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Ireland Spearing 2012

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Madalena, pico island. It's illegal worldwide. The guy in the photo doesn't seem to care. He has it on display on a wall!!!

Oh my.... I know the place really well I´ve been there before, Pico was and important place for whale hunting, fortunatly not anymore.... If you can please send me a pm with his link/contact, I would give him a word or I´ll try to contact my folks therein Azores in order to take care of this issue.... cheers.
looking at the forecast are we finally in for a bit of good weather! High pressure system here we come :)
Poor Turtle.
On a lighter note heres the latest vid.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIwqe3lww5M&feature=plcp]summer so far - YouTube[/ame]
Just a report on my FOM competition entry. We have been having a reasonable year in NI. Been trying a few more isolated, deeper and offshore spots and sjw and myself have been taking a few bigger Pollock (our favourite quarry). We have had a number of fish over 5lb (most dives at various spots) although the water has been cold around 11 – 12 degrees.

I was having a family holiday on the north coast and went for an evening high tide dive at a very public and accessible spot. I took mullet and a couple of bass around 4lb there last year and was hoping for the same. I had never seen Pollock of any size as the area is heavily fished by anglers. The sea was just alive with fry and mackerel and viz was about 4 - 5m and 13 degrees. I was diving between 5 and 8m and the shoals of mackerel were everywhere but surprisingly there were good numbers of sizeable Pollock about as well. It seemed to me that as a shoal of mackerel went past then the Pollock would be following the mackerel. It was getting close to dusk and the light was deteriorating. I paddled the divehunter around some fishermen on the rocks to get to deeper water. I hadn’t taken any fish at this stage because I was on holiday I didn’t want to be filleting a load of 2lb fish as the misses hates the state I leave the place. The Pollock were very curious and as soon as I was on the bottom they would be checking me out. A good fish swam slowly across from my right which I though was about 5lb in the low light. I got him with a head shot and stoned him. The very next dive another good fish swam towards me and as soon as he turned I got him just behind the gills. They turned out to be 10.1 and 7.5lb respectively, considerably bigger than I thought they were in the water. It is my biggest fish eclipsing my 8.5lb from last year. They were filleted and I got the local chippy to batter and fry them and had a number of friends and family over for dinner! Tasty although not providing the same recipe book standard photos as some of you guys like to present! I dove the same place a couple of days later and there was hardly a fish to be seen only a few small Pollock. It was particularly disappointing that there were no mullet or bass as I saw them a few times at that location last year. Indeed I have yet to even see a mullet this year despite diving a few mullet spots that are usually heaving with them. May be linked to the shortage of bass in the south?

A few questions: anyone else experienced Pollock following the mackerel? Do large Pollock tend to inhabit the near shore reefs or do they just travel in with the tide from deeper to various spots depending on where the food source is? All my early morning sessions this year have produced few fish while the evening sessions have been much more productive. Anyone else experience this? Anyone else caught an octopus this year? It’s the first one I’ve seen.

Great fish, well done. The bigger pollack tend to come inshore when baitfish are shoaling inshore, either pollack or mackeral. There are also places which have big ones most of the time. These tend to be 10 metres or more deep with a rough rocky bottom and/or lots of kelp. I look for places shore anglers can't reach but which boat anglers pass by in their rush to get offshore. Inshore cliffs and cut off bits of headland are good if the water is deep enough. A bit of tide always seems to help as long (as it's not blowing you away to sea!) Watch out for angling boats towing lures and make sure they've seen you or keep close enough to rocks that they won't run you down (but don't get slapped against rocks by waves either).
Those are fine fish, rep sent but it hasn't registered yet.
Nice pollock made me decide I'm getting in tomorrow morning in mullaghmore even if I have half the luck
I will be happy :)
Portugesse Man-O-War's have been spotted along the south coast and Irish water safety has released a warning for Cork,Kerry,Waterford.Careful out there lads
good to see an irish fish in FOM this time considering how poor the vis has been. will be interesting to see how it does - some decent competition in there.

we were in again on saturday. low tide good spot but only one decent fish spotted. vis poor and at the end a new swell arrived which wiped the vis out. proper surf conditions!

not having it very good so far...
Just a quick one what's the name of that website for checking shellfish is it MABS ? Tried that just got a money advice service! Cheers
so , as I see everybody ready for a winter season laziness . all wetsuits well dry by this stage and nobody cares about spearfishing any more :D
Flagship scuba shop in Dublin , started sell some of spearfishing staff . very little and very pricy .
Cracing day in Cork, looks like the summer has finally arrived!!

Going to head out later around 3:30pm after work, if anyone is up for a dive drop me a message as will be around East Cork..
so , as I see everybody ready for a winter season laziness . all wetsuits well dry by this stage and nobody cares about spearfishing any more :D .

Not me Daniel!!! I was in at 6.30 first light. I didn't find what I was looking for though:( I'll probably try again tomorrow and Friday if I can make time. Now the weather's good it's lovely to be in again.
During the bad weather I did OK with the rod and line too.
yep i get up at 6.30 too :(

Whats teh viz like down our way craig? How bout westh dave?
so weather for a weekend is great !!! just wondering what will be viz down in Beara ? maybe head down there for weekend ?
yep i get up at 6.30 too :(

Whats teh viz like down our way craig? How bout westh dave?

Vis is OK here as long as you're somewhere calm. There's so much powdered seaweed left from the rough weather that anywhere with a bit of surge is still a little clouded.
I was up at 5.30 and in the sea shortly after 6.30.
Water was nice and warm still. I tried three places for over an hour in each without getting cold.
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