Well I'm sorry to dissapoint any of you but I fitted my Tovarich and trigger kit today and I didn't take photos until the end. It wouldn't have been possible anyway because I was covered in oil and grease. Pulled the gun apart and ended up with oil all down my front, I guess that's one way to learn.
I worked out that I didn't really even have to pull the gun completely apart to fit the Trigger kit but it was good just to get to know the gun a bit better.
Putting it all back together wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. Have to push the piston back to engage the keeper or the barrel won't slot into the handle piece. I fitted the new trigger kit before reassembly which I worked out you can't do so out it came.
The trigger housing and O'ring can't be screwed in with the pin in place and if it's tightened up snug the O'ring gets squashed too much to allow the pin to be pushed into place. It was a bit of a pain actually. In the end I think I found a compromise of tightness and still allowed the pin to fit into place. Put the trigger back into place.
But then............... I screwed in the tovarich nozzle before refitting the filler valve and it pulled the barrel forward enough so the trigger pin came out behind the keeper (would no longer push on it). Take it back appart again and start over.
I got it in the end and I'm sure it will be alot easier next time around. word of warning to anyone else, the nozzle and filler valve position the barrel and can adjust it fore and aft. Too far forward (toward the nozzle) and the trigger pin won't engage the keeper.
Well here's a few pics of the finished product. I put 25bar into it. The Tovarich adds a bit of resistance which makes sense, 1bar vacuum plus the friction from the O'ring seal on the shaft. Haven't tried it out yet but I'm sure it will shoot nicely.
(Hope my wife doesn't miss her exercise band