Yep!, It's that time again!!
Your DB karma-meister and all around afficianado of things aquatic welcomes summer with another caption contest for you discerning members of Deeper Blue. New here or those static samba's got your memory a little murky? No prob, here's how it works...
You see the photo below. You come up with an original, witty and dare I say, dry title for the photo. A panel of the coolest kids on the planet, mine, will judge the entries and the winner gets a DB Tshirt!
Too good to be true you say? It's a scam? Nay to you naysayers!:rcard Peter of Longfins fame here was this last Winter's contest winner and he was seen wearing his PhatDive T shirt proudly at the 2nd getting together at Sven's AbGrab. The guy was a babe magnet! Whatta shirt! Whatta guy!
So... check out the photo, put some effort into a title and enter as often as your creative noggin will let you. Contest ends July 13, 2002 and the winner will be announced that day. All you do as the winner is tell me your size and where to send it.
You win, DB wins, it's all good!
sven DB's advocate for sheer fun and undies. :king
Your DB karma-meister and all around afficianado of things aquatic welcomes summer with another caption contest for you discerning members of Deeper Blue. New here or those static samba's got your memory a little murky? No prob, here's how it works...
You see the photo below. You come up with an original, witty and dare I say, dry title for the photo. A panel of the coolest kids on the planet, mine, will judge the entries and the winner gets a DB Tshirt!
Too good to be true you say? It's a scam? Nay to you naysayers!:rcard Peter of Longfins fame here was this last Winter's contest winner and he was seen wearing his PhatDive T shirt proudly at the 2nd getting together at Sven's AbGrab. The guy was a babe magnet! Whatta shirt! Whatta guy!
So... check out the photo, put some effort into a title and enter as often as your creative noggin will let you. Contest ends July 13, 2002 and the winner will be announced that day. All you do as the winner is tell me your size and where to send it.
You win, DB wins, it's all good!
sven DB's advocate for sheer fun and undies. :king
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