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Ireland Spearing 2012

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Ye I got out yesterday but the vis was absolutely pants...1-1.5m at best and the stink from rotting weed that's thrown up on the shoreline is enough to make you vomit. Gotta find some good vis for the weekend, got a gopro as a pressie and I'm dying to try it out. I shot 1 hour of an underwater snow blizzard with it so far :waterwork
I got out last night for low tide, was hoping the viz would have cleared up but it was fairly crap, although fishing over sand made things easier.
There was around 2mtres and even less over weedy areas, still saw quite a few Bass but was after Flounder, in the end though ended up with 1 Flounder and a Bass and swam for around 2.5 hours.
Beautiful fish, it would look nice on a plate too I would guess - get in there boys I want to see one them there breams gracing the pages of db..
Going for a session somewhere to Co Cork tonight /tomorrow . A
Anyone want to hangout for a session or two . Or tip out where will be good viz .
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Here's a pic for Bobdonny. 5.3 taken yesterday. Bass and mullet were everywhere so I took a bass. Still no bream though.

Nic fish,was in yesterday evening for 1hr ,hunted an area about 30x30 yards and seen about 50 bass and 30 mullet,all in between 3 and 5 ft of water,pure heaven. I have a crick in my neck from trying to look straight forward in the shallow water,any tips ??

If you're in the shallows and don't need to dive down, try it without a weightbelt on...works for me. I was out for 2 hours yesterday in vis from 1m up to 2m max. Seen 1 bass and missed him (must be lack of practice) and 3 mullet...what a contrast to your day.
Actually I find you need some serious wieght to avoid a cricked neck if you are hunting the shallows!
The deeper you sink your body the less acute you head will be to your body if you are looking ahead.
I have a purpose set of kit for weed & shallow water hunting - short fins that sink & allow you to stand up in the water(scuba jet fins), ankle weights & 11kg of wieght around my waist (no wieght vest).
I swim with my fins submerged & use a bent knee style of swimming, this works very well but is quite specific & not recommended for diving - just surface hunting.

Had a good 40ft of vis where i was yesterday,just took a brace of 4.5lb mullet,vis was too good for the big bass.

Yea i reckoned more weight,must customise a set of kit for this spot,as i think i'll be spending alot of time thererofl,this place was high end stalking,weed all the way up to the surface ,giant bolders and nobody else around ,like the tip about the short fins,trying to stand in regular fins isn't much fun.
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Here's a pic for Bobdonny. 5.3 taken yesterday. Bass and mullet were everywhere so I took a bass. Still no bream though.

Thanks Dave

I went out for a quick dip myself on Sat evening, just mainly to relax (I had just drove a new car home from Holland and needed to chill out in the ocean ). I immediately started seeing bass, and even taped the tail of one with my hand before he sped off. They were a little small, and to be honest I didn't really want to be bother filleting and messing around with a small fish...
I went on to where the fish hang out but the place was empty, it had rotten seaweed and I'm sure that puts them off. The place was crawling with bait fish though and viz was not bad at 5-10m. I swam around the bay but only saw about 10 bass and 3 mullet all around the 4lb mark.
I decided to have a pop around the headland and this place was amazing... I've only been here once a few years ago and saw a sea trout so I thought I'd have a look. I only stayed there for a short time and as I was swimming back the wife and family were about to call the coast guards as they lost sight of me for about an hour

Whilst I was there I saw 3 massive mullet to about 7-8lbs and a bass of about 12-13lb, the bass was about 6m deep in a gulley and I was on the surface and he bolted before I could get a shot off. this area has amazing boulders and gulleys and I've really got to explore it more as the fish are easily the biggest I've ever seen anywhere...

Earlier I was diving among some rocks looking for a few lobster when my stringer must have come loose and got jammed under a rock. I gave it 2 sharp tugs (as pulling hard uses more oxygen) to remove it but it was stuck fast. I dropped my gun and unclipped my belt but before I dropped my belt I realised without weight there would be no way I could dive the 8m to retrieve them... so I turned and had another try and managed to remove the stringer bar and surfaced. Suppose I could have cut the mono as a last resort, but I really didn't want to drop my lead!

Just goes to show how important it is to not dive to your max breathhold, as you might just need that extra 10seconds to sort out a situation
It's all very quiet around here which means the winter is coming..
Anyway I made it out earlier this week on Monday, viz was fairly crap as per usual but I was only fishing in the shallows so was not to much of an issue. I was trying for the Flounder again as the Bass seem abit to easy at the moment as their everywhere( thats not a complaint).

Anyway swam for about 2.5 hours and ended up with 3 Flounder and a big Bass, will have to get scales and start taking some pic's.

I was thinking of heading out this afternoon into East Cork but given the wind we are having it might not be great, anyone been out.
Maybe I'm old Craig, but I just can't be arsed going out in weather and viz like that!

When I started I was out in all weather but now I try to pick really good session.

I'm working practically every day so i cant seem to get out, but....
I'm actually have considering a night dive tomorrow night.

Wind is down, swell is down to 1m from the west, but most importantly the wave period is 12 seconds... thats 12 seconds between each wave...

Looks like fab conditions for a night dive... even better if we head east facing for a spot full of lobsters / flatfish

Anyone up for a night dive :friday
I would have come out for the night dive tomorrow but heading up to Dublin, not sure if for two days or just the one.

If the visablity is good on Saturday and you fancy another Sunday night then I should be back.
We'll see, twice as many waves and wind picking up and coming from SW will make it a little rougher... Sat seems to be best... Anyone else interested?
will have to get scales and start taking some pic's.

I was thinking of heading out this afternoon into East Cork but given the wind we are having it might not be great, anyone been out.

How'd ya get on... someone better be getting out in this weather... looking like my next window is wed morning... Might try the boat on tues.

Then back to work on thurs to miss all the good weather
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