Here's that russian site translated (with Systran) for those interested:
(the training scheme is translated in another thread)
Methods are yogi and not only the
Natalia of Molchanovo: “The procedure of training [fridajverov]”
The Natalia of Molchanovo - professional trainer on the high-speed I see underwater sport (Volgograd, Russia). Ascending star of Russian [fridajvinga]. Absolute champion of Russia of the diving into the length in the pond. On the championship Of [rosiii] during April 2003 in the diving into the length without the fin conquered with the result, which exceeds official world record, after leaving fairly behind all participants in the championship, including of men.
Attention: [fridajving] - this is the extreme form of trainings! It is categorically forbidden to be trained singly or without the care of a experienced partner. Other rules of [fridajvinga] - 20 rules of [fridajvinga]. The intensity of trainings and progress in each will be their - do not be equal to th numbers e given below!
General structure of the trainings
[Fridajving] extra-competing is completely interesting from the point of view of switching attention from the fuss to the surface of oecumenical events for the internal dissolution at rest of water. The slack floating harmonizes the relations between the reckless activity of the brain and the sat too long body, causing muscular happiness. Comfortable holding of breath softly shakes organism, activating metabolic processes. Basic difficulty consists in the mastery of the rational technology of floating, since [fridajving] assumes the maximum minimization of efforts. In the stage of familiarizing with this form of leisure it is better to turn to the instructor, who will instruct you. But the purpose of this article - to help already moved (where, they do not acknowledg) [fridajveram] in the preparation for the competitions in the dynamics -[apnoe] with the fins and without the afore-mentioned.
Each form of sport forms special morphofunctional accordion. The knowledge of laws governing training [fridajvera] proceeds from the knowledge of requirements for functions and special features of the work of neuromuscular apparatus during the floating with holding of breath. The power supply of organism occurs under the conditions of the rapidly increasing scarcity of oxygen, and the compensatory activation of anaerobic glycolysis (production of energy without the participation of oxygen) leads to the accumulation to the toxic level of lactic acid. Basic problem of [fridajvinga] - loss of the consciousness as a result of stalling the adaptive- compensating abilities of the brain by against the background inadequate to its reserve possibilities to load. This occurs as a result of the combination of the high level of the metabolic activity of the cells of brain, low reserves of oxygen and small reserve of high-energy phosphates. Whereas muscles contain the myoglobin, which joins oxygen in ' of times of more rapid than hemoglobin, and if necessary are used organic matter for restoring the adenosine triphosphoric acid, splitting by which occurs with the release of energy, so desired for all cells. Therefore the brain, not guilty in this discrimination and not containing “[nejroglobina]”, is disconnected from servicing of unreasonable body, which briskly [rvjotsja] into the underwater gave. Hence emerges the primary task of training [fridajvera] - increase in the stability to hypoxia (reduced oxygen content), first of all, of brain due to the reorganization all life-support systems by means of the mobilization of the number of earlier than inactive genes.
In practice this means that the preference of [otdajotsja] not to maximum distances with holding of breath during the training, which leads to the development of guardian braking in the central nervous system (CNS), but to series from the short sections, which gradually move aside the threshold of fall CNS into the brake state. Thus, if your limit -70 of meters, then more effectively to float series on 25 and 50 meters, and not to attempt to shock those surrounding by its unrestrained will and to dive to 75 meters.
The fulfillment of exercises leads to the expense of the energy resources of organism, which, in turn, leads to the making more active of reduction processes. With sufficient leisure they are characterized by the phase of super-restoration, which is accompanied by the super-compensation of the structural- energy resources of organism. If you swam today 8[kh]25 of meters by breast stroke under water with leisure of 40 seconds, tomorrow organism, possibly, still will not be set right from this impact, but here day after tomorrow it will hesitate in thought, but that if amusement is repeated and just in case will be prepared fully armed: will increase a quantity of energy sources, whose scarcity during the fulfillment of work is the biological stimulator of the genetic apparatus of cell; will change the permeability of the membranes of mitochondria and the effectiveness of their functions (certain structures in the cells, where it occurs mysterious energy release); the activity of the synthesizing and oxidizing ferments will increase; the synthesis of nuclein acids and proteins, which ensure the formation of all structural changes, activates.
