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Spearfishing Photos

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Hey look!!!! Sven even has his finger in that pic.......no nub
Here is a pic of a big doggie!!!! This is a freind of mine with a good rendition of a deer caugt in headligts immitatiion. This is a dog tooth snapper Sturgeon..... snapping dogtoothus !


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This is my buddy Mario with a Cubera,,,,,... Copperrus scaley buttus!!! I cant do those fancy italics like you guys....


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Here is another good day at the docks with me and the boys....


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Here we are... these are two unfortunate blacks that were shot in 80 and 60 feet or at least close to that


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Hey Sven
Second biggest fish I ever killed. 1973


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Dog vs. Cubera


Very nice pictures of the dog and cubera snappers. If you look at your dog picture, you'll notice the very distinct white triangle radiating from under it's eye. This is a distinguishing feature for this species. Body color (especially at depth) is not a scientific way to distinguish between species and banding can vary dramatically from individual to individual. I only made reference to the white triangle in Anderson's picture because it was so obvious, but I could tell it was a dog snapper (not dog toothed snapper) without seeing the triangle by the shape of it's mouth, the posture of the fish, and it's position in relation to the wreck.

I didn't mean to start an argument about this, I was only making an observation and offering my professional opinion (I was a fisheries biologist for FL Game and Fish for 4 years). It's really not that important and no matter what fish it was, it was a very nice picture (thanks Anderson).

BTW, here's a picture of a nice 19 lb mutton snapper (IUSA World Record) I shot last December.

Scott Turgeon


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Reactions: andrsn
SHEESH ! ... talk about being overwhelmed with contributions
Being a bit of a pelagic specialist , most of these fish were unfamiliar to me . Thanks all ,great fish .:king
Hey , Aquiles , you had my heart going when I read your first sentence ... was expecting a dogtooth tuna ... say in your dockside photo , is that an amberjack , some mackerel and a springer I see ?
Hi Bill , did you back over your fish with your vehicle accidentally ?
Is that a halibut
Please excuse my ignorance , would love to hear more about these various fish .


Here's a nice 62 lb cobia a friend of mine (Peppo Biscarini) shot while on my boat one day.

Scott Turgeon
How come all the fishes are bigger in America than in my place ? The cars are bigger, the roads are bigger, even the girls are bigger...

I know only two type of snappers very red and maroon kind of red. Can't remember the name in English but ours do not grow much bigger than 10 lbs.

I persoanly think cold water fishes should be better tasting tahn warm water cause the oil is plenty......like Salmon...my best fish.

I suppose you don't have this fish in America (attached ) , Hawaii maybe. Australian and Asian should know this US$100 a kg ( live one in Hong Kong restaurant ).

This fish in getting very rare, I heard last reef check, they are not seen in 85% of the reef ( most Asian tropical reef ).

Anyone want to guess ?

looks like a panther grouper. same species as the pic i put up in "creature feature" that noone got. yeah, that grey thing that looked like it was cross-eyed.



The book I have here at work sucks, it doesn't have your fish in it. But if I remember correctly it's called either a peacock grouper or leopard grouper (at least that's what the aquarium trade in the USA calls it).


Here's a pelagic for you. I've attached a picture of my first wahoo that I took in Costa Rica a couple years ago. I shot that fish with a single banded 120 cm Euro gun. That 62 lb cobia and 19 lb mutton I posted were also taken with single band Euro guns (cobia 120 cm, mutton 110 cm).
Jupiter, Fl.

I'm probably the last db member who would be expected to post spearfishing photos (can't spear in those Florida springs), but Scott T. was kind enough to host me this past weekend off the coast of Jupiter. It was great! Tons of life (and death, for the fish pictured), good viz and calm seas.

Scott T. is on the left, Mike in the middle and Erik (not Young) on the right.

Thanks guys!



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I hate Wahoo......cause I never seen one underwater:waterwork .
Nice size Sturgeon......yumy...

Scott.....Looks like ur having fun. What size is that catamaran boat on the photo ? looks cute.

Can I post my friend's photo where the fish are taken on scuba ??? Since this is a "freediving hunting" post, I think it will take me years to post anything decent to show fishes of my water......sad sad sad.
Originally posted by Iyadiver
...sad sad sad.

i was going to say no just because you said a boat was "cute"

but your prize is your prize... so post away!

OK , that dotted grouper is called


Latin Name is : Licko Sucko Bone Dry Slurp-Slurp ( the sound of me drinking the soup ...wha ha ha )

I am sure this is strictly indo-tropic fish, even the carribean might not have one. I checked with World Wildlife Fund and they say this is very tropical Asian species.

If anyone ever tasted Chinese style steamed fish in Hong Kong, this one is super delicous.......fit for a king. In my 10 years of diving, I caught less than 15 of this fish and seen less that 20 times. Now that they say (WWF ) the number its declining, I think me shoot it no more.........I'll settle for rainbow runners and red grouper.

Gee.......that is 100% the same fish. Panther grouper=Barramundi Cod. Those WWF guys must do more home work. Is this protected in USA and how do you find the taste ?

Thanks U chief.........photo is here.
OK, Here is my friend with a Spanish Mackerel ( tenggiri ). Taken in Manado ( not in the national reserve.........sorry we are law abiding bad dudes ). He is using the same 124cm S2 Riffe with Ice Pick as mine.
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