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Vertical Blue 2009

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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I would like to be Linda's underling. She can pace the room uttering her threats and cackling madly and I will be her pitiful typist and wash her dive gear.

And maybe someday I can approach her mastery of the piquant and the gonzo.

"Yes, masters, fetch brains... errrrrrr..... errr......"
oh, my god, now you people really make me want to be there, since over here i run out of people to abuse.
i only got customers here these days, and i cannot take the piss until they pay, which is usually just before they leave.

by the way, laminar, you so understand my needs. a masochistic slave is exactly what i want.

sara, send you lots of congrats and hugs. but please, have one of your sponsors to pay for my trips as your official reporter. and i won't ever write anything nasty about you. my dad taught me never to abuse anybody shorter than a gas stove.

hahahahha gas stove? where on earth did you come up with that? sara for the record, i think you are taller than a stove. gas stoves wouldnt be allowed to ride the dogdy rides at fun parks. im sure you are.

(and sara, yes, im doing ok:) trying to get into the ngo biz. not so easy. i might be coming for 2 weeks if i can find a cheap ticket. so maybe i'll see you.)
You know, prior to all this, short people really hadn't occurred to me.
...and........and it's Linda's birthday today! :)
I'll raise my glass :friday and whip my slave :martial in honour of the deepest Italian woman ever per saecula saeculorum. :)
miss li - i forgot! thx spaghetti for reminding us!!

so have a good one missy..its all downhill for you from now on :))) i will bring you a crutch when i come!
just got done looking at Linda's website. The shaking has mostly stopped - and a dive in 2c water helped with the rest.
did somebody say "pole spear"? yesterdays session just behind the blue hole


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That does it. Next time I'm bringing a pole spear. Do you have any advice on the best type?
hey fondi!
long and pointy? you should see the thing that Herbert is building, could take a whale out, once he finds a way to launch it...

i am using and abusing Leo's fancy carbon fiber Hawaiian creation, (pole spear, not Hawaiian sling, confused?) They are all very simple and intuitive really, even the 50 buck ebay ones would work a treat. sure beats local supermarket priced protein.
thanks, I know the diff. Hawaiian slings would be bad around here - soft, silty bottom - dropped objects rapidly vanish.
I saw some beautiful pole spears at the Omer Hatteras open - they were from japan and were nearly 4 meters long. They used a single band - not looped.

I know that place where you guys were diving. I stayed at the Blue Hole Villa when I was there - 5 minute walk to the hole or the place with the Gazebo (turtle cove or something?) The only reason to get in a car was to get water and food.

turtle bay (cove?), thats the one, only shade for miles, swim out through the waves at the back and into the ocean and your golden.

The Blue Hole villa is full of the nicest Italian safety divers you can imagine. BTW I should be dead (frank, leo, megumi, cristina and walid too) having eaten that AJ according to most around here. Ciguatera. It was a rest day today so nobody would have noticed.
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Yep, lovely spot. I'll bring bifins next time - surf with a mono is a bit challenging.

Is there a way to check for ciguatera?
Back to the action....

No fewer than three Canadian national records in jeopardy tomorrow.

Jana, William and Eric!

Here here! Hats off to Will T for bringing this all together too - he's doing an amazing job and diving all the while as well. Going for 88m cnf today!
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Wow... Herbert Nitsch just did 114m

and Will T blacked out.... on CNF 88m


Cant wait to hear details!


And Fattah + Ryouzo didnt dive?
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Davide Davide Davide! big smiles, no packing and a mask! 96M
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