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South Devon 2014

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Excuse me but has anyone really seen any fish yet?? I been diving south hams woods last week and half and it seems dead!!!! Not even any wrasse....but maybe david o Callaghan of exeter so has been pinching them all???
Beauty! Nice work Lee

Went for a few scallops near Brixham today at low tide. Viz around 1 meter in case anyone is interested...

Excuse me but has anyone really seen any fish yet?? I been diving south hams woods last week and half and it seems dead!!!! Not even any wrasse....but maybe david o Callaghan of exeter so has been pinching them all???

I haven't either, I think Scrumpy is taking them all
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Excuse me but has anyone really seen any fish yet?? I been diving south hams woods last week and half and it seems dead!!!! Not even any wrasse....but maybe david o Callaghan of exeter so has been pinching them all???
I you have been diving in South hams WOODS ?! then I am not surprised you have found no fish !! ( only joking , a typo by you I think ) I have not really been in yet this season , just as well really as there seems to be no fish ! Will be in plenty soon though ,and have now got a boat ...... just need an engine .. and I will be ready to go . Many spider crabs about yet ?
Nice one Lee you'll get a double this season..Probably from that spot I put you on North of you .
I'm off to N Devon in the morning in search if vis and hopefully a nice fish like yours

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Viz only 1-2m bit murky out going tide so a bit of a struggle. Not the best conditions. Saw 3 bass in 4-5lb range but couldn't get the gun on them or they weren't hanging around. Took one more and a nice flounder as wifey was pestering me for a flattie. Moved further east but water very coloured, so out and home. Checking cams now, thinking one more session before easterlies hit in the early hours.
Yes your spot!!
Have a good trip mate. I wish you all the best!!
Forgot to say as I was walking out of the sea in inches of water, a bass shot past me. Just like a migrating salmon in the upper reaches of a river. Did think about jumping on it, like Bear Grylls. But a promenade of boy racers with there lights on me, I think not!!!
Great stuff Lee, very nice fish. I caught a bass this evening but was quite literally half the size. Nothing else seen.
Going out again in just over 5 hours to have another stab at it.
Just back viz 1m and murky to zero. Hard work on the eyes and quite disorientating. Started with a mullet then found a few bass. Best would you believe it bang on 7lb, missed a couple between 4 - 5lb. Was going to move to a second spot but felt quite sick with the poor viz and swell building up. Try to put up a few photos later.
Where these Torbay area? I'm keen to try a new spot as I haven't dived over here before!

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Had a really nice dive last night in the Modbury direction. Viz around 2 - 3 meters.
Had a really nice dive last night in the Modbury direction. Viz around 2 - 3 meters.
I was just about to ask about vis in S Hams , thanks for the info ... but 2-3 metres is pretty disappointing ! Anything about ? ... Terry..
Torquay viz is 3 inches
I looked around Babbacombe today and it is not great is it ! Surprising after a calm spell of weather but that seems typical for Torbay !! I may go to Cornwall instead Tomorrow ....Terry..
I was just about to ask about vis in S Hams , thanks for the info ... but 2-3 metres is pretty disappointing ! Anything about ? ... Terry..

Hi Terry, if might of been better than that, I was just messing about in the shallows in the dark so it was hard to tell. Didn't get anything, saw quite a few small flatties and few undersized bass. Was the wrong tide I think, an hour before low. Saying that just as I got out, taken the fins off etc, a very tasty sized bass swam by, typical!

When out yesterday evening in the same spot at high tide with a friend, this time on the kayak as we wanted to explore a few new spots nearby. Didn't see anything apart from small Pollock. Viz was a nice 5-6 meters though.
Hey guys, I'm in Torquay tonight and the viz looks pants... Any reports?

Also, I'm planning a South Hams dove tomorrow night, I live near Aveton Gifford and was wondering if anyone wanted to buddy up as I haven't done a proper night dove before.... There is plenty of room to crash at mine if required?

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Team ARC popped in for a late evening dive yesterday. The weather wasn't the best. It was do-able, but the overcast sky made it a bit dark when hunting the reef. Viz was about 4-5m. We fished the high tide, but we saw only one small bass between three of us.
I've still got the remains of a cold, so diving over four meters deep was uncomfortable as I couldnt equalise my ears effectively. I was hunting the sand patches for flatfish, when I rounded the corner of a reef and, sat on the sand, enjoying his lunch was a lobster. I surfaced, shouted for Alix to come over to help in case I failed to grab it.

Now, getting a big lobster out of a hole isn't too challenging. Sneaking up on one out in the open is a bit different as they go on the defence almost immediatly. This one did just that, with me about two foot away. I performed probably the most risky "Hero Grab" I've ever done, pinned him to the sand, turned him around and surfaced. Out of the corner of my eye, on the edge of the sand was a second lobster. Not wanting to be a show off and catching two in as many minutes, I told Alix where it was and she went after it, and in the bag he went as well. Rowan was proper miffed at missing out and had to settle for a couple of spider crabs.
My lobster went to 8lb exactly, and Alixs was probably about 4lb.


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