I'll probably bring my Yak & just anchor it somewhere near where I'm diving...Big carp can get to be a pain to drag around all day. Plus it gives me a reference point and a resting platform.
Not to mention I seem to stack some garbage (dumped beer cans & bait containers)up in it too on some days. I presume its a few hook & line fishermen & some of the pleasure boaters that toss their trash in the lake...
Again...The beach (if you want to call it a beach) is open to us for cooking, resting, etc. As well as a grassy park like area where we will park our vehicles. I usually don't eat much if diving but them brats last week were good! Not good for my subsequent breath holds though & that saurkraut seemed to make my back end more buoyant!rofl
I would like to team up with someone or sometwo & kinda do the one up one down thing like me & ILDiver (Chris) did on Lake Geneva (at the last spot). Actually we ALL should do that. This lake only goes 40 foot or so...I like to go deep sometimes here...I dont see as many fish deep, but the ones I do see then are usually bigger. I like to play it safe IF POSSIBLE. There are big enough fish in this lake to make a guy push it just a little too far sometimes - Me included.:duhI've seen and took some incredible sized panfish here.
:inlove This lake is my hands down personal favorite for spearing and bringing the family to swim & picnic it's so close for me...I get pretty comfortable there for some reason. (BIG FISH!!!) Also the boaters seem to keep thier distance better than most other lakes.
HOT ON THIS LAKE!!! YOU WILL GET BUSTED HERE! :naughtyAlso be careful not to spear any walleyes...Alot of small ones in here lately...They ALMOST look like nice sized perch at first glance.
This is gonna be fun....Supposed to be in the 60's and sunny!
:martialGIANT FAT CARP WILL DIE FOR SURE...NO DOUBT ABOUT IT!:martialGettin' pumped already!