Originally posted by Pekka
As you have been talking about the OMER Aluminium I suppose yours is the 100cm one, right?
Well I am equally impressed by my 75cm one.. last sunday I was spearing at reef just offshore.. about -6m or so, fairly good viz in English standards about 3m-5m at the bottom.
As I was waiting at the bottom for fish to appear I see this ghost..the kind of fish that doesn't want to come close but stays at a distance you know the kind. I have shot couple of times at fish at this distance and always got nothing, but again I thought I'll try..
I took aim and followed the fish and shot it (the trigger is really sensitive) and as I got to ake good look at the fish I was that the spear had only penetrated the other side of the fish, so the very tip of the spear just barely came through from the other side.... that was longshot in my book.. especially with that gun.. so trhee cheers for OMER Aluminium guns.. by the way the fish was 3pound Sea Bass..
Good hunting to you all
Yeah its 100 cm gun. Congrat on your 3lbs see bass.
I joined one of the local spearing club. Sunday i will enter my first competiton. Every club will establish two team with 4-5 competitor. One for shore less than 7 meter deep for small fishes like spinefoots, sargos, parrotfishes. The other team will search for big groupers, AJ and anything else in deeper spots. I am in shallow water team. I will have the opportunity test my gun again with a reel and slightly bent shaft.