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South Devon 2014

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Cheers Terry. Went out on Fri after work in Torquay and came away with 2 mullet, largest at 5lb and 2 bass, both around 3lb. Vis was not great, couple of meters and murky. Quite choppy as well so felt I worked hard for the fish. Plenty of fish around, mostly mullet but more bass than in recent times.
In Dorset camping next weekend so plan on a good look around Portland for a fish or two for the campfire.
Not been in for ages, and have very limited diving time due to moving house, but I really need to find a decent sized male spider crab for my daughter for an art project. If anybody has any hot tips where the best place to look would be I would appreciate it. I have a list of normal hotspots in my head but things don't seem to have been normal this year and I really don't have time to search lots of places. Thanks in advance :)
Probably one of your hot spots would be thurlestone, anywhere around the main reef throws up good spiders. Bigger ones always at night I find, would be worth the trip. South hams in general would be a safe bet, seen quite a few along east devon in various places. The caves yes caves around watcombe beach, Torquay have them hanging from the cave ceiling. I checked out a few spots today but nothing diveable, If I do manage to get in and see any I'll pick you one up.
Might be worth asking the others to pick you one up and possibly the Dorset thread.
They're a friendly bunch!!!!!
Thanks Lee. Sounds like the usual spots have them. I was hoping to find one in East Devon or Torbay as South Hams is a long drive for me. Just need some vis now!
Bit late for spider crabs now ! very few around at the moment and they are small .
Whats Watcombe beach like in general its not to bad a drive for me and i always like checking out new spots?
Whats Watcombe beach like in general its not to bad a drive for me and i always like checking out new spots?
A long steep walk , and usually not very good vis but worth a look though if you like checking out new spots ,things can turn up , mullet , bass etc and crabs can be had . It is well sheltered from S Westerlies and you are unlikely to bump in to another spearo !! Watch out for boat traffic though !!
Reactions: scrumpy
Fair old walk down longer back with a weight belt and hopefully fish. As mirror said might be a bit late , you might have to take what you can find mate I'm afraid. Teign dive go from there sometimes but chances of bumping into them is slim. Mind you, you have every right to be there so stand your ground. Unfortunately their presence will probably scare of any fish.
Checked out start bay and prawle area tonight. Didn't go in as vis looked poor from the beach
Found 2m vis in Torbay last night. A seal mades sure I saw no significant fish but I did find a couple of crabs as required
Reactions: diver9
First night in Devon went OK.
Hit a brand new spot that looked completely untouched as it was inacessable.

within seconds of srarting I cane across a group of bass all between 6-9lb..so took one out of the group.

I only took 4 fish (1 each for the family) as I'm on hols with no freezer. but could have took 15 bass over 5lb.

the gun in pic is an SL 70 cm for scale and my weapon of choice.

Reactions: scrumpy

OK, like a complete numpty, I managed to put my thumb through my suit this evening while rushing to put it on...the hole is big enough for my finger to have gone through, and is situated on the chest just below the loading pad.

Is the best way to mend it just with some Black Witch, or does anyone know any better solutions (e.g. perhaps by the addition of a neoprene patch on the inside too?). Any guidance greatly appreciated... ;-)

plenty of fish around in Devon at the moment if you go off the beaten track an search out those 'unknown' spots.

Just spend a few days in the S Hams area vus started at 5m...but dropped to 1m today .
I was in the S hams area ,but didn't bother with the usual car park spots I.e. Thurlstone, hope cove...bigbury..etc...
I was going to pop into venture sports for a big shopping spree..but failed to find my red carpet as promised so blew a few grand on some Rob Allen gear, pics to follow
Heading out tomorrow morning, any further viz updates along south hams way would be really appreciated. Will have a brief look tonight in meadfoot but not hitting the water till first thing tomorrow
Meadfoot looked a bit murky but calm at lunchtime. If you get in can you let us know, hopefully off tomorrow eve but viz looks patchy on my usual spots. Cheers