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South Devon 2014

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Cave raver I take it that was last few days? Not heading that way for zero at midnight!
Mirror you might have saved me a long drive might stay local? If you do get down south hams way can you put something on here or text me mate. Taking my ger with me to work. Cheers. Lee
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Was down at Torcross this evening and no improvement here, still zero vis. Def not worth getting in for. I am away till sat night, hoping for an improvement for Sunday.

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Got out of the water a few hours ago at South Hams. Bloom present but vis was generally just crap irrespective. Took my 90 out and couldnt see much beyond the end of the gun at the best of times. Had my 60 in the car but decided it wasnt going to make any difference. Saw 1 mullet that swiftly disappeared into the gloom and mostly small pollock.
Thanks for the reports guys, I was going to try tonight but thinking twice about it now... I'll let you know if I head out.

P.S Update on my wetsuit questions. I ordered a 5mm custom suit from Diveskin (Oceanos). Looking forward to it arriving. :)
Went round Start Point today in kayak , fabulous weather, calm seas, but the water is very murky indeed , possibly 1 metre vis max !
Check every web cam I could think of, asked guys on here, Facebook, that weird guy at the end of the street was there any viz. checked a site in Torquay on the way into work 3m+ and pretty clear. Got in just before midnight to find things stirred up and a gentle easterly breeze at the top of the headland, anyway once I had clambered down the headland I was in, first 30 seconds took good 4lb mullet, seemed huge obviously been so long since taking any decent fish. Worked the shore but now zero viz so push deeper and took an hours worth of diving, took a bass but nothing of size and nothing else seen apart from a just takeable crab but left him alone.
Have decided deeper night dives are not the way forward, will sit tight for some change in conditions.
Home 3 hours sleep up at 6 to take daughter to her swimming training, now about to set off for 10 hour late shift.
Good luck anyone getting in.
No viz anywhere dawlish warren / exmouth to brixham possibly further. South hams boys say no different their way.
Feel the season is about to kick off.

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Was out in the kayak at beesands this evening and the water is clear! Can't be precise but the brown sediment/algae that was there yesterday is gone and looks to be at least 2m plus. If only the weather wasn't about to turn!

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I was out on kayak from Salcombe -Bolt Head yesterday and it was dreadfully brown less than 1 metre vis ,saw several Barrel Jellyfish ... huge ... This morning .. ( monday ) was fishing off rocks at Hopes nose ( plenty of mackerel ) and the vis was 2-3 metres .
Terry sent you a text but unsure if you have changed your number. You seem to be getting around in the kayak any clues to viz start point to salcombe and bigbury way?
Hi Lee , yes I have a new phone now .... how do you PM on this site now ( I cannot fathom it out , or managed text's on new phone either ! ) As in above post , Sunday the vis was dreadful Salcombe way , but things seem to be variable locally, but I think the sunshine is powering the bloom, so with a few days of duller weather on the horizon it might ease off , I hope so as I am keen to get in ! Will be out & about again soon as I have lots of time off now ... Terry....
Sorry mate your report from earlier obviously didn't register! I put it down to nights and lack of sleep. Viz does seem to be variable, it's the thought of travelling to find no viz in the middle of the night.
Might try a couple of spots this week, will keep my fingers crossed.
Will send you a message with mobile number
Going to bring my gear into Torbay with me tomorrow and get in in the afternoon if I can find a few meters vis, fingers crossed.
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Have just spoken to terry (mirror) seems found similar viz to me the other day but fair breeze here now showing as SE. Teignmouth choppy & Teign brown. Looks choppy on corbyn head web cam but you never know. I might try other side south hams ? Will checks cams am
Only got time for a quick post - 3 hour dive this afternoon with a good 3-4 meters vis (at worst) and bass seen but not caught. Torquay. Season's here.....
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Had first dip / dive this morning at Babbacombe very pleasant 4-5 metres vis plenty of small pollack and a few cuttlefish , nothing taken , a bit cold but no problems , great to be back in again , and looking forward to the season ahead .
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