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The 2018 Guernsey Specimen Hunt & social

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
Team Tankard...team event

The Jersey boys are the current holders of the Team tankard but maybe not for long ! We can only field a team of 6 divers this year.... so there is a good chance Guernsey/Uk spearos will get their hands on our tankard! :eek:

For the benefit of the new faces, the team event is in addition to the individual competion for the OMD trophy, you choose your teams (Ideally, roughly the same sized teams) , and we compete for the Team Tankard.
Winners are the team who catches the most species, in the event of a draw, the weight of each teams best of species is totalled, and heaviest catch wins.

R Guernsey/ Uk spearos up 4 this? :)
The objective is to catch as many species as possible from a specified list of fish species. There will be two competition days – 11th August and 12th August, 2018

The overall winner will be the diver who catches the most number of individual species over the two days.**

1. All divers must sign the registration form before the competition starts & sign out before the weigh in.*

2. We request that no competitor dives the venue in the 48 hours prior to the competition

3. All divers enter the competitions and dive entirely at their own risk. There are no safety boats provided

4. Competitors must use a surface marker buoy and remain within 25m of that marker at all times. Competitors may use a floatation aid such as dive board.

5. Each diver will sign a disclaimer stating that they are aware of the rules and are taking part at entirely their own risk.

6. There will be a limit of three fish of any of the specified species per diver per day (except Bass, which will be two fish per diver per day)

7. Any diver who has signed on & but not signed out within 30 minutes after the designated weigh in time, will cause the emergency services to be alerted on their behalf. ** (**at their own cost)

8. Competitors will only be allowed to dive the designated venue and must remain within the designated dive area (a briefing detailing the dive boundaries will be given on the day)

9. All Competitors must enter and exit the competition by foot. The use of boats or any other form of vehicular transport is not permitted. During the competition, a diver may enter and leave the water as many times as they wish.

10. For safety reasons, divers are recommended not to string fish on their waist. They should attach the fish to their SMB.

11. A diver may only weigh in fish that they have caught, and only fish presented to the dive coordinators at the official weigh-in will be eligible for the competition

12. All Competitors will be responsible for their own catch. Divers must be aware that their general conduct and treatment of their catch will reflect upon other divers and may also affect how the sport of is perceived by the general public It is therefore imperative that all divers behave responsibly and ensure that all fish caught are dealt with humanely and appropriately at all times.

13. A diver must only catch fish that they can use and must ensure that no fish are wasted or taken unnecessarily
Yes I will have to emend that and what about restricting the mullet to two per person per day?
Bear in mind there are now three mullet species on the list!
I don’t really want to deal with dozens of stinkys ?
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Ok I have no success trying to contact Fernandes so Mac Tulie you are next.....
Mac has contacted me to say he does want to fish, so we are back to a full house.
The first prize will be a beautifully made custom gun donated by Spaniard.
It is quite a few years old but has never been used.
I have re sanded the gun and applied a nice new finish, it came with three 20mm bands and is around 1.3m long but it also has a very long spear, so pretty much a big game gun.
I am thinking about re banding it with two 18mm bands and fitting a slightly shorter spear.
This gun cost over £500 & has never been in the water.
Hi guys looking forward to the event again, id like to attend the meal too if possible could i have
Octopus , stake rare ,and chocolate mousse please
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I have got the new mass scallop cooker working....
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