superb movies...


STOP PRESS - 'JAWS' Sighted in Guernsey Waters.

As the movie 'Jaws' was playing on the big outdoor screen at Cobo a Great White Shark was seen to be circling the bay. Children ventured down onto the rocks to get a closer look, one even entered the water! An expert who happened to be watching the film confirmed the sighting and shared with some of the crowd what species of shark we see in local waters - although he admitted that White Sharks were less common. The shark was estimated to be at least 15 feet in length.

Sightings such as this can be reported to the La Société Guernesiaise - Marine Section for cataloguing.

Pictures Attached.
another picture here


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Well, since now i'm back in London and no longer in utopia (the name Marco and I gave Guernsey whilst we were on our magnificent holiday) i felt the need to say thank-you to everyone who helped us have such a good time. I am going to try attach some photos but i'm not very good with computers so i don't know if i'll succeed.
Marco was devastated when he left, and i think it had an effect on me too..(i can't say the fishing or the fish, but waiting around on the beaches for you spearos to shed your gills and get out of the water)...as i took Marco to the wrong airport and he missed his flight back to Italy...! Woops, what a disaster...just goes to show what island life, fish and sun does to a girl's brain!!
All in all i'd say the trip was rather successful...although Mraco doesn't want to agree as he says he missed too many fish, but i now have a freezer full of sea bass, (to my mother's despair as she has no more space for any other frozen goods, but my father seems to have a smile on his face as he is a chef!), mullets, pollack and wrasse...if anyone has any suggestions on how to cook and eat them in the most tasty ways please let me know? I don't know exactly how many he got but i think he did a pretty good clean up job of your waters...i don't know if one of you should get a restrainng order on the two Italian brothers if they come over later!
We are hoping to come back for August 27th (hopefully with Fabio) and we would really love to meet up again and have another 'gara' as they say in Italy (or in our more humble tongue, 'competition')...will Guernsey come out victorious or will the italian 'aspetto' brothers eat all the pizza? we'll have to wait and see....in the mean time i'll say thank-you again, both from Marco and i, and will leave a few of our memories etched on this virtual page...
ciao ciao for now


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Hi Laura, Hi Marco,
Glad you've joined our little "Utopia" site. I've managed to catch a few bass etc lately, ones that Marco missed and anyway a little healthy competition just keeps us on our toes.
I'll will be on holiday (just) on the 27th (and just back from California) and look forward to seeing you again. Hopefully we'll be able to get more organised and maybe try to get some non diving entertainment sorted; barbie, boat trip, rod fishing etc.
You can keep in touch with what's happening via this thread but I'll send you "Private Messages" re further details of your trip and visa-versa.
Best wishes
Dave :wave
Wow looks like I have some catching up to do !
Amazing what can happen when you are off-island for a week... Nice to hear from you Lora and Marco and I'm glad you both had a good time, it was fun to show you a few spots and share some diving with Marco. Hopefully the 27th of August will be alot of fun as my brother and his wife will be over (seemed only fair to call for reinforcements !). Fabio and his wife are coming then too so could be a nice 'gara' !

Another tremendous week for Adrian and from what he was mouthing and wildly gesticulating through one inch security glass at Gatwick he also caught a few more before his flight(big ones too from the arm signals !) .

Nice one George and Marcel - looks like a beauty - must do some more lamping for flatties. George I'll give you a shout - been too long.. sorry amigo.

Well despite a fun packed week of learning about abstract polymorphic nested inheritance (Java design course - drank aloooot of coffee...) I managed to catch up with Fabio and Paula in London-town. Some excellent food and conversation and ... yes a few beautifully shot dvd's of sardinian dentici, chefaro (mullet), spigola, riccola, corvina and whatever italian is for bloody big grouper... Clear warm water and shoals of dentex (branca di dentici ?).... hmmm I'm sure these memories will have me reaching for the eject button sometime in November if not sooner....

