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New gun build

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Here are a few pics of the track & ballast infill piece.
I would like to say that after numerous attempts to build the square section tube I bought some from Hong Kong!!

It is amazingly strong & extremely ridged.

I will have the choice to cut a 4mm slot to make an enclosed track or a 7.5mm to make an open track.
In fact I am thinking of doing both - cutting a 7mm slot half way down from the muzzle end & then a 4mm down to the trigger end.


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That looks sweet, I love a nice bit of carbon!

The tubes look a fair way below the guns top surface, you're going to need some big sharkfins?

I like the semi enclosed track plan.
Nothing is glued together yet Tom but I still intend to only have the fins showing.
I have tried tapeing a 140cm 7mm spear to the components & it just about floats, I plan to use a shorter 6.5mm spear though so the bottom square tube can be used to adjust the balance with lead or air.
I have been waiting for some carbon tape to arrive but, now I have it!
I ordered some Uni-directional Carbon tape to see how it looks compared to the standard plain weave..


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Perfect just in time for the weekend build if the wind and sea act up.
Carry on mate,happy Friday eve.

I am afraid to say that life got in the way so not much progress happened over the weekend but, I did glue one of the square tubes in place & drill the trigger pin holes in one half!


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A few days ago, I taped the gun together today & took it to the sea to see if it would sink or float.
I tried it out with a 1150mm x 6.5mm spear & it looks very promising, easily floating :)
So yesterday I stuck the main components together, all went well & today I stuck an extra bit of different design carbon fibre tape in place.
We will see if it looks good or not tomorrow!
The gun is just starting to look like a gun, the third pic shows the intended position of the handle but I wonder if i can make the position adjustable or at least have it mounted as shown or right at the back?


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Mart, my mouth is foaming for what I'm seeing.
And yes, the gun looks good too. ;-)

How are you going to attach the bands? Got a plan for the trigger linkage if you're fitting the handle forward?
And one more question: with the handle placed there, I reckon it will have a long-span reverse trigger mech placed much behind the grip, right?
Bravo...Carbono Negra ....very sleek, as thin as a reed.:inlove

Cheers, Don
So yesterday I stuck the main components together, all went well & today I stuck an extra bit of different design carbon fibre tape in place.
We will see if it looks good or not tomorrow!

So here are the results, on the sides of the gun I have used the standard carbon fibre weave, on the bottom & top I have use unidirectional carbon tape.
I like the subtle difference, from some angles it looks like crocodile skin.
Now that I have some experience, I think I could really play with the idea by sort of snaking the tape but, this one looks pretty cool anyway.
O & I also used black epoxy to fill the uni tape.


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