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South Devon 2014

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Well that looks much better than last weekend. Does anyone know if Babbacombe is worth diving, or is it too populated with SCUBA divers?
Babbacombe's main (some would say only) attraction is shelter from SW wind. The scuba divers are a mixed bunch and vary from friendly through curious to outright hostile (especially if you like shooting cuttles!).
Don't write off Babbacombe altogether it can be quite fun diving with the scuba divers. On a day with patchy vis that varied from poor to terrible I came face to face with one in about 5m of water. My gun was pointing down below him but I've never seen such wide eyes as his before or since
I like diving in quarries for the same reason, although I've yet to find one that let's you in with a speargun.
Well I checked out Babbacombe yesterday after all. The visibility story was pretty much the same at around 1m. Went down to 9.5m and everything got pretty murky. By the rocks, things looked better at 2-3m viz, but aside from the off wrasse and single pollock, there was nothing about. I did pick up a dogfish - docile thing - and watched it swim away. Still, nice to be back in the water again and it was great to test out my new suit.
Reactions: speerolee
Hi all,

So still no major viz to talk of, although looks like things are slowly changing for the better! - its been a long time coming.

@Axe - just worth mentioning that Elbury cove becomes a Ski lane in the summer (I guess the lane buoys will be put out soon). It does become fairly obvious but worth a mention none the less. On that note Livermead beach in Torquay also becomes a ski lane,
I used to head down to Babbacombe fairly often, usually had good vis as it is fairly sheltered and never had problems with Scuba divers, they tended to head straight off the beach, whereas I would walk / climb way off to the right and get in there, right by an old pipe covered in concrete underwater (useful bench to get kitted up). Lovely place to dive but never massively fishy, held a lot of brown crab and spiders though
I didn't see any spiders last weekend, but I've seen them around Brixham in the past few weeks. I saw the ubiquitous velvet swimmers and my mate took a brown crab. I haven't seen that many fish there either. I'll be back in around the coast this weekend.
Went out on Kayak today from Meadfoot to Hopes Nose , Orestone ,and Thatchers rock ... just fishing for mackerel ( caught 5 ) I do not know how they saw the feathers as the vis is really poor .. 1 metre max . Was down Sth Hams 2 days ago and it was a little better but I will still not be going in for a while yet ... shame as the weather is so nice !!!
Just a quick report.

Popped in at a south hams mark last night, viz good in places but as the tide fell so did the viz.
Took 2 bass - if in Ireland that would be my quota!! Nothing of real size but will feed the family tonight.
Quite a few schoolies and shoal of small mullet, couple flounders but not worth taking. Headed into deeper water but nothing else seen.
Oddicombe again suffering from the cliff fall from last year, with the easterlies washing the red sandstone into the sea.
Morning all, I was in yesterday for a quick swim in the SH.

SpearoLee - I think I spotted you the night before last... Same place.

Viz good in the shallows and decreasing further out.

Sandeels, spiders and 3 good size doggies, along with some small pollock seen.

I was rushing and only looking for crabs so I'm not suprised no silver fish were seen!

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Is there a South Hams/Devon Facebook page for Spearos?

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Not me Holmes, I was in 'East' Devon.

Cornwall tomorrow

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I know I'm in the dark ages with phones but mine is on the blink, i have a lovely pink model loaned by my daughter but my contacts haven't carried across. So I'm not ignoring you but you maybe ignoring me!!!
Viz report anyone south hams please. Slight easterly so will be iffy??
Viz report anyone south hams please. Slight easterly so will be iffy??
Still very poor vis 2 meters max , was on coast path today , 1-2 foot gentle swell , no wind but water very grey close to shore at some coves .
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