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Tip of the day,

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Don't use a petrol jerry can to keep soapy water in, to put your wetsuit on with! Cos one day you will pick up the wrong can and wash yourself down with it! Wasn't me but it's been done!
if you are in a beautiful place and you see some litter dont just tutt! pick it up and put it in your pocket:)
if you are in a beautiful place and you see some litter dont just tutt! pick it up and put it in your pocket:)

And if you see someone dropping litter, pick it up, run after them and stuff it in their pocket, saying 'excuse me I think you dropped this'.
If they protest, head-butt them really hard, it's only being cruel to be kind and better for them in the long run. :)

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Dont forget your stringer now repeat that 3 times before you go to bed and 3 times when you get up

I left it at home on Fridays dive and todays dive,,,unbelievable how important a piece of string and a spike can be.

I got a lovely bass on the one dive that I forgot my stringer, so I unclipped my float line from my gun, threaded it in through the mouth and out the gills, pulled the bass all the way up to the float and then tied a knot so it couldn't slip back down the line. Instant stringer!

And handy hint number two: although I know that everybody knows about the trick of using soapy water to get into your suit, I hadn't tried it until yesterday, and it honestly saved me about 5 minutes! Couldn't believe how effective it is! So if you haven't already tried it, try it now. Even better, make up a thermos flask of hot soapy water and use that before and after diving so you don't have to drive home smelling of piss. :inlove
And if you see someone dropping litter, pick it up, run after them and stuff it in their pocket, saying 'excuse me I think you dropped this'.
If they protest, head-butt them really hard, it's only being cruel to be kind and better for them in the long run. :)

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Right on brother!!!
I got a lovely bass on the one dive that I forgot my stringer, so I unclipped my float line from my gun, threaded it in through the mouth and out the gills, pulled the bass all the way up to the float and then tied a knot so it couldn't slip back down the line. Instant stringer!

And handy hint number two: although I know that everybody knows about the trick of using soapy water to get into your suit, I hadn't tried it until yesterday, and it honestly saved me about 5 minutes! Couldn't believe how effective it is! So if you haven't already tried it, try it now. Even better, make up a thermos flask of hot soapy water and use that before and after diving so you don't have to drive home smelling of piss. :inlove

I take a large clean water container with me to the beach filled with just hot water. I put the soap in the suit then shake it up. When I get back after I put more hot water down my neck and the suit comes off really easily. Finally i have enough left for basically a short mega burst shower with the remaining 10 litres. Get in the car fresh smelling at least!

If I croaked it while under water fat john the pikey would only end up nicking me boat and my Mrs wouldn’t like that one bit.:):)rofl:):)
And if you see someone dropping litter, pick it up, run after them and stuff it in their pocket, saying 'excuse me I think you dropped this'.
If they protest, head-butt them really hard, it's only being cruel to be kind and better for them in the long run. :)

These views are not necessarily endorsed by db and maybe illegal.

Good stuff, best advice yet.
back onto the float line, if you dont have a bag and you find a lobbie its very easy to tie them to your line. make a loop and knot it tightly around the tail. As you can see from the pic, be careful how close you tie them to the float, as they don't enjoy it, hence the slightly deflated float.

Also think I have the wrong flag on my float, what colour should it be?


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Re: Tip of the day: Filleting knives - sharpen v. strop

I've been learning about sharpening recently, and doing a lot of sharpening. Which leads me to a suggestion for recreational spearos and anglers (rather than professional fish filleters):

1. Good filleting knives (e.g. Rapala, Finland) come very sharp from the factory. So don't try to sharpen it unless the blade is visibly damaged or worn and you know what you are doing - instead strop it regularly (e.g. before & after each use). If you maintain the edge in this way, you may not need to sharpen it for years, if ever. (My main filleting knife is 30+ years old.)

Most kitchen and pocket sharpeners are not good for flat "Scandi"-grind bevels as they create a blunter secondary bevel (which is easier to sharpen but not as sharp). Stones can scratch the (often engraved) blade.

2. You can make a good, effective strop from a piece of old leather/suede glued to a flat piece of wood. I use rough pig skin from my old skin welder's gauntlets glued right around a flat piece of wood and 1"-2" (2.5-5cm) wide. Old belt leather is a traditional option. I use 2 strops, first one with autosolv (chrome cleaning paste) as a grinding/polishing paste and then a clean strop to finish - the bevel is usually smooth and shiny afterwards.

3. Stropping is intended to straighten the edge (sometimes removing excess burr) - so strop towards and across the edge (i.e. don't cut into the strop - that's the wrong direction).

4. Don't try to cut bones with a filleting knife (caught the wife trying that :( ) - use a serrated edge on a heavier blade or saw for that.
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Don't lend newbie friends all your spare gear, take them to your favourite spearo spots and teach them basic techniques..... You will be embarrassed/ashamed when back at
YOUR car and they have out fished you.
My top tip for the day - instead of using soap/conditioner/wetsuit lube, simply turn your long-johns inside out and 'peel' them on from the ankles up, turning them the right way as you go. No struggling into your suit and no messy lube. Brilliant.
A serious tip:

When using a weight harness/vest. Attach a small piece of cord with a ball (rubber/cork/plastic) onto the bottom of the vest. This then tucks under the weightbelt to stop the vest raising above your head whilst diving down, but allows the belt to be dropped without snagging on the weight best in an emergency.
When spearing cuttlefish or squid don't let the monster slide down the spear and onto your hand!
Do not shoot jumbo mullet that are dangling down on a stringer from your buddies float
Go on eBay and buy 1000 meters of 250lb mono and a pack of 100 crimps for £5.99
Crikey this thread is still going?!
Ok as I am back I will give two tips.. firstly dont try to stop 42,000psi of water with your hand, it makes a mess and stops you diving for a LONG time!

Serious one now.. use your old gun rubbers cut up as covers for your speartips, stringer and other pointy things. Can always tie them off to save loosing them if needed (I have one tied off with a dyneema wishbone to my weightbelt for my stringer.)

always string mullet through eyes. will not come off stringer. so many ppl think that gill plate is fine until they get out with no fish
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