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2008 World team championship - Sharm el Sheik

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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And I combined male and female results for STA and for the current totals (CWT+STA) into these tables:

Note that some countries have only the male team. Fins, despite having only one team are above the UK with both. And Greeks, also with only male team are even higher, above both Germany and the UK with two teams
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The finnish managed to do world class statics in this pool, as did Mullins. How will it work for dynamic. Will any kiwis turn on 225? Will the danes turn on 200?

Its warm, its done during the sunny hours (as opposed to STA that was done at night). And what about the "shelf" and the shallow part of the 25 meter pool spoiling any attempts of consistent weighting.

Freedive news from f.biz
Also wanted to say to Team Kiwi - cheering for you all the way, but no pressure ( bad pun) .

Seriously, though, you were considered among the favourites coming into this and that's a significant expectation to deal with. You are up against some pretty experienced competitors and they won't go without a fight.

Looking forward to the pool results, even if Dave can only manage 245m in dynamic.

Have fun, guys!

Looks like everything will be decided in the last 25 minutes for the men.
Giankos, Stepanek and Maldame all swims in the end.

Aida general meeting:
Looks like next Indoor will be in Denmark 17-22 aug 2009
Maybe teams 2010 in Japan.
Kirk still wants 4 man teams.
Stig still hates most of the rules.
Lotta wants to grab the edge.
Sebastian has lots of opinions.
Bill likes to do the talking.
e t c

AA red sea offered to do the next three depth world championship - Aida board said no (assembly decision). Offer withdrawn.
I would like to clarify what Sebastian wrote, AA Red Sea has sent the request last february for all the WC in 2009/2010/2011 to the President of AIDA, that democratically has decided to keep the request and don't send to the AIDA Board, telling us that the board will have decided after this Team WC. A few days ago, considering that the development strategy of our sport is not in line between us and AIDA we have decided to withdraw the request. So our demand was not rejected from the assembly as Sebastian say's but it was withdrawn before that your President informed you of our request.

Yep Sebastian ...

Very nice stuff about the worlds on your site. Always a pleasure going there. Really interesting stuff.

Now, too bad the organisers couldn't do it themselves ... same story as last year.

No pics, no footage, no info, late results ... c'est dommage !

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Dear Francisco, we had some problem with the results of Constant, for the static the results were on line in the same time that the captain has received the official results.... footage and pics? we know to be the organaizer just 7 months before the event... You should thank that there is a site and an organizer with this kind of system... Try to organize your self than talk!!

We have never met - but you get a big hug and a free noodle for being so f@ck1ng funny!

Okay, I'll come to Freedive Dahab already and join in the tomfoolery. Or should it be Tomlindarey? Lindfoolery? Lindalindarey?

Keep the blog posts coming - this is the real Worlds.

Hi Ricky, everything ok in Sharm ?

No doubt you are a very nice person and it is also true that I had great great fun being in the worlds last year in Sharm. Honnestly ...

Now, I am a bit surprised to see that just like last year everybody is fighting to have some info about what is going on in Egypt. So we have deeperblue here....some blogs here and there, but nothing at all on the official website.

But actually you must be right. You "ONLY" had seven month to organise the comp.

keep on with good working.

Linda, you could have a huge career as a journalist great reports. Well done to the UK team.
Yes, it is ok...
The problem is not the 7 month to organize, but is ONLY 7 month, as you wrote to find the budget.... Usually big companies prepare their budget for the following year on september/october, if you go to them and ask for sponsorship in march/april the answer is : TO LATE!!! Small budget less persons working, and in this case I prefere to give maximum effort for the athletes.
If we want really to change the things we have to change the system... this is my opinion... may be wrong...
@Linda: great blog, it's funny and also gives a different angle, as somebody wrote you should consider a career as journalist - first dive some more though. Keep it coming, and good luck with Johan...

@Sebastian: thanks also to you for the additional info. Next TeamWC in Japan, yeah!!! Finally an interesting place to spend 2 weeks in! I'll try to be in shape by then.

Re: Ricky and the organization. Frankly I think that Ricky is doing a great job, all considered. Apart from the first 2 days, we had the results posted regularly. Don't forget that it's Sharm, not Vancouver or Maribor. You have to have been there to know how the internet is, and you have to consider that he and the others are busy all day and late into the night on the field. Ricky was posting the static results around midnight their time, and early in the morning they had to be up and running again. Same reason why all the technologically advanced athletes there don't write more emails, post more blogs and upload more nice videos. Those who can do that have nothing else to do like Linda or Sebastian... (joking).
If the accent is on a fast-paced information, then the Champs should not have been in Sharm in the first place.

Anyway, I think that there is enough results and information coming in thanks to everybody's contribution, and sitting comfortably where I am I wouldn't ask for more. Looking forward to a DYN record by Dave and to a nice head-to-head finals for the men! :thankyou
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