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Herbert Nitsch 214m News from Greece

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
I like your post its full of enthusiasm and admiration, I think what Herbert has done is fantatsic but do we all disregard Patricks 209m because it was not ratified by Aida. My understanding is Patrick has had some disagreeement with Aida but I believe he has desended to over 200m. When we spoke about it on another thread I for one did not believe he would do it, i thought it a foolhardy attempt that he would surely perish in. I now believe he did it and have huge respect for him. I am in even more awe of Herbert now not just that he has gone deeper but also because he takes part in other disciplines.
I am just asking do we as a community feel Herbert is the first past 200 and not Patrick? Sorry if this is off topic.
Reactions: bluecape
Congratulation to Herbert and his Team!

No Limits is maybe not the sport for wolleneugebaue, cebaztian or the other 99% of the freedivers out there, but it still the deepest discipline there is and the one that everybody outside freediving ask for.

No Limits is something extra for those who want extra. Why start a new organization for 3-4 divers in the world, when AIDA is there?
Herbert 7 seconds perfect surface protocol tell us a lot of things. One of those things is that NLT can be done in a safe way.


What I understand this far is that Audrey, Leferme, Musimu, Franz and Coste have there accidents in training outside of AIDA. Correct?

ps II
Feargus, Musimu did 200+ in training without any rules or judges and he cancel his record dive after a really bad training dive to 209m. The video from the surface is kept in the secret because he don't want to show how bad it really was.
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Reactions: Sergiu
Yes, congratulations to Herbert and the whole team are in order. It was indeed a moving thing to watch.

One argument for no limits...
It is only a matter of time until the other disciplines catch up and we get to such depths that the same risks will start to present serious problems. At least then we'll be more ready to deal with it after the "research" done by extreme stunts such as this. Probably vwt will pass 150 quite soon, and for CWT 120 is certainly in the cards. Certainly the kinds of depths where DCS and retrieval problems will be an issue (and to some extent already is)...

On a lighter note, I think indeed comparing F1 to no limits is more fitting. In both, the athlete is surrounded by a team of engineers and tons of equipment and his performance is at least as much affected by the quality of the technology than it is by his own abilities.

Both push technologies to the extreme and the developments made from such extreme competition later serve a much bigger general and "less extreme" public.

But, the bigger the depth, the bigger the emotions...This thread is starting to resemble the infamous Musimu thread, which I still regret posting to
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F1... ha.
Photos check it out... the most techie thing is the coke bottle EqEx. (going on EBAY later today!)
Checkout Shark Freediving for a full technical description of the sled...

There were only 5 of us in the water and 2 SCUBA filming bods.. (Dan Burton and Fred Buyle) not really a huge team!

Can't wait for Alki to show us the high res edited version of the dive...

Anyway, cheers everyone for making it happen, especially those who shared the vision from the begining.... next year...???

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Apart all the technical safety issues that have been discussed, there is one thing i'm curious about: How the hell does Herbert prepare for the immense Pressure on a 214m dive??? I know he uses the Equex to equalize at those depths, but what is with the rest of his body? Did he trained with empty lung dives?
I remember a discussion about the possible human depth limit beeing when the blood shift in the lungs is so immense that it doesn't allow the heart to beat anymore, or maybe i missunderstood something:duh . Actually was his dive monitored by physicians?

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Yes thats the interesting question. How the lungs cope. Oxygenwise its understandable, even the equalizing one can understand (having this huge mouthfill outside the lungs) - but the lungs. Is he born to handle it or is there training behind it. I doubt he will tell us.


PS. Dont put me on the list of anti-NLT people. I have only suggested a different set up for regulation. Having Aida as the sportsfederation of freediving (competitions) not under the shadow of the huge attention NLT gets. But this is a big rift among us: some think we should strive for the olympic idea - others thinks it is quite cool to be perceived as superhuman daredevils.

PS. Yes Wolle, I have my eyes on that troll all the time. One false step and he will go for my throat.
Just a little precision....Marcus said only 2 people on scuba...it's not true....I was freediving for the pics...

I never breathe caned air to take pics

Reactions: aris ioannidis
I admire Herbert and his team, and I also admire DB Members who have the slightest courage needed to: sign their names + not create sock puppets.
If this discussion gets mean then I will gladly dump posts etc.
Pleas keep it civil, especially the sock puppets.
I will try and get a high res version up tonight or tomorrow morning. Then will add the 23 minute version later next week.
Fred and Dan; Very nice pictures! wow!

Question: Did anyone already hear something about this in the news? It's pretty quiet outside of deeperblue about this. I expected much more fuzz going around about this one.
In terms of how Herbert's body & lungs deal with 214m, it is not that mysterious. Many people have done 100% exhale dives to over 30m, which simulates more than 240m.
Fred and Dan; Very nice pictures! wow!

Question: Did anyone already hear something about this in the news? It's pretty quiet outside of deeperblue about this. I expected much more fuzz going around about this one.

There were some articles ins Austrian Newspapers.
I think in Krone, Kurier and Heute.
Also some reports in the Internet: Nullzeit Startseite - nullzeit.at - Tauchen, Segeln und Surfen in Österreich und dem Rest der Welt - Wassersport total! and tauch-sport.net, also www.divestyle.at
And blow by blow coverage on 567 Capetalk and Radio 702 in South Africa.
I've seen nothing (yet) here in the netherlands... only about those suicide o2 breathholders everyone is talking about...

In the end it doesn't matter how things are done. That's the reason that no limits 214 meters will always generate much more interest then a 82 meter constant no fins dive. It's just deeper and so more extreme in the eyes of an outsider.
Every non-freediver that I know that i've tried to explain freediving to has come up with one of the following statements:

"yeah I know freediving, it's the one with the sled right? What was the name of that movie.... Blue something...." or

"Freediving... yeah that's with that hot chick in the silver wetsuit that dives with the whales and stuff..." or

"Freediving... yeah that girl off the Pantene ad...."

People are only ever going to hear about freediving through the media, so ultimately it's what the media pick up on that's distributed to the wider world, whether it be clowns sucking on oxygen and doing statics, deaths or ultimate depth.

At least we know enough to have respect for all those people that attempt the different disciplines.
Don't forget:

"Freediving... yeah that's with those guys jumping from high rocks in the water..."

I even once got the comparison with jumping out of planes... !?!?!
Oh yeah - i've had the high-diver one too, that and base jumping

When I told my employment agent last year I was going to the Freedive World Championships for a couple of weeks in Egypt, he asked if I was doing it in the Nile. And that was coming from a scuby too.... :head
Hey Jeff - good words.

You gotta tell Cape Town freedivers when/if you'll be doing an interview - I'll have my ears stapled to the radio!

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