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sexy freediving stars

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
Unfortunately icebergs rarely come into NZ waters. But its not all bad. There are some nice high altitude lakes not far from here(1 hr drive, 6 hr hike) at about 1200 metres that freeze over pretty well. Never thought about diving it though. I'll happily guide you there if you're ever over this way.
But please bring some SEXY FREEDIVING STARS!
Oh my aint life just full of circles, if we perv at women then we are egotistical testosterone driven maniacs who don’t like the female species for their brains but only their looks and we get labeled as being shallow sex crazy small brained etc etc etc. If we don’t perv (which believe me in my view is a totally incorrect peace of intelligence) then we are gay???

But not to fear Island Ill make a special effort to perv at least I can do that well enough :D
I assume women are much like men in that they want to be appreciated. Whether it is being appreciated for their looks or their brains is not the issue here- neither is whether anyone approves or not. Those that do approve will enjoy and everyone else can go read another thread or their bible or whatever.
There are some incredibly gorgeous women out there who happen to be freedivers. I for one want to celebrate that. The fact they freedive makes them more attractive (to me anyway). Freediving makes them fit and healthy in body and soul. Toned, tanned, adventurous, spiritual, fun loving, etc, etc.
So lets appreciate the beauty that is the women of the water.

N.B. - Divertodd- Where I used 'women' read 'men'.
Freediving seems to attract quite a lot of pretty girls and there are several professional models and actresses who did competitive freediving. Well there are many pretty guys certainly too, but I am not the right person to judge it.

Besides those names already listed earlier in this thread, there are also many beautiful girls and women both in DB and in many freediving clubs. From the more mediated and most famous ones, I think Tanya Streeter was not mentioned yet, and I believe she deserves it:
8804.jpg 8808.jpg 8809.jpg

Back to Mehgan Heaney-Grier is a US actress (i.e. Abyss), model and freediver. This is one of Mehgan's photos in her ApneaMania profile. There are more of them, and some clips also on Mehgan's nice website.
Another Russian modeling and freediving beauty besides Marina Kazankova, is Yulia Petrik, owner of the Russian freediving website HomoDelphinus.ru:
There are some more photos in the galleries on her website

Tanya, Mehgan, and Marina are all holders of freediving world records. And as well other women from the top of the top are very attractive - like the already mentioned Audrey, Deborah Andollo, and certainly many others I forgot. I recommend you go to ApneaMania.com and browse through the profiles of top freedivers - there are many pretty women (and men) there - I'd tell more than in many other sports.
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Thanks for your imput Trux.

Yes, Tanya is beautiful and accompished and well worth an entry in this thread.

Meghan is YUMMY and the fact she works with animals adds to her appeal.

As for Yulia Petrik -Those legs! (just wish I could read Russian).
As for Yulia Petrik -Those legs! (just wish I could read Russian).
Agreed on the legs, dude!
As for the russian, I think I'll adopt this one: фри-дайвинг
If I read this right, it's the transliteration of the words "free-diving" into cyrillic. (Anyone around who is fluent in reading cyrillic?)
Papa Smurf, how about DeeperBlue stickers that say freediving/SCUBAdiving/diving in different languages? I'm sure they'd be popular!
I'll second Tanya Streeter!!! Been fortunate to train with her and has personality to match. Although I haven't met her I believe our own Island_Sands is worthy of this accolade too, the Diva in Dubai that she is.....
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I'll second Tanya Streeter!!! Been fortunate to train with her and has personality to match. Although I haven't met her I believe our own Island_Sands is worthy of this accolade too, the Diva in Dubai that she is.....

i am not a touch on the lovely Emma Farrell.... we went to a ball in the desert last night, it was amazing - sunburnt and all :eek:


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These are from the dive exhibition two days ago, we did a demonstration, His Highness Sheik Mohammed was there so it was really nerve wracking.

we are not TS, or mehgan, or anybody, but will give it a good bash!! rofl


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These are from the dive exhibition two days ago, we did a demonstration, His Highness Sheik Mohammed was there so it was really nerve wracking.

we are not TS, or mehgan, or anybody, but will give it a good bash!! rofl

Those are great photos of you and Diva Farrell. I notice you wear Elios! After reading the discussion on Elios on the other thread, I checked out their website. They should use you as a model: the guy on their site doesn't look too happy to be wearing Elios.

There was a television travel special on the Arab Gulf States a month or two ago and they interviewed someone who built a crazy huge house SUV and a car museum - HHSM?

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girls doooooo look pretty in wetsuits dont they *sigh* now if only I can spot one on the cape town coast, I think i have a better chance of playing poker with the loch ness monster
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Thanks for that Breath_holder, Jessica Alba is pretty nice.

Here is one of my fellow New Zealanders. The lovely, the talented, the beautiful NIKI RODERICK. Currently the national record holder in CWF.

Nice one Sara. Wish I could have been there.


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Thanks for that Breath_holder, Jessica Alba is pretty nice.

Here is one of my fellow New Zealanders. The lovely, the talented, the beautiful NIKI RODERICK. Currently the national record holder in CWF.

Nice one Sara. Wish I could have been there.

I am in Awe right now....

When I was in Hawaii I was trying to figure out where to go and then all of a sudden Niki walked up to me and asked me if I was there for freediving. She was taking the advanced course.

She was very nice and I agree with you she is also very beautiful. I am glad to see her doing so well! The last update I heard was she was going to enter a competition.
What course were you on Morg?

Hawaii - mmmmmmnn

Niki was at Hurgada for the AIDA worlds. That is where she set the record for a NZ woman - 51m CWF. I believe she has been freediving for less than 12 months - though has trained to advanced level in SCUBA.

She is now based in Florida training for some upcoming events.

Go Niki!
I was taking PFi's Intermediate course.

Yeah Hawaii was awesome.

Wow less then 12 months.... thats very good. When I was talking to her she really knew her stuff.
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