One issue participants here don't realize is the money/time value and the wasted time waiting for an order that is supposed to have arrived within 21 days, per scubstore's message on the order, yet you have to wait for months and months and end up with nothing. When you make the payment, the money is out of your account into the seller's bank account. The seller, in this case, is playing with your money and earning interest and using it to buy other goods while you are sitting on your bum waiting for goods that don't arrive. Doing this with lots of other people, the seller is essentially getting free money to help their business while the poor customers are out the money which they could have kept in their accounts and earn interest on it or used it for more beneficial ways to them. I not only lost the money for 8 months, I have lost opportunities and income because I didn't get the spare parts and accessories I needed for my circumstances (for my courses). This is FRAUD, using other people's money without authorization to run your business as a free loan even if you end up having to return it after several months. If this happened in the US, there would have agencies that have gotten reports from the consumers and they would have acted to protect these consumers. I know, I have gone through this on several occasions as a consumer and as the expert/advocate and won on all cases. The sellers in all cases did deliver on most of the customers order but they had a high percentage of the deliveries either wrong, not delivered, defective or other issues that weren't resolved by the seller. The worst part is when their customer service department doesn't respond or is overwhelmed with angry complaining customers that they weren't resolving issues and simply ignoring them. The consumer has the right to ask for compensation and/or resolution of their issues and there has to be the tools to resolve the issues and address the grievances of the people that were wronged.
This forum, and many others, are one way to vent for the consumer their frustration with shady sellers and for the victims to warn the potential buyers from the less than honest or unprofessional vendors.