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Spearfishing on scuba

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Great improvement Freeman rofl...

nmoiras, i think you should tell this to the scuba speros in europe. I don't like scuba hunters here too coz they put the tanks on and shoot every fish they see in shallow waters (10-40 meters) for money...But you can not universalize this to all scuba hunters, and i dislike from trawlers, netters etc..etc.. even more, from freedive hunters too who gets killing frenzy for money or for satisfaction.
Firstly, I’m new to this NG, so a big Hi to everyone. I don’t normally get too involved in news groups, but after reading some of the bolony in this thread, I just could’nt bite my tongue.

I am a scuba diver, in Perth WA, and yes, WA is the only state left in Australia where it is still legal to spear on scuba. I don’t spear every fish that moves, in fact quite the opposite. I dive almost every weekend and can go for months without even spearing a fish. I will only spear the fish that I want to take home for dinner, and all of the scuba divers I know, who also spear, have the same attitude. On the other hand, I know freediving spearos who openly brag about bringing home 8 or 10 fish, all between 4 and 20 kg, after one days spearing. What do they need that much fish for?? AND they claim it's easier to spear fish freediving.

For those claiming it’s too easy to spear a fish on scuba: Give it a go. With all that gear on, and blowing all of those bubbles, most decent sized fish, especially the elusive Dhufish and Baldhin Groper that Nmoiras is hoping to get, will not come within spearing range of you.

And for those free divers who claim that scuba divers are’nt giving the fish a fair chance: Puh..lease, who are you trying to kid? Are you telling me you don’t wear fins to help you swim faster? You don’t wear a wet suit to keep you warm? You don’t use a power boat to get there in the first place? You don’t use a mask to see underwater? And that you don’t use a high powered spear gun, manufactured somewhere else in a work shop, to blow a dirty great hole through the fishes head? If you think you’re giving the fish a sporting chance, you’re only fooling yourself.

At the end of the day, it’s not the method that you employ to go spearfishing, it’s the attitude of the spearfisher that’s most important. I will never begrudge anyone taking a fish or two, by whatever means they see fit, to take home for a nice meal or two. It’s when they turn it into a competition to see who can kill the most, that I think we’ve gone too far.

Just my two cents worth :)
Erik said:
You can stuff your politics. Your kind of closed-mindedness is the source of the very thing you complain about.
Go to a politics forum if you like enforcing your point of view: there is no shortage of forums out there.
Erik Y.

Goodness me! Lookit the Guru of the Goroup Hug going Svenski!! :ko Kudos, my snow bound amigo!

This thread doesn't need closing, but I'll send our offending member a little love letter extending to him/her my deepest respects and that if he doesn't wanna play by the Rules, then I'll extend him/her something else. It'll hurt.
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Reactions: Erik
Yep totally agree , I cant see the point of spearing a Marlin just to suff it and hang it on your wall, People line fishing went past that point years ago, O.K its a trophy kill but is it really worth the death of such an endangered fish
Its no wonder the general population looks apon people who spear with such low regard.
I only kill what i can eat , I dont need trophies to make me a man.
Killing for the thrill of killing should be left to slack jaw hillbillies who hunt with guns.
Hey its my opionion and im entitled to it
crusty said:
Killing for the thrill of killing should be left to slack jaw hillbillies who hunt with guns.
Hey its my opionion and im entitled to it

well then my opinion is you're damn ignorant. I'd say more but my Position on this forum makes me bite my tounge. Funny, I hunt with firearms and my jaw isn't slack...
Good on you Mongrel

I agree with everything you have said.

If I knew that this topic was going to draw this type of attention I would not have started it.
However now that it has I would just like to say that after many years of line fishing and returning undersize fish into the ocean, the survival rate was low especialy with our highly prize WA Dhufish.
The reason line fishing is allowed where spearing on scuba is not is because of the voting power of line fisherman.

It is hard to find a decent table fish when your blowing bubbles and swimming like a seal on land, the free divers definitaly have the edge.

