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Ireland Spearing 2012

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
After coming across this recent consultation document - 2010 regarding Bass from The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) - Northern Ireland, I obviously wondered if anyone knew anything about its implementation, opposition etc? Of particular concern are the following proposals:

26. This proposal was supported by the majority of the recreational angling
sector, however a few respondents argued that spear fishing and hand
lining should be permitted.
27. With regard to spear fishing we consider that it will be difficult for a spear
fisherman to distinguish between fish at the margins of the minimum
landing size and since fish caught by this method will be dead we have
concluded that it is not appropriate to permit this means of fishing for bass.

Summary of Consultation Results Document here
(published 3/8/2011)

I also wondered how long it will be before spearfishing in the UK & Ireland will actually become regulated/licensed etc - these kind of proposals now seem to be gathering pace in the UK & Ireland and we appear to have little/no representation in any of the consultation processes both in 2008 regarding European legislation and this one?
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That's interesting/worrying. Do u know if these proposals have been passes or are they still only proposals? They do have a point with not being able to tell size of a legal bass. Especially novices.
That's interesting/worrying. Do u know if these proposals have been passes or are they still only proposals? They do have a point with not being able to tell size of a legal bass. Especially novices.
I don't know how the legislation works johnny but the consultation results document seems a little less worrying but still important to note that the politician sided with the Anglers... as in a maximum of 2 Bass etc., rather than the commercial fisherman (political hot potatoes) who are obviously both well represented in the consultation process - so why aren't we?
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Personally I wouldnt be too worried... the same arguement can be made for any species of fish as most have MLS.
Likewise how many fishermen have a measuring tape with them or dont keep small fish (no just bass).
I think it will come down to a cost of enforcement and really, spearfishing is so small in ireland it enforcement would be prohibitive.
Also now that we have established bodies it will be a lot harder to exclude them going forward and make a legal activity illegal? Staying on good terms with IFI and BIM is sensible and as far as I'm aware the bodies are doing just that.
Personally I wouldnt be too worried... the same arguement can be made for any species of fish as most have MLS.
Likewise how many fishermen have a measuring tape with them or dont keep small fish (no just bass).
I think it will come down to a cost of enforcement and really, spearfishing is so small in ireland it enforcement would be prohibitive.
Also now that we have established bodies it will be a lot harder to exclude them going forward and make a legal activity illegal? Staying on good terms with IFI and BIM is sensible and as far as I'm aware the bodies are doing just that.
Bob, What do IFI & BIM stand for and are they spearfishing bodies... they didn't appear to be present at this latest consultation done by DARD
Bob, What do IFI & BIM stand for and are they spearfishing bodies... they didn't appear to be present at this latest consultation done by DARD

No, in southern Ireland we have different marine bodies. Inland Fisheries Ireland Board iscara mhuire (Irish seafood board).
We only have one official spearing body (spearfishingireland.ie) and have had meetings with these bodies offering our services to investigate illegal activity etc. so Hopefully it will be a you scratch my back sort of arrangement if it ever happens...

Basically... if you want something, you gotta have something else to bring to the table... i.e. if you want us to help you stop illegal bass fishing, allow us to continue legally spear bass.
No, in southern Ireland we have different marine bodies. Inland Fisheries Ireland Board iscara mhuire (Irish seafood board).
We only have one official spearing body (spearfishingireland.ie) and have had meetings with these bodies offering our services to investigate illegal activity etc. so Hopefully it will be a you scratch my back sort of arrangement if it ever happens...

Basically... if you want something, you gotta have something else to bring to the table... i.e. if you want us to help you stop illegal bass fishing, allow us to continue legally spear bass.
No surprises there then, you make a good point though. Spearo's have a lot to offer fisheries authorities, marine conservation & sustainability... we can count/identify fish and with conclusive underwater video evidence... as well as illegal commercial activity. I bet a lot of us also pick up dangerous lost fishing tackle, rubbish and plastic bags too. We have a strong lobby but don't seem to use it to preserve our current free ranging & unregulated status. It would be a shame to lose it because we didn't have solid representation at ever increasing fishing authority consultation processes? Early bird catches the worm!
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Bob, What do IFI & BIM stand for and are they spearfishing bodies... they didn't appear to be present at this latest consultation done by DARD

Hi Artiz, you can find more information about IFI and BIM on the links and downloads section of Irish Spearfishing Webite; providing Information on Spearfishing in Ireland.

