Haha thats actually all very convincing foxfish & jegwan, thanks for the help.
This will be the first project I have with wood but ill be asking a few people that work wood to help out, so I dont get much wrong. All my parts im getting are from Meandros & Alemanni. Im not dealing with Neptonics anymore because I sent them money and havent been shipped the parts I ordered and I asked for a refund and havent gotten any reply from email.
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Like foxfish says - you can't go wrong with epoxy resign. Just follow the instructions very carefully. It's critical that you blend the right amount of resin and hardener.
I experienced the same with Neptonics. But it was all perfectly corrected by him in the end. I got my refund. Sometimes he's travelling and spearfishing. I waited some time for his reply. Send him a reminder.
Good luck with the project.