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Philippine spearfishermen

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
Try contacting Wolfgang Dafert at Freediving Philippines he may be able to help you locate what you need there guys

"Good spot"? Hmm.. pls share ty

Hello Seaman,

Unfortunately not, there was an online seller in cebu that carry many brands and accessories, the only contact detail he gave was his emaill, already sent him an email but its almost a month now still got no response from him. Anyhow, where are you located.

Hi Oneutong,
same here I found it in Sulit I email this guy but he never answer I'm thinking to buy some stuff from Australia. I'm in Bohol,Panglao.And you?
This is my last time I went out on Wednesday.....and it was good


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Hi Oneutong,
same here I found it in Sulit I email this guy but he never answer I'm thinking to buy some stuff from Australia. I'm in Bohol,Panglao.And you?

Yup, I think we emailed the same guy. Anyhow, was also planning to order it in amazon. Do you know an online store in Australia that would ship here.

I am from Dumaguete, but I have a sister-in-law from Dauis, she said there are still plenty of fish in bohol outside sanctuaries but locals are afraid of sharks. I might go there on March.

I'm also from Dauis ......to tell you the truth there is fish but you need to know where to go I been fishing for few months without see any but now I'm very happy because I found it. About sharks they are everywhere I think but I didnt see one yet I saw a lot of see turtles but they don't bite ....When I will have some time I will start to search on the Australian websites to see if I can find some gear....I will let you know. Let me know when in March you will be here we will have some fun.

I see, that's great! I am planning to go there maybe on the second week of March.

Yes, I can open it. Nice catch!

Hi Oneutong,
about the speargun you can buy it to Hammerhead.com they have a shop in Manila and the spearguns are not so expensive. I try Adreno from Australia but for shipping only they ask me 250 dollars :duh
This is my last time I went out on Wednesday.....and it was good

Nice. Bust out the sinamak (suka in Manila?) and rice. Fish, fried egg (crispy on the edges) sinamak and garlic rice....best breakfast in the world.
Hi Oneutong,
about the speargun you can buy it to Hammerhead.com they have a shop in Manila and the spearguns are not so expensive. I try Adreno from Australia but for shipping only they ask me 250 dollars :duh

Hi, a noobie here. Been trawling the web on where exactly I can get a spear gun or pole spear here in the Philippines to no avail. Mind if I ask where did you get yours here in Manila? Regards and thanks!
Hi Azgard, just google hammerhead.com you can order there. But now I discovered a better place from US and much cheaper go to leisurepro.com and have a look they have lots of brand and stuff. Let me know, cheers.
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