Ah, maneuverability of a mono and spearfishing, my kind of subject. For spearing, its tricky. You can do large turns with a mono quite quickly, its the small adjustments that get you. I could not get a traditional mono to work for either type of agility. too much surface area combined with having to keep the feet together, I think. The Dol-fin, with its tiny surface area, gets much closer. It takes some learning, but I can spearfish with it. Not as agile as bifins, but close enough. Put that together with the other advantages of a mono and its a winner.
I've followed this thread and the lunocet, closely, wondering how it would compare. The fin was originally so small that it looked like it should have similar agility to the Dol-fin. Sounds like the efficiency and slow speed issues with the classic luno have been solved, at least mostly, in the pro. But that was at the cost of making the blade much bigger, closer to a traditional mono. That has to have some effect on limiting agility. Nobody else out there that I know of is doing my kind of diving with a luno, so I'll just have to get one myself or wait for a kindred spirit.