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Possible new gun

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Looking good! What size gun gave you decided to go with?
I made the model 54'' overall.
That size gun would be of little use to me but it seems to fit the design.
Hi Foxfish, starting to sound perfect!

i think your idea of the stain is clever. i agree that the red carbon coming through a darker colour will look great!

i definetly think an al metal trigger mech is important the bluetec i would probably go for the Benthos mechanism or the Bleutec, i think the Benthos looks the nicer unit and had an integrated line release which is noce1..... the frilled trigger on the bleutec looks crazy though!

seeing as it is of little use to you.... would you being interested in selling the gun once you are finished with it. can think of a lot of fish that would hate to be at the wrong end of that gun in Australia.

maybe also consider bringing the handle placement back further? maximising the band pull of the barrel (trigger mech as far back is is possible) and handle to suit. would be ideal.

There is not much info on those triggers but I guesse the price tells us a bit, the reverse mechs give 7cm extra band length!
I could move the handle back a bit but I did mess around with the placement & thought it looked good where it is.
I like the extremely clean & sharp lines it sort of looks like a broad sword!
The BigFish - "GEO" Trigger looks great however the bleutec does come with a line release option.
However the Benthos is extremely cool...


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the Geo looks ok,but i've never been a fan of basing decisions on CAD drawing because they do not show you the finish quality of the unit, it may be a good design but the finish and fit of parts could be rubbish.

same as you i dont know much about then benthos mech but it looks very well made and finished, the Bleutec we know are good as their guns are first class.

just seemed a waste of stock having the handle forward, always been a fan of having the handle at the back, for some reason looks better to me as well, maybe its just what i am used to.

but most importantly it is your gun so make sure you are happy with what you are making dont stress to much about our remblings on it (accept mine as hopefully its my gun soon ) hahahahaha

Reactions: spaghetti
Thanks for the trigger advice (makes sense to me) but before I order the bluetech I need to consider linking the trigger to get a bit more band stretch.
PS posting it to you would cost a fortune.
great stuff Mart. That last benthos picture appears to have a line release too, that separate part with the hole in it shown bellow the main the mech.

Just a note that some software out there will simulate real world condition, stress loads etc and allow you to manipulate the designed part to add or subtract material for optimal results.
Ya nothing beats the real thing but the computer world is wayyyy advanced these days.

Here's another of the "reverse trigger" designs. This one has a top mounted automatically resetting line release lever.

I've never used one myself, so I can't speak to the quality. Just throwing out another option.

Nile Divers


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FOX fish, without the spear it wouldnt be tooo bad but it woiuld be more than WORTH it!!!!!!!!!!

so you are planning to have the trigger remote mounted from the handle? why

wouldnt it be better having everything towards the back?

Hi Fox, are you considering red cedar, white cedar ?
Cheers, Don
Don I have only ever seen red cedar!
Tin Man, I am not sure if the Nile trigger is actually available?
Dane, I just want the gun to look as good as possible, just considering every option & speaking aloud.
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Here's another of the "reverse trigger" designs. This one has a top mounted automatically resetting line release lever.

I've never used one myself, so I can't speak to the quality. Just throwing out another option.

Nile Divers

i would skip the nile divers stuff. i ordered a handle and frame from them. it has all kinds of mistakes on it. they stripped and burred up the,(wrong size)(and different size than each other)screws, plus the epoxy job on the handle looks like they never wiped with acetone and tack cloth before they treated it. since it is covered in bubbles. . they SHOULD have copied their handle design, maybe it would work. if you mount it where the trigger feels correct, the front mounting screws are into the trigger slot. so in orde to make it work,you have to mount it too far to the back of the gun. i would bet all their triggers are just low tech copies of other peoples stuff. in that case, why not just buy the original?
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I decided to order the Benthos trigger mechanism but on filling out the paypal form they wanted euro 30 for postage!
That is euro 105 for a trigger - I have sent a mail asking if the postage is correct.
I decided to order the Benthos trigger mechanism but on filling out the paypal form they wanted euro 30 for postage!
That is euro 105 for a trigger - I have sent a mail asking if the postage is correct.

buxxer! You could get a nice gun and a spare shaft for it for that much!
Famous Quotes:
"A serious gun must be built around a serious trigger mechanism!"
Valerio Grassi

Have you considered Ermes?
The Ermes "Back" trigger may fit your needs and costs 48 euro + shipping.
The type called "Innovation" will certainly catch your eye, but it needs a particular type of shaft...maybe too much of a complication.
However here they are (I warn you the english translation is pure comedy): feel free to ask me if you really need to know what the texts mean):
ERMES SUB - Devices of Uncoupling
Reactions: strangelove
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