Following a thread started by Mr. X in June 2010 (http://forums.deeperblue.com/fish-photos-regulations/87084-irish-proposal-would-ban-spear-fishing-bass.html) a number of us on DB made submissions to the consultation. I'd say the following reference in the consultation summary included those submissions:

5 Prohibition of fishing for Bass, within the Northern Ireland zone by any means other than rod and line.

Most anglers agreed with the proposal.

Some argued for permission to catch fish by spear fishing and hand lining on the basis that these methods were sometimes used that would not carry the same risk to fish stocks as directed netting and trawling.

Its probably no surprise that most anglers would agree with a ban on anything other than rod and line.
Hi Artiz, you can find more information about IFI and BIM on the links and downloads section of Irish Spearfishing Webite; providing Information on Spearfishing in Ireland.

Following a thread started by Mr. X in June 2010 (http://forums.deeperblue.com/fish-p...sh-proposal-would-ban-spear-fishing-bass.html) a number of us on DB made submissions to the consultation. I'd say the following reference in the consultation summary included those submissions:

5 Prohibition of fishing for Bass, within the Northern Ireland zone by any means other than rod and line.

Most anglers agreed with the proposal.

Some argued for permission to catch fish by spear fishing and hand lining on the basis that these methods were sometimes used that would not carry the same risk to fish stocks as directed netting and trawling.

Its probably no surprise that most anglers would agree with a ban on anything other than rod and line.

Thanks Derek & sorry for replication. Not that many people got involved in Mr X's thread though - which is a bit of a worry... glad to hear you blokes did actually contribute - well done. I suppose my concerns are that the Irish regs - 2 Bass in 24hrs, seasonal ban etc will be making its way across the Irish channel in the near future so still wondering why our relative national spearfishing associations did not represent our interests at the consultation process? A body or association should/could have far more clout & supporting information than dedicated individuals?
From my experience Bass. Mullet & Pollack are the most numerous fish I have encountered over the last 40 years (and that hasn't changed) and also possibly the least likely to be adversely effected by commercial fishing due mainly to their inshore habits so also wondering why the Irish policy was considered in the first place and then adopted?
27. With regard to spear fishing we consider that it will be difficult for a spear
fisherman to distinguish between fish at the margins of the minimum
landing size and since fish caught by this method will be dead we have
concluded that it is not appropriate to permit this means of fishing for bass.

Does this mean it is no longer permitted to spear Bass in the UK?
Glad to hear that, I haven't been keeping up with it all...where are they at with implementing any of this do you know?
Been out lately Derek ?

No, between work and other commitments its been a couple of weeks now. I went down earlier today just to have a look and the viz looked ok from the shoreline, still not great but maybe a couple of metres. I'm hoping to get out over the next few days and get some bass and flounder if I'm lucky.
No, between work and other commitments its been a couple of weeks now. I went down earlier today just to have a look and the viz looked ok from the shoreline, still not great but maybe a couple of metres. I'm hoping to get out over the next few days and get some bass and flounder if I'm lucky.

Should be some very decent Bass about if the wind would die down for a few days.
Should be some very decent Bass about if the wind would die down for a few days.

Ye, I was thinking the same earlier on...it was blowing SSW at 30Km/h this afternoon. A lot of the rotting weed that was on the beach though has been cleared away...looking forward to getting wet again, feels like ages.
Ye, I was thinking the same earlier on...it was blowing SSW at 30Km/h this afternoon. A lot of the rotting weed that was on the beach though has been cleared away...looking forward to getting wet again, feels like ages.

Should be alot of Gilthead Bream about too in certain places
I've heard that they're to be found in some of the places that I hunt but so far I haven't seen any. Seen a lovely sized sea trout but just watched him feeding in the weed, I got pretty close to him before he decided to swim on.
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