Cheers & roll on the end of August...
My first trip this season flatty bashing in my own boat, the new and improved "Spearfish".
Went west on the low tide to work a few offshore gravel banks. Flat calm seas, neap tide and nearly 50ft vis. Wow!
Mate John was diving with me and other mate John was boatman.
More or less caught the tide right and managed 2 1/2 tanks total, down to max 85ft offshore and finishing in 40ft in the bay.
John (diver John) did 1 1/2 tanks offshore and 1/2 tank in the bays.
Total catch was 8 brill, 8 soles and 8 plaice. Best fish - 8lb brill. Score was Dave 18, John 6, but who's counting?
Brilliant day. :D
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I know this could be regarded inflammatory. I know this could be regarded as a sensitive subject.... please however hear that I'm just raising the question for discussion and not flaming.

Spearfishing with tanks. There, I've said it. (Yes, this comes on the back of Dave's post but it's NOT an attack on Dave.)

What does everyone here feel about spearfishing with tanks?? I've known scuba guys bragging about coming home with 30+ sole from such'n'such a bay... and I'm thinking.... 'where's the sport in that!?' I spend a couple of hours bobbing up and down and come home with 2 or 3 fish and am thrilled.

I feel that when I hunt freediving then it's me at the disadvantage in the fishes world and it's very much down to my skills and luck as to whether I catch or not. To hear these guys brag that they could skin a beach out of sole just sliding along the bottom plugging everything in sight leaves me a bit cold.

Again, I'm not having a pop at anyone here, I just wonder what you guys feel about it.

I've met guys who freedive to 60m and extract some awesome fish.... and I say 'hats off to ya! respect!!'

Something great that struck me the other day about the folks on this thread was that the stories and pics going around are of modest quantities of fish... ie. 'I caught enough for me and the family to have a feed.' Rather than 'we plugged everything in sight and my freezer is bursting.'

If it's for commercial fishing then that's more understandable.

It's widely felt that spearfishing gets a bad rap ie. it's thought of as being cruel etc. I know that it should be the most eco friendly form of fishing in that you choose which fish - size and species - that you shoot, as opposed to the 'dredge the bottom 'til it's dead and dump what you don't want' approach. I think we have a responsibility to demonstrate a care for fish stocks and the reputation of the sport.

Again, I'm not having a rant. I'm expressing my opinion and asking for your thoughts too.

With kind regards, Marcel
Interesting question Marcel - from what I understand of flatfish this is how it goes :

sole = buried under a couple of centimetres of sand so if you find one you are pretty lucky.

brill = the same colour as the gravel so again really well camoflaged and I bet I have swam over about 90 massive ones !

plaice = pretty hard to see unless they are on the surface.

I think that if you use a tank to do what you enjoy then fair play. It's pretty dangerous tank diving as far as I am aware and how many people go tank diving here in Guernsey ? I don't know but I reckon that maybe 20 people do it and of them only 5 or so do it to any intensity. So the damage to the fish population ? Not sure... Equally you could say that there is a definite impact on the bass population from those who plug five in one session... Again when you compare the stats against commercial or even recreational net/rod & line fishermen it is just a minimal amount.

Drag netting wipes out the sea bed and gill netting is a bad way to go and both pretty indescriminatory...

A few fish for friends and family every few weekends ... if you use a tank or freedive what is the difference ?

Some days you get a few some you get nothing - I think that responsibility is a good thing too but where would you define the limits of 'enough'... I thnk that I have had a fair few bass this year already but would you say that that was irresponsible and as people have demonstrated on this page if you know where to go you can get 5 in a session.. Where is the sport in that ? I'm not sure either but I still go ! Where is the sense in playing computer games or watching Big Brother ?! None as far as I can see yet many play/watch... (yeah I know slightly different as one has no environmental impact - at least not on higher animals :))

I feel that those who hunt for big grouper/marlin/bluefin to be a bit of a bad lot too but that's just me. I don't see the responsibility in hunting large non-shoaling fish. A bit wooly but for me I am happier going for fish that reproduce quickly and shoal. Preferably silver but in the case of dentici I will make an exception. So bass are in and grouper are out...

I don't shoot mullet as I don't like to. No other reason except the flavour and the smell. Bass seem cleaner and more silvery. Same with wrasse - I have tried one and really liked it but can't bring myself to shoot them as they seem too friendly.

Last time I went I let about 5 or so smaller bass pass by as I have quite a few in the fridge and freezer. Is this responsible fishing ? I hope so but equally if I had seen a whopper I would have had a go (man's desire to bring home the biggest I guess).

Hmmm.. interesting question.... got me pondering now... I'll thnk about it a bit more... Ed
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