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sexy freediving stars

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
We do have some good freedivers though - William Trubridge, Ant Williams, and Niki Roderick(wish I could find a pic of her for this thread)

'Cept none of them live there - William's in the Bahamas, Ant's in Sydney and Niki's in Florida :D

I guess can talk being an Aussie in London rofl

I met Niki in Hurghada, she's a top girl - we were Team Anzac :friday

I have a hell of a lot of respect for the Kiwi divers - they went from nothing a couple of years ago to now having a lot of world class divers. When I head back to Oz i'll look forward to heading over the Tasman for a visit.


ps back on topic - sexy freedivers? Well at the Egypt World's I didn't see an ugly female freediver the whole time so based on that sample then all freedive chicks are sexy!
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It seems us Kiwis and Aussies are quite the travellers. The amount of us in London must almost out number the natives. A friend of mine just returned from the UK and told me there was a shop there called 'The New Zealand Shop' with things us Kiwis like. e.g. Marmite

As for the freedivers I guess they are just going where the best facilities and congregations of like minded people are- not to mention the best trainers.

Ant Williams seems to have disappeared. I had heard he was now living in Australia (along with the other hundreds of thousands of Kiwis there). As to what he is doing I have no idea. His website was last updated sometime in 2005 so not what you'd call up to date. Any news?
I know the one, it's called The Australia Shop, though disturbingly it seems to have more Canadian stuff in there these days than Aussie, Kiwi and Saffa goods. It's a Mecca for those lost souls that need a bit of vegemite, marmite, proper Milo (European Milo is rubbish), Twisties, BBQ Shapes, Tim Tams, Speights & Monteiths and all other things pure, homely and reminiscent of the old world.

Ant's living in Sydney training with my old training buddies. Still going well from what I hear.

Now that's funny. A few miles south of me in Orange County (Bill McIntyre's country) there's a store called the African Hut. The African Hut - South African Food Store for those who just have to go look. They carry Castle, Mrs. Ball's chutneys, assorted Springbok regalia and other thing that no proper Seth Erfrican expat can do without. Even Sara and Miles, et. al. would feel at home!
What I always find fascinating is that here, in boring ol' Ohio, our WALMART carries a selection of Hispanic foods! Some of the candy looks very intriging...

Now that's funny. A few miles south of me in Orange County (Bill McIntyre's country) there's a store called the African Hut. The African Hut - South African Food Store for those who just have to go look. They carry Castle, Mrs. Ball's chutneys, assorted Springbok regalia and other thing that no proper Seth Erfrican expat can do without. Even Sara and Miles, et. al. would feel at home!

Believe it or not... have not touched red meat for 3 weeks, except for one tiny lamp shish kebab at a function.....
no dairy products, no starches...... oh god, i am becoming a hippie!! rofl
Saaaarrraaaaaa . . . the boerwoers is calling, Saaaaarrrraaaaaa . . . come to the USDA certified biltong, Sara . . .

(heh, heh, heh . . . )
Don't fret not touching the red meat, but then again, my au natural arse tan
was encased by Picasso's best. :crutch
Believe it or not... have not touched red meat for 3 weeks, except for one tiny lamp shish kebab at a function.....
no dairy products, no starches...... oh god, i am becoming a hippie!! rofl

I gave up chocolate for like 2 months. When I finaly started eating it again it tasted like crap.

Dairy is very difficult for me to give up. Red meat I will never give up.

Why is red meat so bad?
this is an excerpt from a document given to me by Emma Farrell ...

Body wastes and free radicals
When we hold our breath, our cells start spontaneously breaking down sugars to release oxygen and automatically excreting cellular wastes into the blood stream. This, and the build up of lactic acid, can cause extreme fatigue after a freediving session. If our diet is high in refined and processed foods, sugar, red meat and stimulants, and low in raw food, fresh fruit and vegetables, complex carbohydrates and omega oils, then we also have a build up of free radicals in our bodies which causes cell damage.

A combination of free radicals and wastes caused by breath holding can exhaust a diver and to combat this through diet it is important to eat a diet high in fresh, (preferably 80 percent raw) vegetables, seeds, complex carbohydrates, pulses, oily fish and fruit, and low in refined carbs, red meat, saturated or hydrogenated fats, dairy produce, sugar, alcohol, caffeine and other stimulants.

We eat chocolate now and again but only sugar free diabetic chocolate that's dark or 70-80% cacao:t :inlove
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Wow thats a good read, thanks Sands and thanks Emma :).

I didn't get to learn about the diet aspect taking PFI's Intermediate course but I look forward to it when I take the Advanced Course.

That is great news for me, I've already been living that kind of lifestyle. I've been eating sunflower seeds for many years and I have it down to a fine art :). I love eating a wide variety of veggies as well. I don't drink coffee or tea, I gave up pop and I don't drink alchol.

Just red meat and dairy stand in my way. I'll have to stay completly away from dairy or find a substitue. Bran flakes and orange juice... hell I've give it a shot rofl.
Wow thats a good read, thanks Sands and thanks Emma :).

I didn't get to learn about the diet aspect taking PFI's Intermediate course but I look forward to it when I take the Advanced Course.

I recently did the PFI course in Hawaii. The dietary recommendations were based on Gatorade and Powerbars instead of eating proper meals before freediving. They recommended pasta the night before, which does take away a lot of the morning hunger but also contains wheat which is high in sugar and can cause weight gain. Refined products are more acid forming, which increases fatigue and can cause cramps. Products like Gatorade and Powerbars give you instant but not sustained energy and have a very high G.I. If you are going to spend hours in the water eat earlier but have something like oats or brown rice which have a low G.I. and will give you energy and the right sugars.

I also saw about 5 or 6 blackouts/heavy sambas during the course. Be careful Morg, we dont want you going through that, watch your body and listen to it carefully. xxx Sara
Yeah you took the one after me, you were saying you could have been in the same class as I was eh? Except problems occured and you couldn't make it. :(

Yeah I got the same talk but its nice to hear it again, some things I forgot. I was writing things down like mad. I have a bad short term memory and all the information they gave was so useful.

Did you guys goto that Thai place just down the hill from Jacks? When I went there I had a great meal of Rice, chicken, pineapple and all sorts of nuts and seeds all thrown together. It was neat seeing what everyone else was ordering, it was pretty close to my meal. I wasn't even thinking of 'whats best for freediving' when I ordered it either.

Wow you guys had 5-6 black outs? We had I believe 2 during ours and it was very interesting watching what happens.
And now for another SEXY FREEDIVING STAR ..... The lovely, the talented, the erudite, Ms. Emma Farrell


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Island Sands are you having a difficult time with all the competition? ;)

You know I love your post and your nice avatar picture :)

Love, peace and Water,

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