I wonder, if I start a thread with, "Fishing with Dynamite" what sort of response I'd get.
As i have never hunted ( apart from spear fishing ) I may be ignorant to its value but can i make this point
Unless you are hunting Vermin ( foxes rabbits etc in Austarlia ) you are killing native animals and the general consensious in educated countries is that this is no longer acceptable unless it is done to controll population etc.
So having a picture of somebody next to a Dead Trophy being fish or animal
is never going to encourage the general population to tollerate the sport.
As i may be ingorant to your views maybe you are ignorant to the view of the masses and that is to only take what you can eat and do not kill for sport
I belive in each to their own hey if you want to do it than its your choice.
So is the issue of free diving or scuba, you are not gods because you can hold you breath nor are you any less if you hunt on scuba .
The only thing that is important is that you do the best you can do and ENJOY it .
I was an Elite swimmer in my day and could proberly out breath hold most people but im no better than the next man at his chosen sport
The point that should be made is if you are going to kill do it with one clean shot and put the creature out of it missery as quick as possable, Who really cares in what fashion you do it ?
crusty said:
As i have never hunted ( apart from spear fishing ) I may be ignorant to its value but can i make this point
Unless you are hunting Vermin ( foxes rabbits etc in Austarlia ) you are killing native animals and the general consensious in educated countries is that this is no longer acceptable unless it is done to controll population etc.

Funny... hunting is a perfectly legal way of putting food on the table in virtually every country on earth. guess we're all dumb eh? if you put your foot in your mouth any farther you'd be licking your own balls :hmm

So having a picture of somebody next to a Dead Trophy being fish or animal
is never going to encourage the general population to tollerate the sport.
As i may be ingorant to your views maybe you are ignorant to the view of the masses and that is to only take what you can eat and do not kill for sport

killing my food is my sport. some of us choose to take resposiblity for the meat we eat and hunt it ourselvs, instead of tossing aside millions of years of human tradition and buying frozen crap from the super market. Hunting on land is NO different then hunting fish underwater.
Amphibious said:
I'll delete it :D
Originally Posted by Poida
I wonder, if I start a thread with, "Fishing with Dynamite" what sort of response I'd get.
Funny you should mention that :)
I was on a mate Property and 1 waterhole -(which was landlocked and private property -Not public water like all creeks and rivers here)
was full of a noxious pest fish the dreaded bloody carp - an enormous problem in aus freshwater.
Anyway the property manager had a license for explosives and we decided to give it a try result 17 fish with 1 cast :)
This type of fishing however is not recomended for a few reasons
1 it can be dangerous
2 if it is in a place with desirable fish it can stuff the environment and make the area barren and unable to support fish life.
It could land you in the poo with the authorities -particularly these days with all the paranoia about terrorists. :)
Now now boys! Behave! This is all getting a bit out of hand.
Aunty Alison is not impressed :rcard
poacher said:
was full of a noxious pest fish the dreaded bloody carp - an enormous problem in aus freshwater.

Here to - I shoot every one I see. nasty buggers.
You elected to miss my point and that is I do not dissegree with hunting as long as you only kill what you eat it is Tropthy hunting that i do not agree with.
As for the comment about eating my balls , Im 6 foot 5 and 130kg and was very close to killing humans for a living so lets not through comments like that around

crusty said:
As for the comment about eating my balls , Im 6 foot 5 and 130kg and was very close to killing humans for a living so lets not through comments like that around


Am I supposed to take that as a threat? I routinely shoot with the local SWAT and Sniper units. is my pee pee bigger now? hahaha this is great. I'm done with this thread rofl rofl rofl

you win tough guy rofl
Can I refer you guys to post no 52
Do I need to close this thread? Behave then!!
Ive had enough of this one too , game over it started as some helpfull advise and ended in a pissing contest.
Happy Australia Day to all Austarlians
BE PROUD of our country

Sorry if I offeneded you.
Crusty what sort of wanker are you 1 minute your saying it is bad to Trophy hunt then bragging you were going to get a job killing people.:(
you sad bastard
Anyway if your an Ausie and new anything about Trophy hunting you would know all animals shot as trophies in Aus are Introduced animals and either regarded as Pests - Vermin or Game depending on the state or even the property where they are located ie-Deer currently being culled from NSW National Parks as Vermin Feral pigs and Goats -the Same, Asian Water Buffallo Same in the NT. Who Cares if it is shot by a Trophy hunter who pays heaps to have the prvelidge in some cases to Land owners or Guides ,with spin off benefits to local towns ,Hotels etc as well or by a professional who is paid by the government. In any case the Carcase is left to rot by Pros. - unless in areas likely to cause public offense by lying in a picnic area or similiar place.
the Trophy hunters usually eat the Deer anyway and goats or pigs are often fed to dogs.
just live and let live mate do what makes you happy and bugger off and leave everyone else alone.
Thanks Amphibious
I just wanted some advice on how to light the fuse because the bloody matches keep going out at 10 metres. I guess waterproof matches'd do the trick.
I was thinking that it would be a good idea to have a Deeper Blue convention where we could all get together and meet.
World War Bloody 3
Oz day tomorrow, better rip down and grab some stubbies and chips can't let the side down.
May you all live in love and peace.
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