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Spearfishing on scuba

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My friends who quote me.......with good or bad intentions

The ones with good intensions I´m here to discuss it

The others...........really now............are you serious; You would have shot me? ...........how?????????? rofl .......I mean.....how????????

I really love this

Now for my bubbles............no bubles from me my friend..........you are the bubble guy........in your hot tab......your dive.......mabe your life?
I was going to refrain from posting anything on this topic since I really don’t have an opinion on it one way or another, but there have been a few different things brought up that just are begging to be commented on.

First, is this notion that underwater photography is some how better for the environment than spearfishing. I used to think this was true until I had a long talk with another scuba instructor that I used to work with. He was WAY into being environmentally friendly- long time vegetarian who would never think of eating a fish or any other animal. He even went so far as to run one of the Nikon Photography Schools down in the Islands back in the late 80’s. After about two years he had to get out of it because it was a farce. It seems that after taking photos all day long they would have to come back to the shop to develop the slides for all of the “environmentally conscious” tourists. This became a problem as they would then dump all of the developing chemicals into the ocean when they were done. Just think about how much more damage was being done to those reefs, and the fish life that lived there, by the constant chemical bath compared to a few fish being taken, and eaten, by the divers that once speared there.

This is what I think is more of a lesson as to what is different between the Mediterranean and the US. They have had 2,000+ years of civilization to thoroughly pollute, and over fish, their local waters compared to the few hundred years that we have had in the US. Whether once chooses to spear while freediving or on scuba is of little consequence compared to the damage the being done by pollution and the ever receding environmental laws.

The US is only beginning to feel the effects of this compared to Europe. Ted and I now need to access specific lake reports before we ever hit the water and decided to spearfish since every lake in Wisconsin has now been effect by Mercury pollution. My pregnant wife can’t eat any of the fish that I shoot, nor may my toddler. I, myself, refrain from eating as much fish as a used to, and limit myself to what I am now willing to shoot. Deciding to do it on scuba or while freediving doesn’t even enter into the equation since there are much bigger issues at stake.

As far as Bill’s question goes, I’ll bite- there is no difference.

The one thing that really got me to post was the comment about “bombs” and a sense of humor. Nmoris, we don’t all agree with dropping bombs to solve problems- so please don't generalize us as so. This is why I must also take particular exception to Jay’s comment, “apparently most Americans must not disagree w/ our current policy since the president won by the largest popular vote ever”. You see there are at least 48% of us in this country who STRONGLY disagree with these policies- more if you discount the voting irregularities caused by Bush’s buddies who own Dibold. :ko Many of us would like nothing more than to see him get what he deserves- impeachment for lying to the US citizens at the very least. Of course I don’t expect everyone to agree with me- I am quite sure that 51% of you will disagree. :girlie But please don’t paint all Americans with so wide a brush- either of you. :rcard

In the end the Bush policies on environmental laws I find much more appalling and threatening to spearfishing in this country than rather someone decides to use a tank, or rebreather, to hunt down their favorite prey.

The rest of it, scuba vs. freediving, is just a difference in sports. As someone else pointed out on here, there are those who would only hunt by bow rather than stoop to the level of using a gun. None is better than another, just different types of sport.

Speaking of different types of sport, I once saw a post on another forum about freediving being a sport for “two year olds”. This person went on to reason that only a 2 year old would participate in a sport where you hold your breath until people notice you. I didn’t exactly agree with this person, but I laughed my a$$ off just thinking about it. rofl

Just my $0.02- not that it matters much.

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nmoiras said:
My friends who quote me.......with good or bad intentions

The ones with good intensions I´m here to discuss it

The others...........really now............are you serious; You would have shot me? ...........how?????????? rofl .......I mean.....how????????

I really love this

Now for my bubbles............no bubles from me my friend..........you are the bubble guy........in your hot tab......your dive.......mabe your life?