Because of this high adaptive changeability of cells occurs the adaptation to the load. In this case the value and the directivity of reduction processes depends on the nature of work and depth of biochemical shifts. Thus, result is determined not by training load, but by reaction of organism for the load.
For a increase in the functional possibilities of organism training [fridajvera] must be directed toward raising the level of maximum oxygen intake, and also the ability to continue work under the stacking conditions of maximum oxygen debt. The quantity of oxygen, which the organism is capable to utilize, is determined:
- by ventilation system,
- by the level of the functioning of cardiovascular system,
- by the system of the blood, by the woven utilization of oxygen.
The indices of maximum oxygen debt depend on:
- the power of fermentative systems,
- the reserves of organic matter,
- capability for the compensation for shifts in the internal medium of organism and level of woven adaptation to the conditions for hypoxia and hypercapnia (increased carbon-dioxide content).
The methods of the training are selected on the basis of these requirements:
Remote floating - continuous floating with the [urezhjonnym] respiration. It is directed toward a improvement in the entering, the transport, the utilization of oxygen. Floating 400, 800 meters crawl stroke- inhalation for each shch;" raker, or by breast stroke - respiration through 1;2 cycles, or floating with [monolastoj] - inhalation through e;4 cycles. With the excessive zeal, caused first whether by patriotic feelings, then whether from the love for the sufferings, after long distance can appear headaches. In the opinion some researchers because of the contraction of the vessels of brain. Others are counted, as a result of their expansion (not researchers, but vessels). Therefore it is first better to crush distance: 4[kh]100[m] by crawl stroke, inhalation on is 5th 1 raker; then 2[kh]200[m], 400[m], 2[kh]400[m]. will not pass and 3- X of months, as 800[m] with this rhythm respiration will seem by real [bezdelitsej]. But we will not weaken and on by something rest. Us [zhdjot] a series of 6[kh]100[m]. with the inhalation for each " 1 raker, and is further, as usual, float- know. To count, of course, is tedious, difficult to be hooked on the outside thought (but its- that and completely not you [najdjosh]), then always ready answer to a question of friend - about than you you do think? - Jan I think, I count.
The exercises of variable nature rapidly activate the systems of respiration and blood circulation. After 1- GO of section is formed th oxygen debt e moderate in the value, which is liquidated during the free floating, aerobic processes (power supply with the use of oxygen) manage to be developed according to the power and 2-1 section pass against the background intensive aerobiosis (something opposite to anabiosis). 400[m]- (25[m] by breast stroke the diving + of 75[m] by crawl stroke freely), or 600[m] with the fins - (25[m] diving + 25 floating with the free respiration). This method is irreplaceable for the ponds, in which they love [nenavjazchivo] to worry about the hardening of population.
Interval training - [proplyvanie] of short sections with holding of breath and with the small interval of leisure. It is directed toward a increase in the functional possibilities of heart, and the products of anaerobic disintegration, which are formed with the work, serve as the powerful stimulator of respiratory processes. Therefore in first 10-30 seconds of leisure oxygen intake and productivity of heart are increased. If repeated loading at that moment when these indices are still high, then from the repetition to the repetition of [rastjot] oxygen intake. After reaching of limiting values (as a rule, after 4- GO of section) it is established on this level. 8[kh]25[m] diving by breast stroke or with the fins, leisure of 10 slow inhalation- expirations. Gradually it is possible (if carefully), to bring a series to 16[kh]25[m], then again to begin from 8 repetitions, but to decrease leisure to 9 inhalations (slow!) and again to bring to 16 times. And so on, and so forth. Is here important to attain stably comfortable state, so that the soul would not suffer, [vidja], as body it suffers.