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Project "Carbon strongback gun"

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I think its too nice to shoot. i cant imagine scratching it. what are you gonna do with it? (since you dont hunt much anymore) i'll take it and test it out for a couple months if you want. you should do a ebay style auction on deeper blue for it. i bet you could get close to a thousand for that gun. that way you can make about 5$ an hour , since it took 200 hours to build. LOL seriously Mart. that is really nice . i have been thinking about doing some varnish coats on top of the epoxy too. its the only way to get it mirror shiny. one thing though: the west system with the special clear hardener for coatings, come out smoother than anything else so far.. much smoother finish than the system 3 surfboard resin leaves. in fact one gun i did with black tint in the epoxy, came out really nice. almost perfect really. i'm not sure why it came out so good, i did it the same way as the other guns, but this one came out so smooth. i wish i could re create the conditions for that gun. the gun was mahogany, instead of teak ,(which is my norm) maybe that has something to do with it. i dont see how. but maybe. anyway that is one sweet gun mart. i plan to copy various thing about it. i would copy the whole thing but i dont think i am up to that level yet,(not even close) god job!
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The gun is absolutely amazing! The combination of the CF and wood and the lines put it in a league of its own. Cant wait to see how the thing works!
Thanks for all the kind words. :)
Jason you have some points but in some ways the longer the gun takes to build the better as I really enjoy the challenge.

However I used up so much time on the epoxy finish that I could of finished the gun three weeks ago had I stuck with my normal method.
The gun is a one off custom & it might look like a show gun but I hope it will be used & enjoyed by someone for many years.

The 2pac varnish is just a standard finish that is used on many marine applications throughout the world. It would be easy to touch up or reapply a fresh coat every year if necessary.

One problem I have yet to deal with - the guns balance in the water.
I dont own a long enough 7mm spear to accuratly test it so I have been useing a 8mm lenth of SS rod roughly calculated for the same wieght!

The last test was a few weeks back when the gun was still pretty buoyant, easily floating with the spear (SS rod) in place!
So It looks like I will need to add some wieght somwhere.
let me know what length 7mm Steel spear you are planning to balance it on and i'll give you the exact weight when i get back home on the weekend. that may help a bit, at least!

hell if you like i'' pay for Rob ALLEN 7.5mm spring steel shaft to get shipped to your place if there is a RA dealer in the UK!

just let me know!

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Mart, you have to be happy with the result, good things take time.
It will be a lot easier to add shot or melted lead to get it negative, then to
float a sinking barrel assembly.

Great work mate !
Cheers, Don
Tungsten is about 1.5 times as heavy as lead. So it's easier to cram the weight into a small space.

Look on Ebay, or search the web for "Pinewood Derby Weights". Just be aware that the stuff is ridiculously hard. It can probably be cut with certain abrasive blades, but you won't even scratch it with a hack saw or file. You will be far happpier if you buy small pieces that you can use "as is".
After 3 coats of epoxy the handle looks a bit better, another 3 coats I will have to decide if I will paint it or leave the carbon showing.
Now I dont know much about blue water guns but would I be right in thinking the gun is attached to a float via a line fixed to the handle?

Foxfish, You cracked me up with that comment. :)

I have been reading the whole saga thinking what a bloody nice job your doing showing great expertise and planning in your design and execution of this project , then you come out with that line I had assumed you would have had that worked out before the start.
You could use an attached float or a breakaway system.
Advantage of the breakaway is a big fish won't tow your gun to N.Z. or somewhere else out of site or drag it across the reef, the disadvantage is if you shoot a good fish and chase your float and fish your gun may get forgotten and just drift away.
I am glad it amused you mate, thing is we dont have any game fish around my way & it has been 20 years since I did anything like blue water hunting.
I do tend to make things up as I go along, I am not one to work from a set of measurements, calculations or paper plans :)

Anyhow perhaps I can amuse a few more folk soon as I have another "in my head plan" that has been haunting me for the last few months.
I am going to have a go at making a set of carbon components that will be glued together to form a gun but, the plan is to be able to make lots of guns once the moulds are built.
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lol. sounds like a cool idea. very amusing. i still want a gun with powerful lights built in. that would be very useful to me. but you are clearly the man for the job. dont worry though. if you get stuck on /how to tie bands or where the mono hooks on at the end of the build, i will be sure to offer my 2cents.lol
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Covering complex shapes with carbon is not for the inexperienced - as I have just found out rofl

More sanding & shaping then....
gun and handle look wicked. fantastic work.
Does the handle have a right sided bulge with a left side finger hollow? friend made one for his wooden gun recently, is a work of art. Just begs to be held.
Totally dig what you are doing here. I am yet to work with CF but am keen to do so one day.
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