Yes I would have shot you had you intentionally dove on me and scared everything away. How? With my speargun. As for being here to discuss this go start your own thread about it instead of continually hijacking this thread. It has nothing to do with the intent of this thread. If this kind of argument gets you off then just hit the search button....its been beat to death on this forum already.

I just cant understand how you think you know whats right for the rest of the world...thats called egocentrism, look it up. At best its ethnocentrism. For your info I am a freediver...just not a closed minded know-it-all.

Ive got a feeling this thread will be ended soon, and it probably should be.
Jon said:
Many of us would like nothing more than to see him get what he deserves- impeachment for lying to the US citizens at the very least.

Did you feel that way about slick Willy too? :mute
Did you feel that way about slick Willy too?

When CLinton lied nobody died. ;)

Like I said, 51% of you will disagree with me, but that doesn't mean you can just erase the 48% of the country that disagrees with you.
lying under oath is lying under oath :eek: Bush wasnt even under oath. I'll PM you my thoughts on the whole thing if you would like. I dont think we will change each others minds but its nice to know the other side to the coin and its hard to find someone to discuss it with civily. I wont post it because here isnt the place but, we need you and the 48% to make sure the swing isnt too far in either direction! I would never deny you your opinion...just like our Greek friend. The problem is the HE wishes to deny me of MINE :duh I respect his decision to only hunt freediving. I think many of us do. I just dont think he should be the self proclaimed moral barometer for the underwater world. :ban
I hunt, both on land and in the ocean. do I need to hunt to survive? nope. Do i belive people who take the personal responsiblity to hunt what they eat have a greater respect for the food on their plates and the work, effort and skill needed to put it there? you're damn right! I have never met a hunter/spearfisherman that wasted food. to me that makes hunting a part of my lifestyle I will NEVER part with.

As to the Sport of hunting/Spearfishing - it is a sport, and that isn;t wrong. to many people focus on the killing. I ask anyone who has been out spearfishing or hunting to remember their favorite hunt. does a dead animal pop into your head? or the stunning veiws, the physical challenge, and spending time with great freinds and good humor? think about it.
I don't see why a thread should be closed because it is highly debated. Certainly if you can ban people for racist comments, that would be ideal, except of course comments about us Aussies because we are all bad bastards, after all our forefathers were criminals.

People who claim to be controllers of this forum and say they are going to close a thread down, and then get into a slinging match with someone. If they can't control themselves they shouldn't be contolling this forum.

Time for a beer.
Hey Rig,

I am quite certain that neither one of us will change each others viewpoints, but that wasn't the intention of my post.

I just wanted to show that there ARE different viewpoints and nobody has a more correct viewpoint than anyone else, except me- OK, that was just a joke to lighten the mood, no need to flame me. rofl

I see no reason to argue about who is more "correct" when it comes to spearfishing when we all know that if we add up all the fish taken by all the spearos, scubies, hook n' line guys, and bow hunters we would never even come close to equaling what gets taken by the commercial fishing industry, which goes back to Bill's point, or what gets destroyed by our own waste in the form of pollution.

I also see no reason to close any thread as long as were not slinging slurs at eachother- because that's what REC.SCUBA is for. :duh

I personally think a thread on a topic that has been beaten absolutely to death could be cut off. Its not like this is the first time we've had this on here...or even the tenth:) Nothing positive will come from it. Its like driving past a car wreck everytime I log on...you know you shouldnt look but you just cant help yourself!

Well if that's the consensus- that the thread has been beat to pulp and no more is to be gained, I'll shut 'er down. I'll give it the day and see what you all say...

Hey Bill! It's 34F and gloomy. And the ocean is the shits too.

Jay, answer your phone this weekend.

Rolo- I'm sending you an email.
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Sven, if the others want to keep it who am I to deny them. They might be giving me the green light to cut loose though....be careful what you wish for.

What, no email or phone call for me? Do we have any tentative dates yet? Is the mighty Jay in? The airfare is steady rising boys....
To jon

Always nice to talk with people that listen don´t take things personally and answer in such way my friend....Your point on the fishery impact on the med is corect too.

