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Objects found while freediving

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The MI5 has been alerted by your post, you'll be arrested soon, just finish you meal go to living room and watch TV and wait for the SAS team
Holy Cow! Hope you bouyed it off and notified UEOD.

I didn't have anything to bouy it off with. It was in the middle of nowhere; and I doubt if I could find it again. To be honest, Plymouth Sound is littered with this kind of stuff. Tong and I found a couple 6" shells last year. I reported them, told them the location, and even drew a picture of where to find them. Nothing was done about them. I guess they are still there.
Just wear protective goggles and give it a good whack with the butt end of your gun. It'll defo sort it mate, you'll be right.
When I was young I used to spearfish in a shallow bay where they had found an amount of bombs, mostly hand grenades and antiaricraft ammo still in their boxes or scattered around.
The fishing was terrific anyway, and as young and stupid I was self assured that nothing bad could ever happen to me.

One day I missed a shot on a fat bream (that son of a bitch!), and when then I tried to retrieve my spear from the bottom, I pulled and pulled till I realized the flopper had pierced something and was stuck. The pulling and the stirring made all suspended particles of sand and weed annihilate the visibility: I couldn't see a damn. So I touched and touched to find out what was my spear stuck in.
That was when my hands rubbed something like a tin-wood case. I remembered the stories of bomb cases found there, and I gurgled "phuq!".
That was the day when I grew up from the young and stupid DEF.CON. to the old pussy DEF.CON. Never went to dive in that place anymore.
Reactions: Mr. X
When very young as a Boy Scout we'd camp on CAMP BULLIS outsiide San Antonio. An old firing range was on the place. As kids will do we scrambled everywhere. Found lots of shrapnel, rifle brass, and even the inert pineapple bottom from a handgrenade :martial (still have it in a closet somewhere). Worst ever found by a friend--a morter bomb that was mustard gas from WW I era--and definitely not inert! :blackeye Turned it in. Next year we didn't camp there.
Reactions: apneaboy
Or it just ends up in plods retirement fund!!!!!rofl
Yes, definitely get a receipt and a date when you can collect. Maybe leave name & address/ tel. number in case of reward?

A few years ago I spotted what appeared to be a large old gold & turquoise vase amongst the rocks & sea weed on the sea bed. On closer inspection it turned out to be the head from an artillery shell & the blue most likely copper sulphate corrosion -- I left it well alone. [I'm told that it was likely solid metal - but the most common alternatives to that would be explosive or uranium tipped!]
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Reactions: apneaboy
Hello Divers!
I found this weird machinegun in the summer 2009 while diving outside malmoe harbour. I believe it is a russian sudajev. The cops loved it.
Hello Divers!
I found this weird machinegun in the summer 2009 while diving outside malmoe harbour. I believe it is a russian sudajev. The cops loved it.
View attachment 27249

Spot on sir-

Sudaev PPS-43 submachine gun
Caliber: 7,62x25 mm TT
Weight: 3,67 kg loaded, 3,04 kg empty
Length (stock closed/open): 615 / 831 mm
Barrel length: 250 mm
Rate of fire: 500-600 rounds per minute
Magazine capacity: 35 rounds
Effective range: 200 meters

I found a boat.. Complete boat, motor and all, in about 15ft of water in a local lake. the water had about 5ft viz. It looked like it was only a season old too. I wanted to retreive it but i own a weak ass little car and i woulda needed a truck. maybe this season tho. :blackeye
You should definitely get that boat! Give you something to do when you're not underwater!
Gates, get some rope and pullies and multiply your cars' horsepower that way! - It's a great project to do with some freediving friends!
Thats actually a really good idea! As soon as the ice is off the lake ill try and find it again...that is if some other smarter spearo hasnt nabbed it on me. :blackeye
Step 1: Salvage Boat
Step 2: Polish till shiny
Step 3: Take engine to mechanics
Step 4: Put on Ebay
Step 5: ???????
Step 6: Profit
Posted via Mobile Device
Reactions: agbiv
Step 1. salvage boat
Step 2. get arrested for stealing the abandoned boat
Step 3. call your buddy (me) to get yourself out of jail
Step 4. hire attorney for unbelievable $
Step 5. get the charges dropped, poorer but wiser.

This actually happened to my room mate of the time.
Get ready to salvage boat. Call local Guts-n-Feathers (Fish and Wildlife Game Warden) or local Sheriff Dept. :martial Have them come out to witness honest salvage. Take photos underwater and of recovery. You should have no problems. I did several canoes and aluminum jon boats from local creek after over a month flood. Canoes have no registry here so no probs. Used jon boat registry #'s and F&W connection to contact owners. In some cases they responded, others no response so I claimed as salvage through TPWD & sold them real cheap with replaced titles. Motors took a LOT of work to get the silt out but they were usable.
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Wow you guys find the most interesting things! Nothing that exciting just odds and ends including a nice deck chair (must've fallen off the side of the pier I guess), diving weights, wallets, goggles, fishing gear, various pieces of clothing and a life time supply of toys for the dog (amazing how many balls and frisbee's end up in the water).
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