Maybe you could try speaking again to the new leadership, Stephan. Things are changing, so perhaps there is a chance to change this too. Finally, it is in the interest of all involved parties - the organizer, the competitors, and AIDA will get better exposure and hence better chance to find sponsors, and the rest of the community will finally get some timely information. Getting the news with days of delays, and without any details, with no gossip is frustrating, and the WC remains so just an event for the handful of participants.
And I do not even speak about live videos, but at today's accessibility of technology it is really a shame, live videos are not the rule at such importantly events as the WC. We saw them several times at local competitions (lately at the Czech national championship, where the starting fee was 40 times lower than in Okinawa), so it is clear it is very well in the possibilities of WC organizers. However, they are not even capable to post a few videos from the judge cameras. Real shame :rcard