But allow me to disagree a bit with the part of the comparison between the comercial fishing and underwater hunting.

The damage done by polution or comercial fishing in the depths we hunt is relatively smaller than the one we do ourselves (hunters).

Excuse me again for my rusty english
True, it may be a matter of symantics but 51% does constitue a majority. That's why I stated it as such. I fully acknowledge that there are 49% that don't agree w/ this current admin.
A good read, although a bit wordy, is the "Skeptical Enviromentalist". I think it gives a more balanced view of what's really going on.

Sven- I'll call tonight.
Rig-giv'em heck
nmoiras said:
But allow me to disagree a bit with the part of the comparison between the comercial fishing and underwater hunting.
The damage done by polution or comercial fishing in the depths we hunt is relatively smaller than the one we do ourselves (hunters).
I am trying to get to grips as to what you are talking about.
Pollution and some types of commercial fishing are a lot more damaging to the whole ecosystem than a huge population of spearfishers ever would be.
Why? because even if most of the fish were shot out of an area the bathyscape and water quality would not have changed.
Pollution affects the whole system right down to the algae on the rocks.
surely you with a MSc in environmental science can see that it must be more destructive than someone shooting all the fish?
I am afraid with each passing post from you that your ideas are warped and are not open to new viewpoints.
I´m very open to new viewpoints huan....Mabe my comunication skills suck though :)

The presence of underwater fishermen and it´s impact to an area is more complex than the number of prey we take may reveal.

Just imagine that you were a grouper and every second day, you had a strange creature trying to reach you with unknown purposes. What more probable than to move in higher depth where he can´t reach you.

So it´s not only the number we take but mostly is our presence there that has the major impact.

Furthermore the presence of divers is strictly restricted to the upper zone, where photosynthesis takes place and the whole food circle starts. The disturbance of the fish we care about in that zone cannot be replaced by the fact that the deeper zones are safe. The rate of the photosynthesis down there, and therefore the presence of plangton is greatly degraded due to the lack of light.......In simple words (mostly for me to be able to express my self)...we operate in a highly sensitive (for the fish we care) ´´area´´, and we drive them away from there (deeper).
Huan said:
I believe you speak for yourself not for me when you say no-one "needs" to hunt.
I choose to feed my family with fresh fish and do so in a sustainable and safe manner which does not include feeding unsafe(farmed salmon) and unsustainable (commercially caught) fish.
I could of course make the financial decision to purchase Farmed beef with the usual dose of chemicals that entails or perhaps just go down and spear a couple of fish or pick up some scallops.
I do not see that UW photography(which I practice ) has any higher ethics than me as a spearfisher.
How do you rate this anyway?
I have seen plenty of UW photogs breaking off chunks of reef as they strive for that elusive Macro.
Puleeeeze don't try and put photogs on a pedestal, they are no better or worse than any responsible diver free or otherwise.

You speak in generalities and then get specific, only point with photographers is that they do not enter the water with the intent to kill. I hunt fish for food and photograph. I do not see myself on any higher or lower “ethical” plain because of the way I take the fish at a specific instance, in my opinion, to do so is not only creates division but also hypocritical. PETA (whom I do not agree with) will put the spearfisherman on the same level with the longliners, dead is dead.

I commend you for living only from the sea and not buying or eating any commercially produced product or food, I do not, and routinely eat at restaurants, buy from Target and eat steak.

When we enter the water we are all visitors, why must some get into playground debates as to who is better. We should spend our time debating more important issues, like DIR vs Personal Preference!! See you in the water, I may be the one with the bubbles (and than again I may not)

"This summer we came across a scuba hunter.......not a nice view at all. We dove in front of him (deeper than him) and started to scare everything away. we asked him to surface....and luckily he did."

Around here, don/t even think about it, despite you are 6'5" or hulk.
Poida said:
People who claim to be controllers of this forum and say they are going to close a thread down, and then get into a slinging match with someone. If they can't control themselves they shouldn't be contolling this forum.

What or whom are you referring to?
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