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Spearing/clarity report 2011

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Lake: Lawrence Lake (Marquette Co)

Divers: Whopperhead & Tass

Water Temp: 64

Water Vis: 15'-18'

Fish Spotted: Bass, Pike, Perch, Crappie, Bluegills, Sunfish (Pumpkin Seed)

Fish killed: 32 roughly - 20 from me and 12 or so from Tass

Lots of fish to be shot right now - Be choosy and don't shoot the ones on the beds.


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Ted (unirdna) and I were out in Waubesa on Monday and it was a bust. :head The water was clear, for Waubesa, and the temps were nice (61F), but there just weren't any fish. This is probably due to the fact that the weeds are really late coming up this spring and there is no cover for them to hide in.

Today was a different story!
I was out in Monona for a bit over 4 hours and limited out on bluegill and a few crappie. There were also a bunch of carp swimming around, but I had no where to go with them so I left them for everyone else to shoot this weekend. Water was 58F and the vis was decent enough. The outlet was NOT on and the water near it was very murky. Swimming to the east or west of it proved to be a much better choice. I also saw a bunch of fat bass, some giant walleye, and a few musky- one of which was very interested in snagging a fish off of the stringer on my waist. :martial

Here's a few pictures from today:



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Reactions: unirdna
Melia will be soooooo happy when she gets home from school. Great day, zman! Wish I could have been there.
Me and a buddy went to the outlet last night around 6pm, the wind picked up and it was super cloudy. Shot 6 small-average perch and saw a 46 in muskie right by that cable thing offshore(it let us measure it, it was so unafraid of us). Mid measurement process of the muskie it got pissed off and ran right into me headfirst as it left in no particular hurry, scared the hell out of me. Saw a bunch of nice sized carp though.
Blackhawk yielded 10 inch gills and the occasional crappie this past weekend. Vis under cloud cover averaged 15 feet, and the water was warm. Follow the weeds...
Posted via Mobile Device
Yesterday i shot 9 (all my stringer holds) crappies in half hour right around the corner from the boat landing by the fish cribs. All were at least 10in. It was super windy which kicked up a lot of muck but the vis was still around 20ft in spots. If it wasnt so windy i bet the water would be crystal clear. Im probably going back on wednesday afternoon/morning if anyone wants to go.
I drove around Lake Monona and then down to Lake Waubesa trying to find a decent spot to enter with some vis and no wind. The only spots I found were packed with fishing boats so i went back to the north shore of Monona because it had the easiest entrance and the least amount of boat traffic. After 90 minutes in the water I had about 15 fish. I want to avoid getting a parking ticket so I called it a day and went home.

Water was clear, but had a lot of particulate in it floating around from the wind. This reduced vis, but you could tell it would have been good if the wind would just die down. The temp was around 63F and the perch where out and about. I shot a few of them, as well as a bunch of nice bluegill. I didn't even see a single crappie all day long. There were also a few walleye, musky, northern, carp, bass, and drum to be found, but it looks like bluegills are what's for dinner in our house tonight.

Here's a few photos:



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Very Nice jon! I am planning on coming down to the Madison Area tomorrow to dive. Not 100% sure where at though. Will post my results. If anyone wants to meet up- send me a PM

Waubesa Lake

Water Temp: 66 - 69

Vis: 3' - 12' (depending on if you were in the wind)

I ended up shooting 12 Fish: 2 Perch, 1 Bluegill and 9 Crappies. The Bluegill is pretty huge: without measuring I would guess 10"(actual 9.75"), The Perch are around 9" and 12"(actual 11.5"). Most of the Crappies are over 12".

I went in at GOODLAND PARK and the vis sucked, so...... I swam to the other side (wind was coming from that direction) and the vis improved a lot! Just hunted the weeds, stayed away from spawning crappies. I ended up Breaking my 2nd band on my gun (1st one broke on Monday)-after shooting 9 fish - But I was prepared.................. Kind of. I had brought my super heavy RAY ODOR Polespear and 3-prong. But I forgot to bring the attachment to attach the 3-prong to the polespear. So, I thought "I'm going to try something..." I thought if I go to the bottom, hold my breath for a long time - the fish come in - then "THUMP" them in the head with the blunt end of the polespear. It worked! I got 3 more Crappies that way and it killed them instantly.

Oh, I also saw large schools of Carp! There were some real Fatty's in there!!!

Go Waubesa!


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Went out today in not so nice conditions. I had 3ft swells and bad vis until I got to the bottom of the lake in 12-15ft of water, then I had 10-12ft vis. Shot 19 fish, All with a 3 Prong Pole Spear. Water Temp was 66/67. Was in water for about 2.5 hours. I'm tired.

Bluegill measure 10.25" Biggest one I've shot - yet.


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It turns out that I was on the other end of the lake from Scott (Warner Park) and had NO waves and just as bad viz. I ended up with about a dozen fish after almost 4 hours. they just weren't as many over where I was compared to where Scott dove. I did see a ton of catfish, carp, northern, walleye, and bass- which didn't do me a bit of goof since we can't shoot any of them. :head



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I think it was at least 10 inches. I just got done eating him so I can't tell you for sure.
The crappie were also some of the biggest I've shot. I only had 9 fish, but they fed my family of four and we still have fish left over for tomorrow. Amazing how much further a few good size crappie will go.

A video I put together from one of the last times I went out. I shot a few Carp ;-)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3xzeokswPk]YouTube - ‪Carp Slayers - Wisconsin Speargun Hunters‬‏[/ame]

More Videos coming this Summer!!!
Went to Kenosha Harbor today for the Lake Michigan Perch opener. Here is my report:

Vis: 3' at surface 20'-25' at the bottom (15-25ft of depth)

Water Temp: 52/53

Air Temp: mid 70's and mostly sunny

I saw a few small groups of Perch - but none of the Perch looked to have any size to them. They were very skittish, I couldn't get close enough to get a shot. I also couldn't check the Points as Boats (2-3) sat at each point the whole freakin time! :martial

The vis right off shore was very good - 30'+ and I saw some carp there when I first got in. So, I went to shoot a few of them to keep my trip worth it. Even though it was carp- I still got to shoot something. The fish with the spear in the head is a Sucker. I would think in a Week or 2 the temps could be up or seeing as it's lake michigan, There is no system. I would think - the perch should be in the lake till the end of July.

Pic1: There shall be Blood!
Pic2: an upgrade to the flag on my Bouy
Pic3: Sucker with a spear in the head
Pic4: Lake Mich Carp getting the Shaft
Pic5: This Carp was fairly Large!! An Oldie but a Goodie.



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Nice report! What type of float do you use and how big is that flag?

I think its a RIFFE Torpedo Style Float. The flag that was on it was a 12x12. Not technically legal. So, I went with Tass's Idea and put a 2'x3' flag on there. Worked well - I think

I want to put a longer pole on there too.
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