Here are a few pics of the track & ballast infill piece.
I would like to say that after numerous attempts to build the square section tube I bought some from Hong Kong!!
It is amazingly strong & extremely ridged.
I will have the choice to cut a 4mm slot to make an enclosed track or a 7.5mm to make an open track.
In fact I am thinking of doing both - cutting a 7mm slot half way down from the muzzle end & then a 4mm down to the trigger end.
I would like to say that after numerous attempts to build the square section tube I bought some from Hong Kong!!
It is amazingly strong & extremely ridged.
I will have the choice to cut a 4mm slot to make an enclosed track or a 7.5mm to make an open track.
In fact I am thinking of doing both - cutting a 7mm slot half way down from the muzzle end & then a 4mm down to the trigger end.