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North Wales, The Llyn & Anglesey 2013.

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going to bait pot on low if i can get in and find it! if its still where i put it !?.Anyone moved a metal grey plastic coated pot with door left open off south coast before i go?LOL.
from here its foggy pouring with rain and i cant see the sea at mo but its getting brighter later ???!....yer let you know in a couple of hrs.
New episode guys...enjoy it and please give me some feedback to improve the next ones. :)

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nj4zpJEVvGY"]Spearfishing in North Wales Vol3 - YouTube[/ame]
My pot was gone not supprised So i feed the fish heads n skins to the crabs.seas quite flat on low on south vis was supprising ok a milky 3m .only mackerel wrass small pollock and bait fish seen.calm overcast conditions .
Crap! I've assumed it would be pointless, so have arranged two nights on the beer this weekend.
sound good to me!prob be more productive than here!.check weather/wind come over with hangover!LOL.Could work out ok seas warm.Youve got the next five mounths to get hammered!
Met up with foxy on south just after high.vis was good 3-5m roughened up a little i saw no silver fish .foxy did let him tell you !.saw big jelly, tons of bait fish ,a dog fish ,few small trout and pollock lots wrass 1 small edible crab .What did you get today then Dario ?
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I have seen very little and got 4 small bass and a lobster. Here a fortunate shot.

Phew, thought they might have all run away! Saw your car Dario, would like to have hung around to say hello but duty called!

Had nice swim with Ian today, but not much seen to be honest other than a huge shoal of stinky, followed by half a dozen huge stinky..... Half way through decided to give bro the benefit of the doubt and try one with his recipe but amazingly managed to miss all three at point blank range. Think the waves might have affected my aim but to be honest dont think my heart was in it, but i will def try next time. Nice swim though, plenty seen, little plaice, big shoal of little trout, crabs, pollock, tons of bait fish but not one bass....
disappointed? Bizarrely not, was a great swim, good company, good viz, sun shining, life good.
Brilliant video, awesome catch . Footage would look better with some colour correction in the edit. Very blue/green .

Thanks for the feedback Will, will try to play around with the video editor and see if I can improve that.

I think they will be around for another month or so. The water is still warm so I don't see why they should leave. Next time buddy.
Good reports everyone . Does anyone who has a Sunnto Vyper know if the bottom time can be changed to to seconds qas on mine it dispalys in minutes and I don't find it much use? Cheers
I have the same old viper I haven't manage yet to get it in to any use full free dive mode!i will look at it again now see what I can find out. Come home now look good coming back even blue sky and sun some thing I haven't hardly seen for a week.think tide are getting bigger.But get out there befor the temps drop boys.
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Thanks Ian, yeah I have it in Gauge mode but I just want it to show bottom timer in seconds . Yeah time is running out ! I will be out later this month for a few days.
I have looked in to this before I think that's it is a divers watch really, not a free divers watch.the dive log playback is in minutes/meters depth.
Thanks for having a look , yeah I think minutes are the only option . Maybe I will look at one of the freediving specific computers. But most of these don't have a temp reading .
Just want some thing with bottom times and surface intervals in seconds , depth alarms and temp reading .