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Webinar - Freediving Q&A session

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
i have no clue what to do in order to watch it..shame, was looking forward to it:head
i have no clue what to do in order to watch it..shame, was looking forward to it:head
Matt this session was recorded , thank you very much for contributing ,a diver of your quality greatly contributes to these sessions.
In your particular case I would emphasize empty lung sprints in the pool. The dry exercise with the tera bands and of course hill repeats which do not only improve lactic tolerance in the legs ,it is not that localised . The length of each individual sprint at the start of the season might be the expected time of your dive at the end of the season it might be 10 secs . This is actually more intense as the speed is greater and the recovery much shorter.. Wishing you good luck and if you try any of this let me know how it goes.
The length of each individual sprint at the start of the season might be the expected time of your dive at the end of the season it might be 10 secs . This is actually more intense as the speed is greater and the recovery much shorter..

I'm in the process of doing my plan for next few months and for sure I will implement some of the exercises.
Can You write more clearly quoted sentence? Cause it doesn't make much sense to me atm.
He says he will
he's cooking at the moment, but later he will. :t
Matt can we possibly discuss this on email ? I hesitate to discuss some things on a public forum as they may not be appropriate for everybody.Can you send me an email address or as I am the world's slowest typist and request to by added to my SKYPE contacts then we can chat any time you see me on line ,or by prior arrangement . My SKYPE name is aharonsolomons.
Thanks for sharing your insights, I hope I can fix my motorcycle soon, so I can quit the 10x 20km a bicycling week to my two jobs. It is very taxing, and I don't like to do it anyway.

It's interesting you recommend apnea-sprints and CO2 tolerance increase.
Before I had the two jobs, I could do a 3'30 to 4' CO2 schedule. Also I'm pretty good at 16x50 (though then I'm not exactly sprinting), doing it in 12'43" with a speed of about 30-31 sec / 50m. I recognise that your sprints must be all outs.
At the moment my apnea training is nearly not present, but as soon as my transportation problem is fixed I'll have much more energy and look forward to commencing some serious training.

I whole hearty agree with the smiling!

Thank you!
The next webinar on wednesday the 8th May will be at 2130 hrs (GMT +2) ,half an hour later than usual The first part will be addressing equalisation at depth and then the 2nd part will answer any questions that come up from the first part.
Aharon just came from Dahab today And tomorrow (19/06/13), as promised, we'll have the webinar! Waiting for your questions!
I am just starting freediving. I did dive for fun last summer then did sport through the winter and now want to get back in. Being young i have time on my hands but not sure if a freediving school is worth it. I was able to descend down to 20m with scuba fins and pretty large mask but now i am fitter but not sure about depth so much. So is a course worth it?
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